Chapter 22: Modeling a Ball Check Valve using Mesh Deformation and the CFX Rigid Body Solver

22.1. Tutorial Features

In this tutorial you will learn about:

  • Mesh motion and deformation.

  • Rigid body simulation.

  • Fluid structure interaction (without modeling solid deformation).

  • Animation creation.





User Mode

General mode

Analysis Type


Fluid Type

General Fluid

Domain Type

Single Domain

Turbulence Model


Heat Transfer


Boundary Conditions




Rigid Body

1 Degree of Freedom

Mesh Motion



Rigid Body Solution



Slice Plane




22.2. Overview of the Problem to Solve

This tutorial uses an example of a ball check valve to demonstrate two-way Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) between a ball and a fluid, as well as mesh deformation capabilities using Ansys CFX. A sketch of the geometry, modeled in this tutorial as a 2D slice (0.1 mm thick), is shown below.

Check valves are commonly used to enforce unidirectional flow of liquids and act as pressure-relieving devices. The check valve for this tutorial contains a ball connected to a spring with a stiffness constant of 300 N/m. The ball is made of steel with a density of 7800 kg/m3 and is represented as a cavity region in the mesh with a diameter of 4 mm. Initially the center of mass of the ball is located at the coordinate point (0, 0.0023, 5e-05); this point is the spring origin, and all forces that interact with the ball are assumed to pass through this point. The tank region, located below the valve housing, is filled with Methanol (CH4O) at 25°C. High pressure from the liquid at the tank opening (6 atm relative pressure) causes the ball to move up, therefore enabling the fluid to escape through the valve to the atmosphere at an absolute pressure of 1 atm. The forces on the ball are: the force due to the spring (not shown in the figure) and the force due to fluid flow. Gravity is neglected here for simplicity. The spring pushes the ball downward to oppose the force of the pressure when the ball is raised above its initial position. The pressure variation causes the ball to oscillate along the Y axis as a result of a dynamic imbalance in the forces. The ball eventually stops oscillating when the forces acting on it are in equilibrium.

In this tutorial the deformation of the ball itself is not modeled; mesh deformation is employed to modify the mesh as the ball moves. A rigid body simulation is used to predict the motion of the ball, and will be based on the forces that act on it.

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before beginning:

22.3. Preparing the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory.

    Ansys CFX uses a working directory as the default location for loading and saving files for a particular session or project.

  2. Download the file here .

  3. Unzip to your working directory.

    Ensure that the following tutorial input file is in your working directory:

    • ValveFSI.out

  4. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

22.4. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

This section describes the step-by-step definition of the flow physics in CFX-Pre.

  1. In CFX-Pre, select File > New Case.

  2. Select General and click OK.

  3. Select File > Save Case As.

  4. Under File name, type ValveFSI.

  5. Click Save.

22.4.1. Importing the Mesh

  1. Right-click Mesh and select Import Mesh > Other.

    The Import Mesh dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    Files of type

    PATRAN Neutral (*out *neu)

    File name



    > Mesh Units


    mm [a]

    1. This mesh was created using units of millimeters; however the units are not stored with this type of mesh. Set Mesh Units to mm when importing the mesh into CFX-Pre so that the mesh remains the intended size.

  3. Click Open.

22.4.2. Defining a Transient Simulation

  1. Right-click Analysis Type in the Outline tree view and select Edit.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Analysis Type

    > Option



    Analysis Type

    > Time Duration

    > Option



    Total Time

    Analysis Type

    > Time Duration

    > Total Time



    7.5e-3 [s]

    Analysis Type

    > Time Steps

    > Option




    Analysis Type

    > Time Steps

    > Timesteps



    5.0e-5 [s]

    Analysis Type

    > Initial Time

    > Option



    Automatic with Value

    Analysis Type

    > Initial Time

    > Time



    0 [s]

  3. Click OK.

Note:  You may ignore the physics validation message regarding the lack of definition of transient results files. You will set up the transient results files later.

22.4.3. Editing the Domain

In this section you will create the fluid domain, define the fluid and enable mesh motion.

