8.5. Plasma Systems

The treatment of plasmas with the Plasma Reactor or the Closed Plasma Reactor model requires that power is deposited uniformly into the plasma bulk or, alternatively, that the electrons’ diffusion and thermal conduction transport processes are fast relative to the rates of electron-driven chemical kinetics. In addition, we assume that the chemical reaction rate coefficients are independent of reactor conditions. This assumption may be invalid in the case where the electron energy distribution function deviates significantly from Maxwellian conditions. [59] However, modeling plasma systems in this manner still provides important insight into the reactor chemistry [72] , [73] , [74] , [75] , [76] . Finally, the characterization of a quasi neutral bulk plasma depends on a thin-sheath approximation, where the sheath thickness is much smaller than the reactor-chamber dimensions.

In this section we describe the equations and formulations specific to homogeneous plasma reactor models.