Fidelity Auto Generation for Electromagnetics

For electromagnetic simulations, select Auto Generate, on the Simulation tab, to set the geometry to apply automatic mesh sizing and generation of local fidelities. Select the geometry where you want to create local fidelity. You can select bodies, faces or edges. But fidelities are only created on conductors if the resulting size is less than the Minimum size under Global. View and edit the resulting local fidelities in the Physics Tree. Hover over to highlight the geometry and right-click to modify each local sizing object. You can replace location, edit value, delete and rename the local fidelity. You can also add a note.

Note: For all selected faces of conducting materials, the edges are sorted into contiguous collections. If there are multiple collections, the minimum separation between the collections is applied as a constraint to the face. For each edge in the selection region, if its length is less than the Minimum size (specified under Global on the Simulation tab), the edge length is applied as a constraint to the edge.
Note: For each face in the selection region, a local fidelity is created with size as the minimum distance between the face's loops or the minimum distance between edges for a single loop.