  1. If Default Domain does not currently appear under Flow Analysis 1 in the Outline tree,

    edit Case Options > General in the Outline tree view and ensure that Automatic Default Domain is turned on and click OK.

  2. In the tree view, right-click Default Domain and select Edit.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Location and Type

    > Location



    Location and Type

    > Domain Type


    Fluid Domain

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    Fluid 1

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > Fluid 1

    > Material



    Methanol CH4O [b]

    Domain Models

    > Pressure

    > Reference Pressure



    1 [atm]

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Option



    Regions of Motion Specified [c]

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Displacement Rel. To



    Previous Mesh

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Option




    Displacement Diffusion [d] [e]

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Mesh Stiffness

    > Option





    Increase near Small Volumes

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Mesh Stiffness

    > Model Exponent






    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Mesh Stiffness

    > Reference Volume

    > Option






    Mean Control Volume

    Fluid Models

    Heat Transfer

    > Option



    Heat Transfer

    > Fluid Temperature


    25 [C]


    > Option



    1. Click the Multi-select from extended list icon   to open the Selection Dialog dialog box, then hold the Ctrl key while selecting both CV3D REGION and CV3D SUB from this list. Click OK.

    2. To make Methanol an available option:

      1. Click the Select from extended list icon   to open the Material dialog box.

      2. Click the Import Library Data icon   to open the Select Library Data to Import dialog box.

      3. In that dialog box, expand Constant Property Liquids in the tree, select Methanol CH4O and click OK.

      4. Select Methanol CH4O in the Material dialog box and click OK.

    3. The Regions of Motion Specified option permits boundaries and subdomains to move, and makes mesh motion settings available.

    4. To see the additional mesh motion settings, you may need to click Roll Down   located beside Mesh Motion Model.

    5. The Displacement Diffusion model for mesh motion attempts to preserve the relative mesh distribution of the initial mesh.

    6. An exponent value of 1 is chosen in order to limit the distortion of the coarse mesh. If a finer mesh were used, the default value of 2 would most likely be appropriate.

  4. Click OK.

22.4.4. Creating a Coordinate Frame

In this section, a secondary coordinate system will be created to define the center of mass of the ball. This secondary coordinate system will be used to define certain parameters of the rigid body in the next section.

  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Coordinate Frames and select Insert > Coordinate Frame.

  2. Set the name to Coord 1 and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings


    Axis Points


    (0, 0.0023, 5e-05)

    Z Axis Point

    (0, 0.0023, 1)

    X-Z Plane Pt

    (1, 0.0023, 0)

  4. Select OK.

22.4.5. Creating a Rigid Body

A rigid body is a non-deformable object described by physical parameters: mass, center of mass, moment of inertia, initial velocities and accelerations, and orientation. The rigid body solver uses the interacting forces between the fluid and the rigid body and calculates the motion of the rigid body based upon the defined physical parameters. The rigid body may have up to six degrees of freedom (three translational and three rotational). You may also specify external forces and torques acting on the rigid body.

In this section, you will define a rigid body with 1 degree of freedom, translation in the Y direction. The rigid body definition will be applied to the wall boundary of the ball to define its motion. Further, you will specify an external spring force by defining a spring constant and the initial origin of the spring; in this simulation the origin is the center of mass of the ball. The force caused by the tank pressure will cause an upward translation and the defined external spring force will resist this translation.

  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Flow Analysis 1 and select Insert > Rigid Body.

  2. Set the name to rigidBall and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings


    9.802e-6 [kg]



    Coordinate Frame

    Coord 1

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > XX Component


    0 [kg m^2] [a]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > YY Component


    0 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > ZZ Component


    0 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > XY Component


    0 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > XZ Component


    0 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > YZ Component


    0 [kg m^2]


    External Force Definitions

    Create a new external force named Spring Force [b].

