3.6.4. Error Checks

The Gas-phase Kinetics Pre-processor checks each input line for proper syntax and writes diagnostic messages on logical file LOUT if errors are encountered. If an error condition occurs, the Pre-processor continues to read and diagnose the input, but an error flag is written to the Linking File and the Gas-phase Kinetics subroutine CKINIT will not initialize the work arrays. Therefore, the input must be error free before any of the Gas-phase Kinetics subroutines can be called. The possibilities for an error condition are listed Table 3.9: Error Checks .

Table 3.9: Error Checks

Data Type

Possible Errors

Element Data

Atomic weight for an element or isotope is not declared, and the element is not found in the Pre-processor’s database.

Atomic weight has been declared, but not enclosed by two slashes (/).

If an element is declared twice, a diagnostic message is printed, but the duplicate is simply eliminated from consideration and is not considered a fatal error.

Species Data

If a species is declared twice, a diagnostic message is printed, but the duplicate is eliminated from consideration and is not considered a fatal error.

No thermodynamic data have been found for a declared species.

Thermodynamic Data

Thermodynamic data are format sensitive and therefore provide possibilities for error if not formatted exactly as described by Table 2.1: Summary of the Rules for Thermodynamic Data .

An element in the thermodynamic data for a declared species has not been included in the element data.

With the THERMO ALL option, line 2 (Table 2.1: Summary of the Rules for Thermodynamic Data ) is not found.

Reaction Data

A delimiter =>, <=>, or = between the reactants and the products is not found.

Three Arrhenius parameters are not found.

Reactants and/or products have not been properly delineated by a plus sign (+).

A species as a reactant or product has not been declared in the species data.

The reaction does not balance in elements.

The reaction does not balance in electronic charge.

A reaction is a duplicate not declared by the auxiliary data keyword DUP.

A third-body species enclosed in parentheses in a fall-off reaction appears as reactant or product, but not both.

A species is a third-body in a fall-off reaction, and +M also appears in the reaction.

More than one +M or third body appear as reactants and/or products.

There are more than six reactants or six products.

Auxiliary Reaction Data

There is an unknown or misspelled keyword or enhanced third-body species name.

Parameters for a keyword are not enclosed in slashes.

The wrong number of parameters appear for a keyword.

There are duplicate keywords for a reaction.

LOW, HIGH, TROE, SRI, PCHEB, TCHEB, or CHEB are found after a reaction that did not have a species or M in parentheses.

LOW, HIGH, or CHEB is not found after a pressure-dependent reaction.

A combination of TROE, SRI, CHEB and/or PLOG is found.

LT and REV are found for a Landau-Teller reaction, but RLT is not found.

LT is given for a fall-off reaction.

There are more than ten enhanced third bodies.

There are more than or less than two reactants specified with XSMI or MOME keywords.

An ionic species is not specified as a reactant with the XSMI keyword.

The electron is not a reactant when using the MOME keyword.

USRPROG given for a USRPROD mechanism.

USRPROG given for a reversible reaction.