Chapter 28: Coal Combustion

28.1. Tutorial Features

In this tutorial you will learn about:

  • Importing a CCL file in CFX-Pre.

  • Setting up and using Proximate/Ultimate analysis for hydrocarbon fuels in CFX-Pre.

  • Viewing the results for nitrogen oxide in CFD-Post.





User Mode

General mode

Analysis Type

Steady State

Fluid Type

Reacting Mixture, Hydrocarbon Fuel

CCL File


Domain Type

Single Domain


Coal Inlet

Air Inlet


No-slip Wall





Particle Tracking

28.2. Overview of the Problem to Solve

In this tutorial, you will model coal combustion and radiation in a furnace. Three different coal combustion simulations will be set up:

  • Coal Combustion with no-swirl burners where there is no release of nitrogen oxide during the burning process.

  • Coal Combustion with swirl burners where there is no release of nitrogen oxide during the burning process.

  • Coal Combustion with swirl burners where there is release of nitrogen oxide during the burning process.

The following figure shows half of the full geometry. The coal furnace has two inlets: Coal Inlet and Air Inlet, and one outlet. The Coal Inlet (see the inner yellow annulus shown in the figure inset) has air entering at a mass flow rate of 1.624e-3 kg/s and pulverized coal particles entering at a mass flow rate of 1.015e-3 kg/s. The Air Inlet (see the outer orange annulus shown in the figure inset) is where heated air enters the coal furnace at a mass flow rate of 1.035e-2 kg/s. The outlet is located at the opposite end of the furnace and is at a pressure of 1 atm.

The provided mesh occupies a 5 degree section of an axisymmetric coal furnace. Each simulation will make use of either symmetric or periodic boundaries to model the effects of the remainder of the furnace. In the case of non-swirling flow, a pair of symmetry boundaries is sufficient; in the case of flow with swirl, a periodic boundary with rotational periodicity is required.

The relevant parameters of this problem are:

  • Coal Inlet static temperature = 343 K

  • Size distribution for the drops being created by the Coal Inlet = 12, 38, 62, 88

  • Air Inlet static temperature = 573 K

  • Outlet average static pressure = 0 Pa

  • Coal Gun wall fixed temperature = 800 K

  • Coal Inlet wall fixed temperature = 343 K

  • Air Inlet wall fixed temperature = 573 K

  • Furnace wall fixed temperature = 1400 K

  • O2 mass fraction = 0.232

  • Proximate/ultimate analysis data for the coal. Note that proximate/ultimate analysis data is used to characterize the properties of the coal including the content of moisture, volatile, free carbon, and ash, as well as the mass fractions of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (the major components), sulfur and nitrogen.

The approach for solving this problem is to first import, into CFX-Pre, a CCL file with the proximate/ultimate analysis data for the coal and the required materials and reactions. The first simulation will be without nitrogen oxide or swirl. Only small changes to the boundary conditions will be made to create the second simulation, which has swirl in the flow. After each of the first two simulations, you will use CFD-Post to see the variation of temperature, water mass fraction and radiation intensity. You will examine particle tracks colored by temperature and by ash mass fraction. The last simulation has swirl and also involves the release of nitrogen oxide. Finally, you will use CFD-Post to see the distribution of nitrogen oxide in the third simulation.

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before beginning:

28.3. Preparing the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory.

    Ansys CFX uses a working directory as the default location for loading and saving files for a particular session or project.

  2. Download the file here .

  3. Unzip to your working directory.

    Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • CoalCombustion.gtm

    • CoalCombustion_Reactions_Materials.ccl

  4. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

28.4. Simulating the Coal Combustion without Swirl and without Nitrogen Oxide

You will first create a simulation where there is no release of nitrogen oxide, a hazardous chemical, during the process. Swirl burners will not be used in this simulation.

28.4.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

  1. In CFX-Pre, select File > New Case.

  2. Select General and click OK.

  3. Select File > Save Case As.

  4. Set File name to CoalCombustion_nonox.cfx.

  5. Click Save. Importing the Mesh

  1. Right-click Mesh and select Import Mesh > CFX Mesh.

    The Import Mesh dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Open.

