Auxiliary Reaction Data is entered in lines immediately following the Reaction Data for a specific reaction path. The format of an auxiliary information line is a character-string keyword followed by a
slash-delimited (/
) field, which begins and ends with a slash ( / ), and which contains an appropriate number of parameters (either integer, floating point, or "E" format).
These data or keywords are used to indicate different reaction-rate expressions, units, pressure-dependency, and other ways in which the reaction behavior may be modified. Table 3.8: Summary of the Rules for Auxiliary Reaction Data provides detailed information about the meaning and usage of each auxiliary keyword entry option for gas-phase reactions. Also, Figure 3.5: Examples of Auxiliary Reaction Data provides some additional examples of reaction data.
Table 3.7: Alphabetical Listing of Gas-phase Reaction Auxiliary Keywords
Keyword |
Definition | |||
<SpeciesName> |
Neutral Third Body Efficiency - If a reaction contains M as a reactant and/or product, auxiliary information lines may follow the reaction line to specify enhanced third-body efficiencies of certain species (that is, a ki, Equation 3–19 of the Chemkin Theory Manual ). To define an enhanced third body efficiency, the keyword is the species name of the third body, and its one parameter is its enhanced efficiency factor. A species that acts as an enhanced third body must be declared as a species. Examples of third body efficiencies are shown in the first three reactions in Figure 3.5: Examples of Auxiliary Reaction Data . | |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Species name |
Required |
-- |
CO/1.87/ | |
Stoichiometric coefficient |
Required |
-- |
CO/1.87/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Chebyshev Polynomial Rate Expressions - Supersedes the default
reaction rate expression by a Chebyshev polynomial evaluation (see Equation 3–43
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Number of temperature functions N |
Required |
-- |
CHEB / 7 3 -4.1624 .9394 -.18563 12.438/ | |
Number of pressure functions M |
Required |
-- |
CHEB / 7 3 -4.1624 .9394 -.18563 12.438/ | |
Chebyshev coefficients a |
Required |
-- |
CHEB / 7 3 -4.1624 .9394 -.18563 12.438/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
| |||
Efficiency of Collision Frequency Expression - If a reaction is bimolecular and the approximate collision diameters are known, then the collision frequency efficiency expression can be used to calculate the reaction rate constant. The Arrhenius parameters for the correction factor are specified on the reaction line.
On the line following, the keyword
In addition to the parameters for the correction factor a, b , and c, the diameters for each reacting species must be specified. Ansys Chemkin uses the Lennard-Jones diameter as an approximation for the spherical diameter of a species. The Lennard-Jones diameter is one of the inputs read by the Transport Pre-Processor that are specified as outlined in Transport Data Format . | |||
Reaction Example |
| |||
Duplicate Reactions - Two or more reactions can involve the same set
of reactants and products, but proceed through distinctly different processes. In these
cases, it may be appropriate to state a reaction mechanism that has two or more reactions
that are the same, but have different rate parameters. However, duplicate reactions are
normally considered errors by the Gas-phase Kinetics
Pre-Processor. If the user requires duplication (for example, the same reactants and products with
different Arrhenius parameters), the keyword | |||
Reaction Example |
| |||
Energy Loss Parameter - Auxiliary data may be used to specify the
energy loss per reaction event by specifying the keyword | |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Energy loss per event |
Required |
electron- volts |
TDEP/E/ EXCI/11.60/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
FIT1 |
Supersedes the default reaction rate expression by the reaction rate described by
Equation 3–50
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
FIT1 parameters b 1 - b 4 |
Required |
-- |
FIT1/33756 -1.695E8 1.08E13 0.0/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Forward Reaction Order Parameter - Supersedes the forward reaction
order for any species in the mechanism (with respect to species concentration), regardless
of whether the species appears as a reactant or a product in the reaction. FORD is followed, in slash-delimited format, by the species name
and the new reaction order. This option overrides the values of | ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Species name |
Required |
-- |
FORD /Pt(S) 1.0/ | |
