Chapter 30: Modeling a Buoy using the CFX Rigid Body Solver

30.1. Tutorial Features

In this tutorial you will learn about:

  • Modeling a multiphase simulation in CFX-Pre.

  • Creating and editing a rigid body in CFX-Pre.

  • Creating and editing a subdomain in CFX-Pre.

  • Creating a keyframe animation in CFD-Post.





User Mode

General mode

Analysis Type


Fluid Type

General Fluid

Domain Type

Single Domain

Turbulence Model

Shear Stress Transport

Heat Transfer


Buoyant Flow



Homogeneous Model

Rigid Body

3 degrees of freedom

Boundary Conditions

Symmetry Plane

Wall: No Slip

Wall (Specified Displacement)


Mesh Motion option of Rigid Body Solution


Mesh Motion option of Rigid Body Solution

Ansys CFX Command Language (CCL)

Importing Expressions



Contour Plot



30.2. Overview of the Problem to Solve

In this tutorial you will model the interaction between a rigid body (represented by a buoy) and two fluids (air and water) that make up the surrounding region, using a six degrees of freedom rigid-body solver. In this case, the fluid forces acting on the buoy cause motion that is constrained to three degrees of freedom: vertical and horizontal translation and rotation about an axis perpendicular to the translational directions. The motion of the floating buoy results from interactions between itself and the wave motion of the surrounding fluid created by an initial contraction of the domain in the X direction.

The rigid body is surrounded by a fluid volume that is part air and part water (both at a static temperature of 25°C). Because the rigid body has a density of 500 kg m^-3 – less than that of water (997 kg m^-3) – it floats atop the water's surface. The right-side wall, highlighted yellow in the image above, is given an initial velocity in the negative X direction, thereby causing the fluid domain to shrink. This in turn causes waves in the water. An opening is required along the top face to enable air to move in and out of the fluid region while the volume fraction of air and water are in a state of flux. Because of this contraction of the fluid region, you will also need to define the mesh motion of the domain, subdomain, and several of the boundary conditions.

A homogeneous, multiphase model will be used for this simulation because the air and water will maintain a well-defined interface. When setting up the initial conditions for the simulation, CCL-defined step functions will be used to determine the volume fractions of water and air defined by a function of height.

The relevant fluid parameters of this problem are:

  • Density of water = 997 [kg m^-3]

  • Static temperature of water = 25 [C]

  • Density of air = 1.185 [kg m^-3]

  • Static temperature of air = 25 [C]

The relevant physical parameters of the rigid body are:

  • Mass = 39.39 [kg]

  • Density = 500 [kg m^-3]

  • Volume = 0.07878 [m^3]

  • Mass moment of inertia (XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ) = (4.5, 2.1, 6.36, 0, 0, 0) [kg m^2]

  • Initial Center of Mass (X, Y, Z) = (0, —0.1438, 0.05) [m]

The first step in solving this problem is to import a pre-existing mesh file into CFX-Pre. A CCL file containing several mathematical expressions for this simulation will also be imported into CFX-Pre. The transient analysis conditions will then be defined and the default domain edited. A number of boundary conditions will also be created within CFX-Pre. Mesh motion within the domain and several of the boundary conditions will be specified because the domain will contract at the beginning of the simulation, and because the buoy will move freely due to wave motion causing motion of the fluids and hence the rigid body within the domain. In the first simulation, the motion of the mesh surrounding the rigid body will be fully coupled to the motion of the buoy, including the rotation of the buoy; the mesh will both rotate and translate with the buoy. In the second simulation the rotational and translational motion will be decoupled, enabling the inner cylindrical subdomain to rotate at the same rate as the buoy while the outer domain will deform solely with the translational motion of the buoy. In both simulations in CFD-Post, a contour plot will be created to visualize the air/water makeup of the fluid region and the mesh will be visible to observe the mesh when it deforms. In addition, one animation for each simulation will be produced in order to show the complex motion of the rigid body and mesh deformation.