  4. Right-click a blank area in the viewer and select Predefined Camera > Isometric View (Z up) from the shortcut menu. Importing the Coal Combustion Materials CCL File

CFX Command Language (CCL) consists of commands used to carry out actions in CFX-Pre, CFX-Solver Manager, and CFD-Post. The proximate/ultimate analysis data for the coal as well as the materials and reactions required for the combustion simulation will be imported from the CCL file. You will review, then import, the contents of the CoalCombustion_Reactions_Materials.ccl file.

Note:  The physics for a simulation can be saved to a CCL (CFX Command Language) file at any time by selecting File > Export > CCL.

  1. Open CoalCombustion_Reactions_Materials.ccl with a text editor and take the time to look at the information it contains.

    The CCL sets up the following reactions:

    • Fuel Gas Oxygen

    • HC Fuel Char Field

    • HC Fuel Devolat

    • Prompt NO Fuel Gas PDF

    • Thermal NO PDF.

    The CCL also sets up the following materials:

    • Ash

    • Char

    • Fuel Gas

    • Gas mixture

    • HC Fuel

    • HC Fuel Gas Binary Mixture

    • Raw Combustible

    The reactions Prompt NO Fuel Gas PDF and Thermal NO PDF are used only in the third simulation. Other pure substances required for the simulation will be loaded from the standard CFX-Pre materials library.

  2. In CFX-Pre, select File > Import > CCL.

    The Import CCL dialog box appears.

  3. Under Import Method, select Replace.

    This will replace the materials list in the current simulation with the ones in the newly imported CCL.

  4. Under Import Method, select Auto-load materials.

    This will load pure materials such as CO2, H2O, N2, O2, and NO — the materials referenced by the imported mixtures and reactions — from the CFX-Pre materials library.

  5. Select CoalCombustion_Reactions_Materials.ccl (the file you reviewed earlier).

  6. Click Open.

  7. Expand the Materials and Reactions branches under Simulation to make sure that all the materials and reactions described above are present. Creating the Domain

Create a new domain named Furnace as follows:

  1. Right-click Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 in the Outline tree view and click Insert > Domain.

  2. Set Name to Furnace.

  3. Click OK

  4. On the Basic Settings, tab under Fluid and Particle Definitions, delete Fluid 1 and create a new fluid definition named Gas Mixture.

  5. Click Add new item   and create a new fluid definition named HC Fuel.

  6. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Location and Type

    > Location



    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    Gas Mixture

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > Gas Mixture

    > Material



    Gas Mixture [ a ]

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > Gas Mixture

    > Morphology

    > Option




    Continuous Fluid

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    HC Fuel

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > HC Fuel

    > Material



    HC Fuel [ b ]

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > HC Fuel

    > Morphology

    > Option




    Particle Transport Solid

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > HC Fuel

    > Morphology

    > Particle Diameter Change





    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > HC Fuel

    > Morphology

    > Particle Diameter Change

    > Option





    Mass Equivalent[ c ]

    Fluid Models


    > Multiphase Reactions




    > Multiphase Reactions

    > Reactions List



    HC Fuel Char Field, HC Fuel Devolat

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Fluid Dependent


    > Option




    > Option


    Fluid Dependent

    Thermal Radiation

    > Option


    Fluid Dependent

    Fluid Specific Models


    Gas Mixture


    > Gas Mixture

    > Heat Transfer

    > Heat Transfer

    > Option





    Thermal Energy


    > Gas Mixture

    > Thermal Radiation

    > Option




    Discrete Transfer


    > Gas Mixture

    > Thermal Radiation

    > Number of Rays






    > Gas Mixture

    > Thermal Radiation

    > Number of Rays

    > Number of Rays





    32 [ d ]


    HC Fuel


    > HC Fuel

    > Heat Transfer

    > Heat Transfer

    > Option





    Particle Temperature

    Fluid Pair Models

    Fluid Pair

    Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Particle Coupling



    Fully Coupled

    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Momentum Transfer

    > Drag Force

    > Option





    Schiller Naumann

    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Heat Transfer

    > Option




    Ranz Marshall

    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Thermal Radiation Transfer

    > Option





    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Thermal Radiation Transfer

    > Emissivity




    1 [ e ]

