4.1.1. Establish the Runtime Environment

The first step is accomplished by opening a DOS window. The DOS window will have the environment settings provided by your environment variables and registry. Ansys Chemkin uses these variables for elements that do not need to be release-specific.

You can see the variables by typing SET in the DOS window. Note that DOS is not case-sensitive for commands or file names. There are many environment variables that are defined by DOS, Windows, and various other programs that you have installed. Table 4.1: All Chemkin-related Environment Variables for PC lists environment variables that are associated with Ansys Chemkin.

Table 4.1: All Chemkin-related Environment Variables for PC




This is a required variable. It points to the subdirectory where Ansys Chemkin is installed.


This is an optional variable. If defined, it provides the preferred location of a user’s local sample files and training files, as well as chemistry sets, profile files, or project files that are created by the Ansys Chemkin Interface.

Note:Location must not have Unicode (such as Kanji) characters in the path because computational jobs run in the DOS shell environment do not fully support Unicode. Please see Verifying Your Installation for more details.


This is an optional variable. If defined, it will determine a user-specific name for the user preferences file.


This is a legacy variable from the 3.7 release. It points to the location of the bin directory (executables) if you have also installed Ansys Chemkin 3.7. It is not used by the current Chemkin Interface. However, for command-line usage of Chemkin, it must be (at least temporarily) updated, as discussed below.