Reviewing Fluid-Fluid Interfaces

Prerequisites: From File > Settings > Physics select Show fluid-to-fluid interfaces under Workflow Options. You must restart Discovery for the change to take effect.

Discovery automatically detects and creates fluid-fluid interfaces in simulations with multi-body fluid regions. Reviewing the interfaces allows you to control the detection distance and visually diagnose the overlapping faces. Decreasing the detection distance enforces a tighter tolerance for detecting whether faces are touching or not. Using a smaller detection distance usually removes any spurious faces that may be overlapping with another condition or interface. These fluid-fluid interfaces can be reviewed by double-clicking the automatically created condition under Fluid-Fluid Interfaces in the physics tree. Alternatively, under Review on the Simulation tab, select Default Fluid-Fluid Interfaces to load the Interface Review tool. Each interface pair is shown in the model as a single dot.

  1. Review the automatically generated interfaces between the fluid regions. The total number of generated interface pairs appears on the right side of the HUD. Each interface pair is shown in the model as a single small marker.
  2. Hover over one of the spherical identifiers, Discovery highlights the surface of the interface pair. Select an identifier to show the interface pair and total number of interfaces.
    Note: Selecting an additional marker does not deselect previously selected pairs.
  3. Select the interface pair you want to review.

    The Interface Review tool allows you to review all interface pairs on selected primary bodies or primary faces . Narrow the review further by selecting a secondary body to review only interface pairs between the secondary body and any primary body. You can also select a secondary face to review only interface pairs between the secondary face and any primary face. You can also ALT-select the secondary locations.

  4. (Optional) To exclude an interface from automatic detection, select the dot representing the interface and click Exclude from interface detection .
  5. Optionally, specify the maximum distance of interface detection to be used in the Max field for Detection distance.
  6. By default, interface faces are grouped by body. You can choose to group them by other topologies, like tangent faces, or to apply no grouping so that interfaces are created on all interface faces.