    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Thermal Radiation Transfer

    > Particle Coupling





    Fluid Pair

    > Gas Mixture | HC Fuel

    > Thermal Radiation Transfer

    > Particle Coupling

    > Particle Coupling





    Fully Coupled

    1. Click the Ellipsis   icon to open the Material dialog box, then select Gas Mixture under the Gas Phase Combustion branch. Click OK.

    2. Click the Ellipsis   icon to open the Material dialog box, then select HC Fuel under the Particle Solids branch. Click OK.

    3. The use of the Mass Equivalent option for the particle diameter is used here for demonstration only. A physically more sensible setting for coal particles, which often stay the same size or get bigger during combustion, would be the use of the Swelling Model option with a Swelling Factor of 0.0 (the default) or larger.

    4. Increasing the number of rays to 32 from the default 8, increases the number of rays leaving the bounding surfaces and increases the accuracy of the thermal radiation calculation.

    5. With this setting, the particles are modeled as black bodies.

  7. Click OK. Creating the Boundary Conditions

In this section you will create boundary conditions for the coal inlet, the air inlet, the outlet, and multiple no-slip walls. You will also create two symmetry-plane boundary conditions for this no-swirl case. Coal Inlet Boundary

You will create the coal inlet boundary with mass flow rate and static temperature set consistently with the problem description. The particle diameter distribution will be set to Discrete Diameter Distribution to model particles of more than one specified diameter. Diameter values will be listed as specified in the problem description. A mass fraction as well as a number fraction will be specified for each of the diameter entries. The total of mass fractions and the total of number fractions will sum to unity.

  1. Create a boundary named Coal Inlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s) of Coal Inlet:




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Mass Flow Rate

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate


    0.001624 [kg s^-1]

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Normal to Boundary Condition

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Static Temperature

    Heat Transfer

    > Static Temperature


    343 [K]

    Component Details


    Component Details

    > O2

    > Option



    Mass Fraction

    Component Details

    > O2

    > Mass Fraction




    Fluid Values

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Behavior

    > Define Particle Behavior





    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Mass and Momentum

    > Option




    Zero Slip Velocity

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Position

    > Option




    Uniform Injection

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Position

    > Particle Locations





    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Position

    > Particle Locations

    > Particle Locations





    Equally Spaced

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Position

    > Number of Positions

    > Option





    Direct Specification

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Position

    > Number of Positions

    > Number






    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Mass Flow

    > Mass Flow Rate




    0.001015 [kg s^-1]

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Diameter Distribution




    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Diameter Distribution

    > Option




    Discrete Diameter Distribution

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Diameter Distribution

    > Diameter List




    12, 38, 62, 88 [micron]

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Diameter Distribution

    > Mass Fraction List




    0.18, 0.25, 0.21, 0.36

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Particle Diameter Distribution

    > Number Fraction List




    0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Heat Transfer

    > Option




    Static Temperature

    Boundary Conditions

    > HC Fuel

    > Heat Transfer

    > Static Temperature




    343 [K]

  3. Click OK. Air Inlet Boundary

Create the air inlet boundary with mass flow rate and static temperature set consistently with the problem description, as follows:

  1. Create a new boundary named Air Inlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Mass Flow Rate

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate


    0.01035 [kg s^-1]

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Normal to Boundary Condition

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Static Temperature

    Heat Transfer

    > Static Temperature


    573 [K]

    Component Details


    Component Details

    > O2

    > Option



    Mass Fraction

    Component Details

    > O2

    > Mass Fraction




  3. Click OK. Outlet Boundary

Create the outlet boundary with pressure specified, as follows:

  1. Create a new boundary named Outlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Average Static Pressure

    Mass and Momentum

    > Relative Pressure



    Mass and Momentum

    > Pres. Profile Blend



  3. Click OK. Coal Gun No-Slip Wall Boundary

Create the Coal Gun Wall boundary with a fixed temperature as specified in the problem description, as follows:

  1. Create a new boundary named Coal Gun Wall.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Heat Transfer

    > Option



    Heat Transfer

    > Fixed Temperature


    800 [K]

    Thermal Radiation

    > Option



    Thermal Radiation

    > Emissivity


    0.6 [ a ]

    Thermal Radiation

    > Diffuse Fraction



    1. The wall has an emissivity value of 0.6 since about half of the radiation can travel through the surface and half is reflected and/or absorbed at the surface.