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before beginning:

30.3. Preparing the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory.

    Ansys CFX uses a working directory as the default location for loading and saving files for a particular session or project.

  2. Download the file here .

  3. Unzip to your working directory.

    Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • Buoy.gtm

    • Buoy.ccl

  4. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

30.4. Simulating the Buoy with Fully Coupled Mesh Motion

In this simulation, the motion of the mesh surrounding the rigid body will be fully coupled to the motion of the buoy, including the rotation of the buoy; the mesh will both rotate and translate with the buoy.

30.4.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

This section describes the step-by-step definition of the flow physics in CFX-Pre.

  1. In CFX-Pre, select File > New Case.

  2. Select General and click OK.

  3. Select File > Save Case As.

  4. Under File name, type Buoy.

  5. Click Save. Importing the Mesh

  1. Right-click Mesh and select Import Mesh > CFX Mesh.

    The Import Mesh dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Open. Importing the Required Expressions From a CCL File

The mathematical expressions for this simulation will be imported from a CFX Command Language (CCL) file. These expressions will be used to set a monitor point and the physical parameters of the simulation: the fluid properties and the displacement of the walls and opening.

Note:  The expressions or physics for a simulation can be saved to a CCL file at any time by selecting File > Export > CCL.

  1. Select File > Import > CCL.

    The Import CCL dialog box appears.

  2. Under Import Method, select Append. This will start with the existing CCL already generated by CFX-Pre and append the imported CCL.

    Note:  Replace is useful if you have defined physics and want to update or replace them with newly-imported physics.

  3. Select Buoy.ccl.

  4. Click Open.

  5. Double-click the Expressions section in the Outline tree to see a list of the expressions that have been imported.

    All expressions required for this simulation are displayed. Take a moment to look over each expression. A brief description of each expression will be provided wherever it is implemented within this tutorial.

  6. Close the Expressions section by clicking Close   located at the top of the left workspace.

    Note:  Note that you could have entered these expressions manually into CFX-Pre by inserting new expressions and defining each with an appropriate formula. Defining a Transient Simulation

  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Analysis Type and select Edit.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Analysis Type

    > Option



    Analysis Type

    > Time Duration

    > Option



    Total Time

    Analysis Type

    > Time Duration

    > Total Time



    7.0 [s]

    Analysis Type

    > Time Steps

    > Option




    Analysis Type

    > Time Steps

    > Timesteps



    0.025 [s] [a]

    Analysis Type

    > Initial Time

    > Option



    Automatic with Value

    Analysis Type

    > Initial Time

    > Time



    0 [s]

    1. A total time of 7.0 [s] is implemented so that you get an adequate overview of the rigid body motion during postprocessing. The 0.025 [s] time step provides enough detail in the solution without requiring an excessive amount of computation time for CFX-Solver.

  3. Click OK.

Note:  You may ignore the physics validation messages regarding the lack of definition of transient results files and the lack of initial condition values. You will set up the transient results files and set the initial conditions later. Editing the Domain

In this section you will create the fluid domain to reflect the multiphase, homogeneous region surrounding the buoy, define the fluids, and enable mesh motion.

  1. Edit Case Options > General in the Outline tree view, ensure that Automatic Default Domain and Automatic Default Interfaces are both selected, and click OK.

  2. In the tree view, right-click Default Domain, select Rename, and set the new name to buoy.

  3. In the tree view, right-click the newly renamed domain and select Edit.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Location and Type

    > Location


    Assembly [a]

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    Delete Fluid 1 [b]

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    Create a new fluid named Air at 25 C [c]

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    Create a new fluid named Water at 25 C [c]

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > Air at 25 C

    > Material



    Air at 25 C

    Fluid and Particle Definitions

    > Water at 25 C

    > Material



    Water at 25 C [d]

    Domain Models

    > Buoyancy Model

    > Option




    Domain Models

    > Buoyancy Model

    > Gravity X Dirn.



    0 [m s^-2]

    Domain Models

    > Buoyancy Model

    > Gravity Y Dirn.