    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Option




    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Equilibrium Position

    > X Component




    0 [m]

    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Equilibrium Position

    > Y Component




    0 [m]

    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Equilibrium Position

    > Z Component




    0 [m]

    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Linear Spring Constant

    > X Component




    0 [N m^-1]

    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Linear Spring Constant

    > Y Component




    300 [N m^-1]

    External Force Definitions

    > Spring Force

    > Linear Spring Constant

    > Z Component




    0 [N m^-1]

    Degrees of Freedom

    > Translational Degrees of Freedom

    > Option



    Y axis

    Degrees of Freedom

    > Rotational Degrees of Freedom

    > Option




    1. The Mass Moment of Inertia settings can have any values; they have no effect on the simulation because the rigid body has only a singular, translational, degree of freedom.

    2. To create a new item, you must first click the Add new item   icon, then enter the name as required and click OK.

  4. Click OK.

22.4.6. Creating the Subdomain

  1. Select Insert > Subdomain from the main menu or click Subdomain  .

  2. Set the subdomain name to Tank and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings


    CV3D SUB

    Mesh Motion

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Stationary [a]

    1. The stationary option for the tank volume (subdomain) ensures that the mesh does not fold at the sharp corners that exist where the valve joins the tank.

  4. Click OK.

22.4.7. Creating the Boundaries

In the following subsections, you will create the required boundary conditions, specifying the appropriate mesh motion option for each.

In this tutorial, mesh motion specifications are applied to two and three dimensional regions of the domain. For example, the Ball boundary specifies the mesh motion in the form of the rigid body solution. However, mesh motion specifications are also used in this tutorial to help ensure that the mesh does not fold, as set for the Tank subdomain earlier in the tutorial, and the TankOpen boundary below. Two regions, VALVE HIGHX and VALVE LOWX, remain at the default boundary condition: smooth, no slip walls and no mesh motion (stationary). Ball Boundary

  1. Create a new boundary named Ball.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Rigid Body Solution

    Mesh Motion

    > Rigid Body



    Mass And Momentum

    > Option


    No Slip Wall

    Mass And Momentum

    > Wall Vel. Rel. To


    Mesh Motion

  3. Click OK. Symmetry Boundary

Because a 2D representation of the flow field is being modeled (using a 3D mesh, one element thick in the Z direction), you must create symmetry boundaries on the low and high Z 2D regions of the mesh.

  1. Create a new boundary named Sym.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    SYMP1, SYMP2 [a]

    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



    1. Hold the Ctrl key while selecting both SYMP1 and SYMP2 from the list.

  3. Click OK. Vertical Valve Wall Boundary

  1. Create a new boundary named ValveVertWalls.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Unspecified [b]

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option


    No Slip Wall

    Mass And Momentum

    > Wall Vel. Rel. To


    Boundary Frame

    1. Hold the Ctrl key while selecting both VPIPE HIGHX and VPIPE LOWX from the list.

    2. The Unspecified setting allows the mesh nodes to move freely. The motion of the mesh points on this boundary will be strongly influenced by the motion of the ball. Because the ball moves vertically, the surrounding mesh nodes should also move vertically, at a similar rate to the ball. This mesh motion specification helps to preserve the quality of the mesh on the upper surface of the ball.

  3. Click OK. Tank Opening Boundary

  1. Create a new boundary named TankOpen.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Stationary [a]

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option



    Mass And Momentum

    > Relative Pressure


    6 [atm] [b]


    > Option


    Zero Gradient

    1. The stationary option for the tank opening prevents the mesh nodes on this boundary from moving. If the tank opening had unspecified mesh motion, these mesh nodes would move vertically and separate from the non-vertical parts of the boundary.

    2. As defined in the problem description. Note the units for this setting.

  3. Click OK. Valve Opening Boundary

  1. Create a new boundary named ValveOpen.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Stationary [a]

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option



    Mass And Momentum

    > Relative Pressure


    0 [atm] [b]


    > Option


    Zero Gradient

    1. The stationary option for the valve opening prevents the mesh nodes from moving.

    2. This pressure value is relative to the fluid domain's reference pressure of 1 [atm].

  3. Click OK.

Note:  Opening boundary types are used to enable the flow to leave and reenter the domain. This behavior is expected due to the oscillatory motion of the ball and due to the potentially large region of flow recirculation that may occur downstream from the ball.