  3. Click OK. Coal Inlet No-Slip Wall Boundary

Create the Coal Inlet Wall boundary with fixed temperature as specified in the problem description, as follows:

  1. Create a new boundary named Coal Inlet Wall.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    CoalInletInnerWall, CoalInletOuterWall [ a ]

    Boundary Details

    Heat Transfer

    > Option



    Heat Transfer

    > Fixed Temperature


    343 [K]

    Thermal Radiation

    > Option



    Thermal Radiation

    > Emissivity



    Thermal Radiation

    > Diffuse Fraction



    1. Click the Ellipsis   icon to open the Selection Dialog dialog box. Select multiple items by holding the Ctrl key. Click OK.

  3. Click OK. Air Inlet No-Slip Wall Boundary

Create the Air Inlet Wall boundary with fixed temperature as specified in the problem description, as follows:

  1. Create a new boundary named Air Inlet Wall.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    AirInletInnerWall, AirInletOuterWall

    Boundary Details

    Heat Transfer

    > Option



    Heat Transfer

    > Fixed Temperature


    573 [K]

    Thermal Radiation

    > Option



    Thermal Radiation

    > Emissivity



    Thermal Radiation

    > Diffuse Fraction



  3. Click OK. Furnace No-Slip Wall Boundary

Create the Furnace Wall boundary with a fixed temperature as specified in the problem description, as follows:

  1. Create a new boundary named Furnace Wall.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    FurnaceFrontWall, FurnaceOuterWall

    Boundary Details

    Heat Transfer

    > Option



    Heat Transfer

    > Fixed Temperature


    1400 [K]

    Thermal Radiation

    > Option



    Thermal Radiation

    > Emissivity



    Thermal Radiation

    > Diffuse Fraction



  3. Click OK. Quarl No-Slip Wall Boundary
  1. Create a new boundary named Quarl Wall.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Heat Transfer

    > Option



    Heat Transfer

    > Fixed Temperature


    1200 [K]

    Thermal Radiation

    > Option



    Thermal Radiation

    > Emissivity



    Thermal Radiation

    > Diffuse Fraction



  3. Click OK. Symmetry Plane Boundaries

You will use symmetry plane boundaries on the front and back regions of the cavity.

  1. Create a new boundary named Symmetry Plane 1.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




  3. Click OK.

  4. Create a new boundary named Symmetry Plane 2.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




  6. Click OK. Setting Solver Control

  1. Click Solver Control  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Convergence Control

    > Max. Iterations



    Convergence Control

    > Fluid Timescale Control

    > Timescale Control



    Physical Timescale

    Convergence Control

    > Fluid Timescale Control

    > Physical Timescale



    0.005 [s] [ a ]

    Particle Control

    Particle Coupling Control

    > First Iteration for Particle Calculation



    Particle Coupling Control

    > First Iteration for Particle Calculation

    > First Iteration



    25 [ b ]

    Particle Coupling Control

    > Iteration Frequency



    Particle Coupling Control

    > Iteration Frequency

    > Iteration Frequency



    10 [ c ]

    Particle Under Relaxation Factors


    Particle Under Relaxation Factors

    > Vel. Under Relaxation



    Particle Under Relaxation Factors

    > Energy



    Particle Under Relaxation Factors

    > Mass



    Particle Ignition


    Particle Ignition

    > Ignition Temperature


    1000 [K]

    Particle Source Smoothing


    Particle Source Smoothing

    > Option



    Advanced Options

    Thermal Radiation Control


    Thermal Radiation Control

    > Coarsening Control



    Thermal Radiation Control

    > Coarsening Control

    > Target Coarsening Rate




    Thermal Radiation Control

    > Coarsening Control

    > Target Coarsening Rate

    > Rate




    16 [ d ]

    1. Based on the air inlet speed and the size of the combustor.

    2. The First Iteration parameter sets the coefficient-loop iteration number at which particles are first tracked; it allows the continuous-phase flow to develop before tracking droplets through the flow. Experience has shown that the value usually has to be increased to 25 from the default of 10.

