22.3. Subscript Equation Symbols

The table below shows the conventions used in this document for subscript equation symbols.

Table 22.3: Subscript Symbols




Denotes reference condition

Normal Shock Equations

Denotes condition before the incident shock

Normal Shock Equations

Denotes condition immediately behind incident shock

Normal Shock Equations

Denotes condition immediately behind reflected shock

Normal Shock Equations

Denotes reaction index, ionic species index, or inlet index.

Gas-phase Chemical Rate Expressions, Surface Chemical Rate Expressions , Homogeneous 0-D Reactor Models , Stagnation-Flow and Rotating-Disk CVD

Grid-point index

1-D Premixed Laminar Flames


Reactor index in network

Homogeneous 0-D Reactor Models, Boundary-layer Channel Flow , Opposed-flow and Stagnation Flames , Stagnation-Flow and Rotating-Disk CVD

Species index

Gas-phase Chemical Rate Expressions, Surface Chemical Rate Expressions , Gas-phase Species Transport Properties , Homogeneous 0-D Reactor Models , 1-D Premixed Laminar Flames , Stagnation-Flow and Rotating-Disk CVD

Denotes materials index

Homogeneous 0-D Reactor Models

Phases index

Surface Chemical Rate Expressions, Homogeneous 0-D Reactor Models


Species index for a non-polar species

Gas-phase Species Transport Properties

Species index for a non-polar species

Gas-phase Species Transport Properties

Denotes condition at the wall

Normal Shock Equations