    -g [e]

    Domain Models

    > Buoyancy Model

    > Gravity Z Dirn.



    0 [m s^-2]

    Domain Models

    > Buoyancy Model

    > Buoy. Ref. Density



    denAir [e][f]

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Option



    Regions of Motion Specified [g]

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Option




    Displacement Diffusion [h][i]

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Mesh Stiffness

    > Option






    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Mesh Stiffness

    > Mesh Stiffness





    1.0 [m^5 s^-1] / volcvol [e][j]

    Fluid Models


    > Homogeneous Model


    (Selected) [k]


    > Free Surface Model

    > Option





    > Free Surface Model

    > Interface Compression Level





    > Free Surface Model

    > Interface Compression Level

    > Interface Compression





    Heat Transfer

    > Homogeneous Model




    > Option


    Shear Stress Transport

    Fluid Pair Models

    Fluid Pair

    > Air at 25 C | Water at 25 C

    > Interphase Transfer

    > Option[l]




    Mixture Model

    Fluid Pair

    > Air at 25 C | Water at 25 C

    > Interphase Transfer

    > Interface Len. Scale




    1.0 [mm]

    1. Click Multi-select from extended list   to open the Selection Dialog box, then select Assembly from this list. Click OK.

    2. Ensure that you have Fluid 1 selected and click Remove Selected Item  .

    3. To create a new item, you must first click the Add new item   icon, then enter the name as required and click OK.

    4. Click Select from extended list   and then on Import Library Data   in the upper right corner of the resulting Material dialog box. When the Select Library Data to Import box appears, click Expand   located beside Water Data. Select Water at 25 C from the list. Click OK.

    5. In order to enter an expression, you must first click Enter Expression  .

    6. The buoyancy reference density is set to 1.185 kg/m3, which is representative of air.

    7. This mesh deformation option enables you to specify the motion of the boundary mesh nodes using user-defined expressions created in the CFX Expression Language (CEL). These expressions of mesh motion are included in the CCL file that was imported at the beginning of the tutorial.

    8. To see the additional mesh motion settings, you may need to click Roll Down   located beside Mesh Motion Model.

    9. The Displacement Diffusion model for mesh motion preserves the relative mesh distribution of the initial mesh.

    10. The variable volcvol (volume of finite volumes) is a predefined variable related to the local mesh element volume. It is used here in the calculation of the mesh stiffness value. In this example, the mesh stiffness is set to be inversely proportional to volcvol, which results in higher stiffness in regions of smaller element size; these are the regions that are most likely to experience mesh folding. This is similar to the default setting of Mesh Stiffness > Option set to Increase Near Small Volumes with Reference Volume > Option set to Mean Control Volume.

    11. In a homogeneous, multiphase model, all fluids share a flow field, turbulence field, and so on. This is valid for models where the fluids have completely stratified; this is the case in this simulation.

    12. The interphase transfer model controls the calculation of interfacial area density, which is required by certain interfacial transfer processes. In this case, the homogeneous model is used and no other interfacial transfer processes are active so the actual setting does not matter.

  5. Click OK. Creating a Rigid Body

In this section you will specify the properties of a rigid body with three degrees of freedom: translation in the X and Y directions and rotation about the Z axis. The rigid body definition will be applied to the wall boundary of the buoy to define the motion characteristics of the buoy. Further, you will specify the direction of gravity that acts upon the buoy's mass. Aside from gravity, no external forces are specified to act continuously on the buoy, however the motion of the buoy will be driven by fluid forces (from both the air and water) acting on the surface of the rigid body.

  1. It is very important to give the rigid body a coordinate frame that is centered on its center of mass. Create a coordinate frame centered on the rigid body in its initial position, and oriented with its axes aligned with the rigid body axes/global coordinate axes as follows:

    1. Select Insert > Coordinate Frame.

    2. In the dialog box that appears, set Name to RigidBodyCoordFrame and click OK. The Basic Settings tab for the coordinate frame appears.