    3. The Iteration Frequency parameter is the frequency at which particles are injected into the flow after the First Iteration for Particle Calculation iteration number. The iteration frequency allows the continuous phase to settle down between injections because it is affected by sources of momentum, heat, and mass from the droplet phase. Experience has shown that the value usually has to be increased to 10 from the default of 5.

    4. The Target Coarsening Rate parameter controls the size of the radiation element required for calculating Thermal Radiation. Decreasing the size of the element to 16, from the default 64, increases the accuracy of the solution obtained, while increasing the computing time required for the calculations.

  3. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  4. Quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file.

28.4.2. Obtaining the Solution using CFX-Solver Manager

When CFX-Pre has shut down and the CFX-Solver Manager has started, obtain a solution to the CFD problem by following the instructions below:

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

    Solver Input File should be set to CoalCombustion_nonox.def.

  2. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  3. Select Post-Process Results.

  4. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  5. Click OK.

28.4.3. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In this section, you will make plots showing the variation of temperature, water mass fraction, and radiation intensity on the Symmetry Plane 1 boundary. You will also color the particle tracks, which were produced by the solver and included in the results file, by temperature and by ash mass fraction. The particle tracks help to illustrate the mean flow behavior in the coal furnace. Displaying the Temperature on a Symmetry Plane

  1. Right-click a blank area in the viewer and select Predefined Camera > Isometric View (Z up).

    This orients the geometry with the inlets at the top, as shown at the beginning of this tutorial.

  2. Edit Cases > CoalCombustion_nonox_001 > Furnace > Symmetry Plane 1.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):










    Show Faces



    (Cleared) [ a ]

    1. Turning off the lighting makes the colors accurate in the 3D view, but can make it more difficult to perceive depth. As an alternative to turning off the lighting, you can try rotating the view to a different position.

  4. Click Apply.

    As expected for a non-swirling case, the flame appears a significant distance away from the burner. The flame is likely unstable, as evidenced by the rate of solver convergence; the next simulation in this tutorial involves swirl, which tends to stabilize the flame, and has much faster solver convergence. Displaying the Water Mass Fraction

Change the variable used for coloring the plot to H2O.Mass Fraction and click Apply.

From the plot it can be seen that water is produced a significant distance away from the burner, as was the flame in the previous plot. As expected, the mass fraction of water is high where the temperature is high. Displaying the Radiation Intensity

  1. Change the variable used for coloring the plot to Radiation Intensity and click Apply.

    This plot is directly related to the temperature plot. This result is consistent with radiation being proportional to temperature to the fourth power.

  2. When you are finished, right-click Symmetry Plane 1 in the Outline tree view and select Hide. Displaying the Temperature of the Fuel Particles

Color the existing particle tracks for the solid particles by temperature:

  1. Edit Cases > CoalCombustion_nonox_001 > Res PT for HC Fuel.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):








    HC Fuel.Temperature

  3. Click Apply.

    Observing the particle tracks, you can see that coal enters the chamber at a temperature of around 343 K. The temperature of the coal, as it moves away from the inlet, rises as it reacts with the air entering from the inlet. The general location where the temperature of the coal increases rapidly is close to the location where the flame appears to be according to the plots created earlier. Downstream of this location, the temperature of the coal particles begins to drop. Displaying the Ash Mass Fraction using Particle Tracking

  1. Change the plot of the particle tracks so that they are colored by HC Fuel.Ash.Mass Fraction.

    The ashes form in the flame region, as expected.