Stoichiometric coefficient
Required |
-- |
FORD /Pt(S) 1.0/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
Multiple occurrences of the FORD construct may appear on the auxiliary line. | |||
Defines the high-pressure limit for pressure-dependent chemically activated
bimolecular reactions (see Equation 3–26
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Pre-exponential factor |
Required |
Depends on reaction |
HIGH /6.85E-12 6.53 -834./ | |
Temperature exponent
Required |
-- |
HIGH /6.85E-12 6.53 -834./ | |
Activation energy
Required |
cal/mole |
HIGH /6.85E-12 6.53 -834./ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes | ||||
Optional Rate Fit Expressions - Supersedes the default reaction rate
expression by a Janev-Langer reaction rate (see Equation 3–49
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Janev-Langer parameters b1 - b9 |
Required |
eV |
JAN / -19.73476 3.992702 -1.773436 0.5331949 -0.1 0.02 -0.002 8.E-5 -2.E-6/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
| |||
Defines the low-pressure limit for pressure-dependent unimolecular fall-off reactions
(see Equation 3–25
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Pre-exponential factor |
Required |
depends on reaction |
LOW /1.73E69 -15.07 60491./ | |
Temperature exponent
Required |
-- |
LOW /1.73E69 -15.07 60491./ | |
Activation energy
Required |
cal/mole |
LOW /1.73E69 -15.07 60491./ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes | ||||
Landau-Teller Reactions - Supersedes the default reaction rate
expression by the Landau-Teller reaction rate (see Equation 3–47
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Landau-Teller parameter B i |
Required |
-- |
LT /-67 62.1/ | |
Landau-Teller parameter C i |
Required |
-- |
LT /-67 62.1/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
If explicit REV parameters are given for the reaction, then explicit reverse Landau-Teller parameters must also be given by keyword RLT. | |||
Plasma Momentum-Transfer Collision Frequency Options - Indicates that
the reaction parameters describe the momentum-transfer collision frequency for electrons.
This keyword requires no supplemental data, but changes the treatment of the reaction-rate
coefficients. The option causes the reaction to be flagged as an electron momentum-transfer
reaction, and assumes that the reaction rate constant is in units of
cm3 /mole-s or cm3 /molecule-s,
depending on the units specified in the | |||
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
These options would generally not be used (or would be ignored) with any of the standard Ansys Chemkin reactor models; they are there for users who may be incorporating Chemkin into a multi-dimensional plasma simulation user program. | |||
Supersedes the default pressure limits for a Chebyshev polynomial rate expression (see
Equation 3–42
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Minimum pressure Pmin |
Required |
atm |
PCHEB / 1.0 100.0/ | |
Maximum pressure Pmax |
Required |
atm |
PCHEB / 1.0 100.0/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes | ||||
Pressure Dependence Through Logarithmic Interpolation - Provides a
general-purpose way of describing pressure-dependent reaction rates. Using the
| |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Pressure |
atm |
PLOG /0.03947 2.9512E+09 1.28 13474./ | |
Pre-exponential factor |
Depends on reaction |
PLOG /0.03947 2.9512E+09 1.28 13474./ | |
Temperature exponent |
-- |
PLOG /0.03947 2.9512E+09 1.28 13474./ | |
Activation energy |
cal/mole |
PLOG /0.03947 2.9512E+09 1.28 13474./ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
There should not be more than one | |||
Reverse Rate Parameters - Supersedes the reverse rates that would
normally be computed through the equilibrium constant, Equation 3–6
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Pre-exponential factor |
depends on reaction |
REV / 6.61E-14 0.0 9561./ | |
Temperature exponent |
-- |
REV / 6.61E-14 0.0 9561./ | |
Activation energy |
cal/mole |
REV / 6.61E-14 0.0 9561./ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Supersedes the default reverse reaction rate expression by the Landau-Teller reaction
rate (see Equation 3–47
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Landau-Teller parameter B i |
Required |
-- |
RLT /-67 62.1/ | |
Landau-Teller parameter C i |
Required |
-- |
RLT /-67 62.1/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes | ||||
Reverse Reaction Order Parameter - Supersedes the reverse reaction
order for any species in the mechanism (with respect to species concentration), regardless
of whether the species appears as a reactant or a product in the reaction.