    3. Set Option to Axis Points.

    4. Set Origin to 0, —0.1438, 0.05.

    5. Set Z Axis Point to 0, —0.1438, 1.

    6. Set X-Z Plane Pt to 1, —0.1438, 0.05.

    7. Click OK.

  2. In the Outline tree view, right-click Flow Analysis 1 and select Insert > Rigid Body.

  3. Accept the default name, Rigid Body 1, by clicking OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings


    39.39 [kg] [a]



    Coordinate Frame


    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > XX Component


    4.5 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > YY Component


    2.1 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > ZZ Component


    6.36 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > XY Component


    0 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > XZ Component


    0 [kg m^2]

    Mass Moment of Inertia

    > YZ Component


    0 [kg m^2]


    Degrees of Freedom

    > Translational Degrees of Freedom

    > Option



    X and Y axes

    Degrees of Freedom

    > Rotational Degrees of Freedom

    > Option



    Z axis




    > Option


    Cartesian Components


    > Gravity X Dirn.


    0 [m s^-2]


    > Gravity Y Dirn.


    -g [b]


    > Gravity Z Dirn.


    0 [m s^-2]

    Initial Conditions

    Center of Mass


    Center of Mass

    > Option



    Linear Velocity


    Linear Velocity

    > Option


    Automatic with Value

    Linear Velocity

    > X Component


    0 [m s^-1]

    Linear Velocity

    > Y Component


    0 [m s^-1]

    Linear Velocity

    > Z Component


    0 [m s^-1]

    Angular Velocity


    Angular Velocity

    > Option


    Automatic with Value

    Angular Velocity

    > X Component


    0 [radians s^-1]

    Angular Velocity

    > Y Component


    0 [radians s^-1]

    Angular Velocity

    > Z Component


    0 [radians s^-1]

    1. The values in this table are taken directly from the problem description found in the Overview of the Problem to Solve section.

    2. In order to enter an expression, you must first click Enter Expression  .

    3. Setting this option to Automatic defaults the center of mass of the rigid body to the origin of the RigidBodyCoordFrame. In most cases, this will be the correct setting.

  5. Click OK. Creating the Boundary Conditions

In this section symmetry boundaries will be created for the front and back planes of the given geometry; this is required because a 2D representation of the flow field is being modeled. Wall boundaries will also be created for the bottom, stationary side, moving side, and buoy body sections of the fluid region. Because the right-side wall will be provided with an initial velocity in the negative X direction, you will define mesh motion along this direction for the moving wall boundaries. An opening boundary will also be created along the top of the fluid region to enable air to flow freely in and out of this region because of the interactions between the air and water (as a result of the moving wall). Symmetry Boundaries

The front and back planes each require a symmetry boundary.

  1. Create a new boundary named back.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    BACK A, BACK B [a]

    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Unspecified [b]

    1. Hold the Ctrl key while selecting both BACK A and BACK B from the list.

    2. In the unspecified mesh motion option, no mesh motion constraints are applied directly to the nodes. Instead, mesh motion is governed by the constraints in other regions of the mesh.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Create a second boundary named front.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    FRONT A, FRONT B [a]

    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



    1. Hold the Ctrl key while selecting both FRONT A and FRONT B from the list.

    2. In the unspecified mesh motion option, no mesh motion constraints are applied directly to the nodes. Instead, mesh motion is governed by the constraints in other regions of the mesh.

  6. Click OK. Wall Boundaries

The top, bottom, and sides of the fluid region all require wall boundaries. In addition, the surface between the fluid region and the rigid body, Rigid Body 1, requires a wall boundary; this wall boundary will move according to the rigid body solution.

