4.1.2. Explicit Dynamics Solver Controls

Solve Units  

All model inputs will be converted to this set of units during the solve. Results from the analysis will be converted back to the user units system in the GUI.

For Explicit Dynamics systems, this setting is always mm, mg, ms.

For LS-DYNA this field is termed Unit System and seven systems are available for selection: nmm; μmks; Bft; Bin; mks; cgs; mm,ms,kg.

Beam Solution Type Bending Any line bodies will be represented as beam elements including a full bending moment calculation.NoNo
Truss Any line bodies will be represented as truss elements. No bending moments are calculated.
Beam Time Step Safety Factor  An additional safety factor you may apply to the stability time step calculated for beam elements. The default value ensures stability for most cases.NoNo
Hex Integration Type Exact Provides an accurate calculation of element volume, even for warped elements. NoNo
1pt Gauss Approximates the volume calculation and is less accurate for elements featuring warped faces. This option is more efficient.
Shell Sublayers  The number of integration points through the thickness of an isotropic shell. The default of 3 is suitable for many applications; however, this number can be increased to achieve better resolution of through thickness plastic deformation and/or flow.NoNo
Shell Shear Correction Factor  The transverse shear in the element formulation is assumed constant over the thickness. This correction factor accounts for the replacement of the true parabolic variation through the thickness in response to a uniform transverse shear stress. Using a value other than the default is not recommended.NoNo
Shell BWC Warp Correction  The Belytschko-Lin-Tsay element formulation becomes inaccurate if the elements are warped. To overcome this, the element formulation has an optional correction to include warping. Setting this correction to Yes is recommended.NoNo
Shell Thickness Update Nodal Changes in shell thickness are calculated at the nodes of shell elements.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Elemental Changes in shell thickness are calculated at the element integration points.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Tet Integration Average Nodal Pressure The tetrahedral element formulation includes an average nodal pressure integration. This formulation does not exhibit volumetric locking, and can be used for large deformation, and nearly incompressible behavior such as plastic flow or hyperelasticity. This formulation is recommended for the majority of tetrahedral meshes.NoNo
Constant Pressure Uses the constant pressure integrated tetrahedral formulation. This formulation is more efficient than Average Nodal, however it suffers from volumetric locking under constant bulk deformation.
Nodal Strain

When Tet Integration is set to Nodal Strain the Puso Stability Coefficient, field is shown.

For NBS models exhibiting zero energy modes, the Puso coefficient can be set to a non-zero value. A value of 0.1 is recommended. See Solver Controls for more information.

Shell Inertia Update Recompute The principal axes of rotary inertia are by default recalculated each cycle.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA

Rotate Rotates the axes, rather than recomputing each cycle. This option is more efficient; however, it can lead to numerical instabilities due to floating point round-off for long running simulations.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Density Update Program Controlled The solver decides whether an incremental update is necessary based on the rate and extent of element deformation.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Incremental Forces the solver to always use the incremental update.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Total Forces the solver to always recalculate the density from element-volume and mass.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Minimum Timestep for SPH

Sets the minimum allowed timestep for SPH nodes. If any SPH node has a timestep smaller than this value, then the analysis will terminate with error timestep too small.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

No No
Minimum Density Factor for SPH

Use this to set the limits for any SPH node in the model. The minimum density will be the product of this value and the reference density of the SPH node material.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

No No
Maximum Density Factor for SPH

Use this to set the limits for any SPH node in the model. The maximum density will be the product of this value and the reference density of the SPH node material.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

No No
Density Cutoff Option for SPH Limit Density

If an SPH node reaches the density limit specified by the Minimum Density Factor for SPH or the Maximum Density Factor for SPH, then the density of that SPH node will be set to the value of the corresponding limit.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

No No
Delete Node

If an SPH node reaches the density limit specified by the Minimum Density Factor for SPH or the Maximum Density Factor for SPH, then that SPH node will be deleted from the analysis.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Minimum Velocity  The minimum velocity you want to allow in the analysis. If any model velocity drops below this Minimum Velocity, it will be set to zero. The default is recommended for most analyses.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Maximum Velocity  The maximum velocity you want to allow in the analysis. If any model velocity rises above the Maximum Velocity, it will be capped. This can improve the stability/robustness of the analysis in some instances. The default is recommended for most analyses.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Radius Cutoff  At the start of your calculation, if a node is within the specified radius of a symmetry plane, it will be placed on the symmetry plane. If a node is outside the specified radius from a symmetry plane at the start of your calculation, it will not be allowed to come closer than this radius to the symmetry plane as your calculation proceeds.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Minimum Strain Rate Cutoff  The minimum strain rate you want to allow in the analysis. If any model strain rate drops below this value, it will be set to zero. The default is recommended for most analyses. For low speed or quasi-static analyses, it may be necessary to decrease this value.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Detonation Point Burn Type Program Controlled (Default) For 3D analyses, uses indirect path computation; for 2D analyses, uses a direct path computation.YesNo
Indirect Burn Detonation paths are computed by an indirect method that follows straight line segments connecting centers of cells containing explosives.YesNo
Direct Burn Detonation paths are computed by finding a direct path through explosive regions.YesNo