22.4.8. Setting Initial Values

Because a transient simulation is being modeled, initial values are required for all variables.

  1. Click Global Initialization  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Global Settings

    Initial Conditions

    > Cartesian Velocity Components

    > U



    0 [m s^-1]

    Initial Conditions

    > Cartesian Velocity Components

    > V



    0.1 [m s^-1] [a]

    Initial Conditions

    > Cartesian Velocity Components

    > W



    0 [m s^-1]

    Initial Conditions

    > Static Pressure

    > Relative Pressure



    0 [Pa]

    Initial Conditions

    > Turbulence

    > Option



    Medium (Intensity = 5%)

    1. This is an initial velocity to start a unidirectional fluid flow in the positive Y direction and to prevent initial backflow in the check-valve, improving solution convergence. Better values of velocity could be derived from the steady-state analysis (not considered for this tutorial).

  3. Click OK.

22.4.9. Setting Solver Control

In this section you will edit the solver control settings to promote a quicker solution time and to enable the frequency of when the rigid body solver is run.

  1. Click Solver Control  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Transient Scheme

    > Option


    Second Order Backward Euler

    Convergence Control

    > Max. Coeff. Loops



    Rigid Body Control

    Rigid Body Control


    Rigid Body Control

    > Rigid Body Solver Coupling Control

    > Update Frequency



    Every Coefficient Loop [a]

    1. By setting the Update Frequency to Every Coefficient Loop you are telling CFX-Solver to call the rigid body solver during every coefficient loop within each time step.

  3. Click OK.

22.4.10. Setting Output Control

This step sets up transient results files to be written at set intervals.

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Trn Results tab.

  3. In the Transient Results tree view, click Add new item  , set Name to Transient Results 1, and click OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s) of Transient Results 1:




    Selected Variables

    Output Variables List

    Pressure, Velocity

    Output Variable Operators


    Output Variable Operators

    > Output Variable Operators


    All [a]

    Output Frequency

    > Option


    Time Interval

    Output Frequency

    > Time Interval


    5.0e-5 [s]

    1. This causes the gradients of the selected variables to be written to the transient results files.

  5. Click the Monitor tab.

  6. Select Monitor Objects.

  7. Under Monitor Points and Expressions:

    1. Click Add new item  .

    2. Set Name to Ball Displacement and click OK.

    3. Set Option to Expression.

    4. Set Expression Value to rbstate(Position Y)@rigidBall.

  8. Click OK.

22.4.11. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

  4. CFX-Solver Manager starts automatically and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  5. Quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file.

22.5. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When CFX-Pre has shut down and the CFX-Solver Manager has started, obtain a solution to the CFD problem by following the instructions below.

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

    Solver Input File should be set to ValveFSI.def.

  2. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. This can take a long time depending on your system.

    Note:  You can ignore the warning message indicating a negative sector volume in your mesh. This occurs as a result of large deformations in the mesh and will not significantly affect the results for this case.

  3. While CFX-Solver Manager is running, you can check the progress of the monitor point you created in CFX-Pre by clicking the User Points tab in CFX-Solver Manager. The graph shows the Y position of the center of mass of the ball (in the global coordinate frame). Notice that the ball has a sinusoidal motion that diminishes in amplitude over time and that the maximum displacement of the ball occurs at around time step 17.

  4. Select Monitors > Rigid Body > Rigid Body Position from the main menu. The position of the rigid body will be shown in the X, Y and Z directions relative to the global coordinate frame.

    Note:  This graph is identical to the graph obtained from under the User Points tab (although the scale may be different). Normally, creating the monitor point for position is redundant since the rigid body positions are calculated automatically — the monitor point was created in this tutorial to demonstrate the rbstate function.

  5. When a dialog box is displayed at the end of the run, select Post-Process Results.

  6. Click OK.

22.6. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In the following subsections, you will create a user location, point and vector plots, and an animation in CFD-Post. You will create an XY plane that lies midway between the two symmetry planes. The plane will be used to show the mesh motion; it will also serve as the location for a vector plot that will be used in the animation.