  1. Create a new boundary named Buoy Surface.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Rigid Body Solution

    Mesh Motion

    > Rigid Body


    Rigid Body 1

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    No Slip Wall

    Wall Roughness

    > Option


    Smooth Wall

  3. Click OK.

  4. Create a new boundary named wall.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    BOTTOM, S1, S2 [a]

    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Specified Displacement

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > Option



    Cartesian Components

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > X Component



    wallMeshMot [b][c]

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > Y Component



    0.0 [m] [d]

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > Z Component



    0.0 [m]

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    No Slip Wall

    1. Hold the Ctrl key while selecting BOTTOM, S1, and S2 from the list.

    2. In order to enter an expression, you must first click Enter Expression  .

    3. This displacement expression, defined in the CCL, will enable the mesh nodes to shift in the X direction because the fluid domain is compressed in this direction during the simulation. The X-coordinate runs from -4.0 m to 4.0 m, but this mesh motion along the bottom of the fluid region only occurs when the X-coordinate is between 0 m and 4.0 m. Thus, wallMeshMot uses a simple logical expression to apply the mesh motion only when the X-coordinate is greater than or equal to 0 m.

      The second displacement expression that is present in the CCL, wxdisp, allows the mesh nodes to shift in the X direction, because the right-side wall will be moving and compressing the fluid region during the simulation. It is defined in the CCL as a logical expression that remains steady at 0.0 [m] until it is turned "on" at time tOn, at which point a time-dependent, sinusoidally increasing displacement is applied. This displacement increases until 1.0 seconds into the simulation, when it plateaus at this final value. The expression wallMeshMot is dependent on wxdisp, as can be seen in the CCL, and will therefore take the motion of the moving side wall into account. This expression will have no effect on the stationary wall because this wall has an X-coordinate that is outside the part of the expression that specifies a displacement. Thus, wallMeshMot can be applied to all three of these walls; it is equally applicable to each.

    4. The left-side of the fluid region maintains its position throughout the simulation and it is necessary to define mesh deformation of the bottom in the X direction only. Therefore, set the mesh displacement in the Y and Z directions to 0.0 [m].

  6. Click OK. Opening Boundary
  1. Create a new boundary named top.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Specified Displacement

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > Option



    Cartesian Components

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > X Component



    wallMeshMot [a]

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > Y Component



    0.0 [m]

    Mesh Motion

    > Displacement

    > Z Component



    0.0 [m]

    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Opening Pres. and Dirn

    Mass and Momentum

    > Relative Pressure


    0 [Pa]

    Fluid Values

    Boundary Conditions

    > Air at 25 C

    > Volume Fraction

    > Volume Fraction





    Boundary Conditions

    > Water at 25 C

    > Volume Fraction

    > Volume Fraction




    0.0 [b]

    1. The same mesh motion is provided for the top boundary and the bottom boundary. They will move in unison.

    2. The top boundary comes into contact only with air, and not with water. The volume fraction of the opening for air is set to 1.0 and that of water to 0.0, therefore enabling only air to pass through the opening.

  3. Click OK.

Note:  Opening boundary types are used to enable the flow to leave and re-enter the domain. This behavior is expected due to the motion of the water and the interaction between the air and water in the fluid region. Setting Initial Values

Because a transient simulation is being modeled, initial values are required for all variables.

  1. Click Global Initialization  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Global Settings

    Initial Conditions

    > Cartesian Velocity Components

    > U



    0 [m s^-1]

    Initial Conditions

    > Cartesian Velocity Components

    > V



    0 [m s^-1]

    Initial Conditions

    > Cartesian Velocity Components

    > W



    0 [m s^-1]

    Initial Conditions

    > Static Pressure

    > Option



    Automatic with Value

    Initial Conditions

    > Static Pressure

    > Relative Pressure



    hypres [a][b]

    Initial Conditions

    > Turbulence

    > Option



    Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio

    Fluid Settings

    Fluid Specific Initialization

    > Air at 25 C

    > Initial Conditions

    > Volume Fraction

    > Volume Fraction





    airvol [a]

    Fluid Specific Initialization

    > Water at 25 C

    > Initial Conditions

    > Volume Fraction

    > Volume Fraction





    watvol [a][c]

    1. In order to enter an expression, you must first click Enter Expression  .

    2. The expression hypres is defined in the CCL file and gives the relative pressure as a function of the volume of water in the fluid region and the vertical distance (Y direction value). The expression results in an initial pressure gradient that linearly decreases when the value of the Y-coordinate increases (or the water depth decreases). When the Y-coordinate reaches the interface between the air and water, the initial pressure plateaus at a value of zero (due to the reliance of the expression hypres on watvol). The initial pressure gradient produced by this expression can be observed in the image below.

