4.11. Surface Site Non-conservation

Most current Ansys Chemkin Reactor Models do not accommodate situations where the surface site density is not constant for a specific surface-site phase. However, It is possible for a user to write their own programs that include equations for performing site-density balances where a non-zero net rate of production of surface sites is allowed. In such cases, it is possible that a given surface reaction (or reactions) will not conserve the number of surface sites. When sites are not conserved, the density of sites is not necessarily a constant. One must then be sure to use the correct value of in relationships such as Equation 2–3 , which relating a site fraction and a surface molar concentration. It may be necessary to add equations to calculate the current value of the total site concentration of each surface phase. Because surface site non-conservation is an issue that can alter the basic governing equations of the system, we require that one acknowledge its use by adding a keyword on the REACTIONS line (REACTIONS Line Options of the Chemkin Input Manual Input Manual). It is up to the user's program to ensure that the current site concentrations are correct. Subroutines SKRAT, SKRATI, which return an array of species production rates, also return an array of surface phase production rates, which would all be zero if sites are conserved in every reaction.

In the case where the user overrides the default of site conservation, the production rate (in moles/cm2 /sec) for each surface phase is given by:




Here, the term is the net change in the number of surface sites of type for surface reaction .