On the surface sites or phases, we can describe the chemical state in terms
of an array of surface species site fractions, . Surface site fractions are also often referred to as "site coverages."
Like gas-species fractions, surface site fractions become dependent variables in the
chemically reacting-flow problem when multiple surface site species are included in the
chemistry set.
The array of surface site fractions is of length . It is composed of
sections containing the site fractions of each of the species on a given
site (phase)
. The site
fractions on each site are normalized, such that
(2–2) |
The sum in Equation 2–2
runs from the first species in
phase to the last species in phase
. The surface molar
concentration of a species is then
(2–3) |
where is the density of
sites of phase
(in moles/cm2) and
is the number of sites that each species
occupies. Note that Equation 2–3
assumes that the surface site
density is constant as a function of time. It is possible to override this requirement in
the surface chemistry reaction set, in which case use of this equation should ensure that
the correct value of
is used. Non-conservation of sites is discussed further in Surface Site Non-conservation
For the sake of parallelism, we adopt the nomenclature for bulk species:
(2–4) |
Surface Kinetics takes the approach that the
activity, , of bulk species
is used in all chemical rate expressions. In the limiting case of an ideal
solution, the activity of a species is equal to its
mole fraction. However, Surface
Kinetics does not explicitly evaluate the relationship between
bulk mole
fraction and the
bulk activities. In most existing Ansys Chemkin executables,
ideal solutions are assumed when bulk mixtures are present, although it is recognized that
this approximation is often not a good one. Typically bulk activities become dependent
variables in the reacting-flow problem only if there are more than one bulk species in any
one bulk phase.