      To create this plot in CFX-Pre:

      1. Double-click Expressions in the Outline tree view.

      2. Double-click the hypres expression.

      3. Select the Plot tab under Details of hypres.

      4. Select Expression Variables: Y.

      5. Set the Start of Range to -2.0 [m] and End of Range to 2.0 [m].

      6. Click Plot Expression.

    3. The airvol and watvol expressions were provided in the CCL file. The expression watvol is a step function that returns a value of 1.0 for all Y-coordinate values less than the initial water height (0.05 [m]), 0.0 for all Y-coordinate values greater than the initial water height, and 0.5 when the Y-coordinate value is equal to the initial water height.

  3. Click OK. Setting the Solver Control

In this section, you will adjust the solver control settings to promote a quicker solution time and to enable the frequency of when the rigid body solver is run.

  1. Click Solver Control  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Equation Class Settings

    Equation Class

    > Mesh Displacement



    Equation Class

    > Mesh Displacement

    > Convergence Control




    Equation Class

    > Mesh Displacement

    > Convergence Control

    > Max. Coeff. Loops




    4 [a]

    Equation Class

    > Mesh Displacement

    > Convergence Control

    > Min. Coeff. Loops





    Rigid Body Control

    Rigid Body Control


    Rigid Body Control

    > Rigid Body Solver Coupling Control

    > Update Frequency



    Every Coefficient Loop [b]

    Rigid Body Control

    > Angular Momentum Equation Control


    (Selected) [c]

    Advanced Options

    Multiphase Control


    Multiphase Control

    > Initial Volume Fraction Smoothing



    Multiphase Control

    > Initial Volume Fraction Smoothing

    > Option



    Volume-Weighted [d]

    1. The maximum number of coefficient loops is set to 4 and the minimum number of coefficient loops to 2 to ensure that the solver completes at least 2 loops per time step, and no more than 4. In this simulation it will ensure a relatively resolved and accurate solution within a short period of time.

    2. By setting the update frequency to every coefficient loop you are specifying that CFX-Solver will call the rigid body solver during every coefficient loop within each time step. This may increase total solution time, however the motion of the rigid body will be better resolved.

    3. This sets the integration scheme for the angular momentum equations to the second-order Simo Wong scheme, which is robust and energy-conserving.

    4. If the initial conditions for volume fraction have a discontinuity, startup robustness problems may occur. Choosing volume-weighted smoothing of these volume fractions may improve startup robustness.

  3. Click OK. Setting the Output Control

In this section, you will set transient results for selected variables to be captured every three time steps. You will also create two monitor points so that you can track the progress in CFX-Solver Manager.

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Trn Results tab.

  3. In the Transient Results editor, click Add new item  , set Name to Transient Results 1, and click OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s) of Transient Results 1:



    Transient Results 1

    > Option


    Selected Variables

    Transient Results 1

    > Output Variables List


    Pressure, Total Mesh Displacement, Velocity, Water at 25 C.Volume Fraction [a]

    Transient Results 1

    > Output Frequency

    > Option



    Time Interval

    Transient Results 1

    > Output Frequency

    > Time Interval




    1. Click Multi-select from extended list  beside the entry box, and make multiple selections in the Output Variables List by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the required variables.

    2. In order to enter an expression, you must first click Enter Expression  .

  5. Click the Monitor tab and configure the following setting(s):

    Monitor Objects


    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions


    Create a new Monitor Point and enter the name Buoy Force [a][b].

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > Buoy Force

    > Option





    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > Buoy Force

    > Expression Value




    force_y()@Buoy Surface

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions


    Create a new Monitor Point and enter the name Buoy Torq [a][c].