| |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Species name |
Required |
-- |
RORD /OH 2.0/ | |
Stoichiometric coefficient |
Required |
-- |
RORD /OH 2.0/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
See also FORD. | |||
Defines the SRI pressure-dependent reaction rate (see Equation 3–34
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
SRI reaction rate parameters a - e |
Required |
-- |
SRI /0.45 797. 979. 1.0 0.0/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes | ||||
Supersedes the default temperature limits for a Chebyshev polynomial rate expression
(see Equation 3–41
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Minimum temperature Tmin |
Required |
K |
TCHEB / 300.0 2500./ | |
Maximum temperature Tmax |
Required |
K |
TCHEB / 300.0 2500./ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes | ||||
Species Temperature Dependence - Causes the reaction rate constant to
be evaluated using the specified species temperature and the rate parameters given in the
reaction data. In the case when there is more than one temperature defined in the system,
the Application must call the Gas-phase Kinetics subroutine
| |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Species name |
Required |
-- |
TDEP/E/ | |
Keyword Usage |
| |||
Defines the Troe pressure-dependent reaction rate (see Equation 3–33
of the
Chemkin Theory Manual
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Required |
Depends on reaction |
TROE /0.5336 629.2 2190. 626.5/ | |
T*** |
Required |
K |
TROE /0.5336 629.2 2190. 626.5/ | |
T* |
Required |
K |
TROE /0.5336 629.2 2190. 626.5/ | |
T** |
Optional |
K |
TROE /0.5336 629.2 2190. 626.5/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
Other required | |||
Reaction Units - Supersedes the current units for a particular
reaction rate fit that may differ from the default units specified for other reaction
expressions in the chemistry mechanism. | |||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Reaction units character string |
Required |
-- |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
| |||
Optional User Rate Subroutine CKUPROG
| ||||
Parameters |
Optional/Reqd. |
Units |
Examples | |
Rate formulation type |
Optional |
-- |
USRPROG /1/ | |
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
| |||
Flags a reaction as representing collision cross-section information for the determination of ion momentum-transfer collision frequencies in a plasma simulation. No auxiliary parameters are required. The evaluated rate-constant is assumed to be in cm2, and is left as such when Gas-phase Kinetics subroutines evaluate rates of progress for other reactions. For more detail, see Rates of Creation and Destruction of Species of the Chemkin Theory Manual . Examples are given in Figure 3.5: Examples of Auxiliary Reaction Data . | |||
Reaction Example |
| |||
Notes |
Figure 3.5: Examples of Auxiliary Reaction Data
REACTIONS CAL/MOLE ! these are the default units for the reaction rates HCO+M=H+CO+M 0.250E+15 0.000 16802.000 ! Warnatz CO/1.87/ H2/1.87 CH4/2.81/ CO2/3./ H2O/5./ H+C2H4(+M)=C2H5(+M) 0.221E+14 0.000 2066.000 ! Michael LOW / 6.369E27 -2.76 -54.0 / !Lindemann fall-off reaction H2/2/ CO/2/ CO2/3/ H2O/5/ ! enhanced third-body efficiencies CH3+CH3(+M)=C2H6(+M) 9.03E16 -1.18 654. LOW / 3.18E41 -7.03 2762 / TROE / 0.6041 6927. 132. / ! TROE fall-off reaction, with 3 parameters H2/2/ CO/2/ CO2/3/ H2O/5/ ! enhanced third-body efficiencies CH3+H(+M)=CH4(+M) 6.0E16 -1.0 0.0 LOW / 8.0E26 -3.0 0.0/ SRI / 0.45 797. 