22.6.1. Creating a Slice Plane

  1. Right-click a blank area in the viewer and select Predefined Camera > View From +Z.

  2. Select Insert > Location > Plane from the main menu. Accept the default name and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):






    > Method


    XY Plane


    > Z


    5e-05 [m]


    Show Faces


    Show Mesh Lines


  4. Click Apply.

22.6.2. Creating Points and a Vector Plot

  1. Select Insert > Location > Point from the main menu. Accept the default name and click OK.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):






    > Method




    (0, 0.0003, 0)




    Symbol Size


  3. Click Apply to create the point.

    This is a reference point for the minimum Y value of the ball at time step 0. However the final time step is currently selected. This will be corrected in the proceeding steps.

  4. Select Insert > Location > Point from the main menu. Accept the default name and click OK.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):






    > Method




    (0, 0.001266, 0)




    Symbol Size


  6. Click Apply to create the point.

    This is a reference point for the minimum Y value of the ball in the positive Y direction at the time of maximum displacement.

  7. Click Timestep Selector   and load the results for a few different time steps, selecting one entry at a time.

    For example, double-click rows with the step values of 0, 10, 20, 50, and 90 to see the ball in different positions. The mesh deformation will also be visible.

  8. Create a new vector named Vector 1.

  9. Configure the following setting(s):






    Plane 1



  10. Click Apply to show the vector plot in the 3D Viewer.

22.6.3. Creating an Animation

You will create an animation showing the velocity in the domain as the ball moves.

  1. Turn off the visibility of Plane 1 to better see the vector plot.

  2. Click the Timestep Selector   and load the 1st time step.

  3. Click Animate timesteps   in the Timestep Selector dialog box.

    The Animation dialog box appears.

  4. Set Type to Keyframe Animation.

  5. Click New   to create KeyframeNo1.

  6. Select KeyframeNo1, then set # of Frames to 149, then press Enter while the cursor is in the # of Frames box.

    Tip:  Be sure to press Enter and confirm that the new number appears in the list before continuing.

  7. Use the Timestep Selector to load the last time step.

  8. In the Animation dialog box, click New   to create KeyframeNo2.

    Tip:  The # of Frames parameter has no effect on the last keyframe, so leave it at the default value.

  9. Ensure that More Animation Options   is pushed down to show more animation settings.

  10. Select Loop.

  11. Ensure that Repeat forever   (next to the Repeat setting) is not selected (not pushed down).

  12. Click the Options button to open the Animation Options dialog box.

  13. Configure the following setting(s):





    Print Options

    > Image Size


    720 x 480 (NTSC)


    MPEG Options

    > Quality



    MPEG Options

    > Variable Bit Rate



    MPEG Options

    > Bit Rate


    3000000 [a]

    1. This limits the bit rate so that the movie will be playable in most players. You can lower this value if your player cannot process at this bit rate.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Select Save Movie.

  16. Set Format to MPEG1.

  17. Click Browse   (next to Save Movie).

  18. Set File name to ValveFSI.mpg.

    If required, set the path to a different directory.

  19. Click Save.

    The movie file name (including the path) has been set, but the animation has not yet been produced.

  20. Click To Beginning  .

    This ensures that the animation will begin at the first keyframe.

  21. After the first keyframe has been loaded, click Play the animation  .

    • The MPEG will be created as the animation proceeds.

    • This will be slow, since results for each time step will be loaded and objects will be created.

    • To view the movie file, you need to use a viewer that supports the MPEG format.

    Note:  To explore additional animation options, click the Options button. On the Advanced tab of the Animation Options dialog box, there is a Save Frames As Image Files check box. By selecting this check box, the JPEG or PPM files used to encode each frame of the movie will persist after movie creation; otherwise, they will be deleted.

  22. Close the Animation dialog box when the animation is complete.

  23. When you have finished, close the Timestep Selector dialog box and quit CFD-Post.