Fluid Flow Conditions

Fluid flow conditions are used to define bodies where flow effects are simulated, optionally including effects, such as buoyancy and wall friction. The fluid flow setup should represent sensible engineering assumptions of the true conditions and therefore should be considered carefully when defining the simulation. You can define your problem by explicitly setting the following fluid condition types:

Flow An opening where fluid is entering or exiting the simulation.
Fans A two-dimensional intake and exhaust fan used to model the flow of air into or out of a system.
Walls The representation of a solid or other barrier that prevents any fluid flow. It can be used without defining the solid geometry, or where the geometry is modeled. You can define the interaction of the fluid with this barrier.
Porous A porous medium, such as a filter or packed bed, modeled as a momentum loss, the magnitude of which involves resistance coefficients.
Rotating Fluid Zones A fluid zone that is rotating as a result of moving parts (such as rotating blades, impellers, and similar types of moving surfaces).

To apply a fluid flow condition to your model, select Fluid Flow in the ribbon of the Simulation tab and choose the condition type.

For applications that encounter compressibility effects, see Compressible Flows.

To parameterize fluid flow conditions, see Physics Conditions Available as Parameters.