979. / ! SRI fall-off reaction H2/2/ CO/2/ CO2/3/ H2O/5/ ! enhanced third-body efficiencies CH3+CH3(+M)=H + C2H5(+M) 4.989E12 0.099 10600.0 ! Stewart HIGH/ 3.80E-7 4.838 7710. / ! Chemically activated reaction SRI / 1.641 4334 2725 / ! SRI pressure dependence CH4+H=CH3+H2 1.25E14 0 1.190E4 ! Westbrook REV / 4.80E12 0 1.143E4 / ! The following two reactions are acceptable duplicates: H2+O2 = 2OH 1.7E13 0 47780 DUPLICATE H2+O2 = 2OH 1.0E13 0 47000. DUPLICATE H2(1)+H2O(000)=H2(0)+H2O(001) 2.89E15 0 0 LT / -67 62.1/ ! Landau-Teller reaction ! The following is a Chebyshev polynomial rate description C2H5 + O2 (+M) <=> C2H4E + HO2 (+M) 1.00E+00 .000 0. ! Bozzelli TCHEB/ 300 2500/ PCHEB/1 100/ CHEB/ 7 3 1.0216E+01 -1.1083E+00 -1.9807E-01 7.8325E-01/ CHEB/ 1.1609E+00 1.1762E-01 -9.5707E-02 1.0928E-01 1.1551E-01/ CHEB/ -8.0290E-02 -1.0978E-01 3.7074E-04 -1.4830E-02 -6.0589E-02/ CHEB/ -2.8056E-02 6.9203E-03 -9.7259E-03 -1.3556E-02 7.6648E-03/ CHEB/ 6.6865E-03 -8.8244E-04/ ! The following reactions allow plasma kinetics descriptions E + E + AR+ <=> AR + E 1.414E+39 -4.500 0.00 ! Mansbach & Keck TDEP/E/ REV/6.807E+31 -3.0 364218./ !electron temperature dependence E + AR => AR + E 4.9E-7 0.162 8.7634E3 TDEP/E/ MOME !Momentum-transfer collision frequency UNITS/KELVIN/ AR+ + AR => AR+ + AR 1.E-16 0.0 0.0 !units of cm^2 XSMI !Ion momentum-transfer collision cross-section E + AR => AR + E 2.235E16 0.0 3.47E5 TDEP/E/ EXCI/11.60/ ! metastable excitation reaction DUP H2O+H = OH+H2 0.117E+10 1.30 3626 FORD /H2O 1.1/ END !END line is optional
In some problems only information about the elements and species is needed (for example, chemical equilibrium computations). For these it is not necessary to include reaction data. The Gas-phase Kinetics Pre-processor will create the Linking File (for example, chem.asc), but it will not contain any reaction information. Therefore, no subroutines in the Gas-phase Kinetics Subroutine Library that deal with chemical reactions (for example, chemical production rates) may be used.
Table 3.8: Summary of the Rules for Auxiliary Reaction Data summarizes the rules for auxiliary reaction data.
Table 3.8: Summary of the Rules for Auxiliary Reaction Data
Rule |
Description |
1 |
Auxiliary information lines may follow reaction lines that contain an |
2 |
A species may have only one enhanced third body efficiency associated with it in any one reaction. |
3 |
Only one radiation wavelength may be declared in a reaction. |
4 |
The order in which the enhanced third body declarations are given is the order in which arrays of enhanced third body information are referenced in the subroutine package. |
5 |
There cannot be more than ten enhanced third bodies in a reaction. |
6 |
Keyword declarations may appear anywhere on the line, in any order. |
7 |
Any number of keywords may appear on a line and more than one line may be used; however, a keyword and its parameter(s) must appear on the same line. |
8 |
Keyword declarations that appear on the same line must be separated by at least one blank space. |
9 |
Any blank spaces between a keyword and the first slash are ignored and any blanks between the slashes and parameter(s) are also ignored. However, no blank spaces are allowed within a keyword or a parameter. |
10 |
All characters following an exclamation mark are comments. |
11 |
In ion momentum-transfer collision cross-section reactions there must be exactly two reactant species, one of which must be an ion. |
12 |
In electron momentum-transfer collision frequency reactions, there must be exactly two reactant species, one of which must be the electron. |