  2. Quit CFD-Post, saving the state (.cst) file at your discretion.

28.5. Simulating the Coal Combustion with Swirl and without Nitrogen Oxide

You will now create a simulation where swirl burners are used and where there is no release of nitrogen oxide during the process. Swirl burners inject a fuel axially into the combustion chamber surrounded by an annular flow of oxidant (normally air) that has, upon injection, some tangential momentum. This rotational component, together with the usually divergent geometry of the burner mouth, cause two important effects:

  • They promote intense mixing between fuel and air, which is important for an efficient and stable combustion, and low emissions.

  • They originate a recirculation region, just at the burner mouth, which traps hot combustion products and acts as a permanent ignition source, hence promoting the stability of the flame.

28.5.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

  1. Ensure that the following tutorial input file is in your working directory:

    • CoalCombustion_nonox.cfx

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. Select File > Open Case.

  4. From your working directory, select CoalCombustion_nonox.cfx and click Open.

  5. Select File > Save Case As.

  6. Set File name to CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl.cfx.

  7. Click Save. Editing the Boundary Conditions

To add swirl to the flow, you will edit the Air Inlet boundary to change the flow direction specification from Normal to Boundary Condition to Cylindrical Components. You will also edit the Outlet boundary to change the Pressure Profile Blend setting from 0.05 to 0; the reason for this change is explained later. You will also delete the two symmetry plane boundary conditions and replace them with a periodic domain interface. Air Inlet Boundary
  1. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Furnace > Air Inlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Boundary Details

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Cylindrical Components

    Flow Direction

    > Axial Component



    Flow Direction

    > Radial Component



    Flow Direction

    > Theta Component



    Axis Definition

    > Rotational Axis


    Global Z

  3. Click OK. Outlet Boundary

The average pressure boundary condition leaves the pressure profile unspecified while constraining the average pressure to the specified value. In some situations, leaving the profile fully unspecified is too weak and convergence difficulties may result. The 'Pressure Profile Blend' feature works around this by blending between an unspecified pressure profile and a fully specified pressure profile. By default, the pressure profile blend is 5%. For swirling flow, however, imposing any amount of a uniform pressure profile is inconsistent with the radial pressure profile which should naturally develop in response to the fluid rotation, and the pressure profile blend must be set to 0.

  1. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Furnace > Outlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Boundary Details

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Average Static Pressure

    Mass and Momentum

    > Pres. Profile Blend



  3. Click OK. Deleting the Symmetry Plane Boundaries
  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Furnace > Symmetry Plane 1, then select Delete.

  2. Repeat step 1 to delete Symmetry Plane 2. Creating a Domain Interface

You will insert a domain interface to connect the Periodic Side 1 and Periodic Side 2 regions.

  1. Create a domain interface named Periodic.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Interface Type

    Fluid Fluid

    Interface Side 1

    > Region List



    Interface Side 2

    > Region List



    Interface Models

    > Option


    Rotational Periodicity

  3. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  4. Quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file.

28.5.2. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When CFX-Pre has shut down and the CFX-Solver Manager has started, obtain a solution to the CFD problem by following the instructions below.

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

    Solver Input File should be set to CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl.def.

  2. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  3. Select Post-Process Results.

  4. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  5. Click OK.

28.5.3. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In this section, you will make plots showing the variation of temperature, water mass fraction, and radiation intensity on the Periodic Side 1 boundary. You will also color the existing particle tracks by temperature and by ash mass fraction. Displaying the Temperature on a Periodic Interface

  1. Right-click a blank area in the viewer and select Predefined Camera > Isometric View (Z up).

  2. Edit Cases > CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl_001 > Furnace > Periodic Side 1.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):










    Show Faces




  4. Click Apply.

    As expected, the flame appears much closer to the burner than in the previous simulation, which had no swirl. This is due to the fact that the swirl component applied to the air from Air Inlet tends to entrain coal particles and keep them near the burner for longer, therefore helping them to burn. Displaying the Water Mass Fraction

Change the variable used for coloring the plot to H2O.Mass Fraction and click Apply.

Similar to the no-swirl case, the mass fraction of water with swirl is directly proportional to the temperature of the furnace. Displaying the Radiation Intensity

  1. Change the variable used for coloring the plot to Radiation Intensity and click Apply.

  2. When you are finished, right-click Periodic Side 1 in the Outline tree view and select Hide. Displaying the Temperature using Particle Tracking

  1. Edit Cases > CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl_001 > Res PT for HC Fuel.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):








    HC Fuel.Temperature

  3. Click Apply. Displaying the Ash Mass Fraction using Particle Tracking

  1. Change the plot of the particle tracks so that they are colored by HC Fuel.Ash.Mass Fraction.

  2. Quit CFD-Post, saving the state (.cst) file at your discretion.

28.6. Simulating the Coal Combustion with Swirl and with Nitrogen Oxide

You will now create a simulation that involves both swirl and the release of nitrogen oxide. The CCL file that was previously imported contains the nitrogen oxide material, NO, and reactions, Prompt NO Fuel Gas PDF and Thermal NO PDF, required for this combustion simulation. Nitrogen oxide is calculated as a postprocessing step in the solver.

28.6.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

  1. Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl.cfx

    • CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl_001.res

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. Select File > Open Case.

  4. From your working directory, select CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl.cfx and click Open.

  5. Select File > Save Case As.

  6. Set File name to CoalCombustion_noxcpp_swirl.cfx.

  7. Click Save. Editing the Domain

In this section, you will edit the Furnace domain by adding the new material NO to the materials list. CFX-Solver requires that you specify enough information for the mass fraction of NO at each of the system inlets. In this case, set the NO mass fraction at the air and coal inlets to zero.

  1. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Furnace.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Fluid Specific Models


    Gas Mixture


    > Gas Mixture

    > Combustion

    > Chemistry Post Processing






    > Gas Mixture

    > Combustion

    > Chemistry Post Processing

    > Materials List







    > Gas Mixture

    > Combustion

    > Chemistry Post Processing

    > Reactions List





    Prompt NO Fuel Gas PDF,Thermal NO PDF

    These settings enable the combustion simulation with nitrogen oxide (NO) as a postprocessing step in the solver. The NO reactions are defined in the same way as any participating reaction but the simulation of the NO reactions is performed after the combustion simulation of the air and coal. With this one-way simulation, the NO will have no effect on the combustion simulation of the air and coal.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Furnace > Air Inlet.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Boundary Details

    Component Details


    Component Details

    > NO

    > Mass Fraction




  6. Click OK.

  7. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Furnace > Coal Inlet.

  8. Configure the following setting(s):




    Boundary Details

    Component Details


    Component Details

    > NO

    > Mass Fraction




  9. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

  4. Quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation as CoalCombustion_noxcpp_swirl.cfx.

28.6.2. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When CFX-Pre has shut down and the CFX-Solver Manager has started, obtain a solution to the CFD problem by following the instructions below.

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

    Solver Input File should be set to CoalCombustion_noxcpp_swirl.def.

  2. Under the Initial Values tab, select Initial Values Specification.

  3. Select CoalCombustion_nonox_swirl_001.res for the initial values file using the Browse   tool.

    The fluid solution from the previous case has not changed for this simulation. Loading the results from the previous case as an initial guess eliminates the need for the solver to solve for the fluids solutions again.

  4. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  5. Select Post-Process Results.

  6. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  7. Click OK.

28.6.3. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In this section, you will make a plot on the Periodic Side 1 region showing the variation of concentration of nitrogen oxide through the coal furnace.

  1. Right-click a blank area in the viewer and select Predefined Camera > Isometric View (Z up).

  2. Edit Cases > CoalCombustion_noxcpp_swirl_001 > Furnace > Periodic Side 1.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):








    NO.Mass Fraction


    Show Faces




  4. Click Apply.

    You can see that NO is produced in the high-temperature region near the inlet. Further downstream, the mass fraction of NO is more uniform.

  5. Quit CFD-Post, saving the state (.cst) file at your discretion.