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > Buoy Torq

    > Option





    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > Buoy Torq

    > Expression Value




    torque_z()@Buoy Surface

    1. To create a new item, you must first click the Add new item   icon, then enter the name as required and click OK.

    2. This monitor point will track the force acting on the rigid body in the Y direction.

    3. This monitor point will track the torque of the rigid body relative to the Z axis.

  6. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  4. Quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file.

30.4.2. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When CFX-Pre has shut down and the CFX-Solver Manager has started, obtain a solution to the CFD problem by following the instructions below.

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

    Solver Input File should be set to Buoy.def.

  2. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

    Note:  After the CFX-Solver Manager has run for a short time, you can track the monitor points you created in CFX-Pre by clicking the User Points tab that appears at the top of the graphical interface of CFX-Solver Manager. The two monitor points — Buoy Force and Buoy Torq — are monitored in the global coordinate frame and not the coordinate frame attached to the buoy. You can also view the level of convergence of the rigid body solution through the Rigid Body Convergence tab. Finally, the rigid body position and Euler angles can be displayed by going to the main menu and selecting Monitors > Rigid Body > Rigid Body Position and Monitors > Rigid Body > Rigid Body Euler Angles, respectively.

    Note:  New monitor points can be toggled within the current plot by right-clicking the plot and selecting Monitor Properties. A window will display available plot line variables. Select the box to the left of the property to display it — the plot will adjust the scale so that all properties appear.

  3. Select Post-Process Results.

  4. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  5. Click OK.

30.4.3. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In this section, you will create a contour plot for this case. An animation will then be created to show the movement of the rigid body in the fluid domain. Furthermore, the minimum face angle of the mesh will be calculated for comparison purposes between the simulations. Creating a Contour Plot

  1. Right-click a blank area in the viewer and select Predefined Camera > View From +Z.

  2. Create a new Plane and accept the default name.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):






    > Method


    XY Plane


    > Z


    0.05 [m]

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Create new contour and accept the default name.

  6. Configure the following setting(s):






    Plane 1


    Water at 25 C.Volume Fraction

    Color Map

    White to Blue

    # of Contours


  7. Click Apply.

  8. Select File > Save State and choose the name Buoy.cst.

  9. Click Save. Creating a Keyframe Animation

A short animation of the rigid body and surrounding fluid region, starting from rest and given an initial velocity, will be created to show the complex motion of the rigid body and deformation of the mesh because of the waves created in the fluid region. You will record a short animation that can be played in an MPEG player.

  1. Ensure that Contour 1 is visible in the 3D Viewer (make sure there is a check mark beside Contour 1 in the Outline tree view).

  2. Turn off the visibility of Plane 1 and Default Legend View 1 to better see the movement of the buoy.

  3. Edit Wireframe and configure the following setting(s):





    Show surface mesh


  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click the Timestep Selector   in the toolbar. Select the 1st time step and click Apply.

  6. Click Animation   in the Timestep Selector dialog box.

    The Animation dialog box appears.

  7. Set Type to Keyframe Animation.

  8. Click New   to create KeyframeNo1.

  9. Select KeyframeNo1, then set # of Frames to 93, then press Enter while the cursor is in the # of Frames box.

    Tip:  Be sure to press Enter and confirm that the new number appears in the list before continuing.

  10. In the Timestep Selector, select time step 280 and click Apply.

  11. In the Animation dialog box, click New   to create KeyframeNo2.

  12. Ensure that More Animation Options   is pushed down to show more animation settings.

  13. Select Loop.

  14. Ensure that Repeat forever   (next to Repeat) is not selected (not pushed down).

  15. Select Save Movie.

  16. Set Format to MPEG1.

  17. Prepare to save the movie file:

    1. If you want to save the file in your working directory, set File name to Buoy.mpg in the field beside Save Movie.

    2. If you want to save the file somewhere other than your working directory, click Browse   (next to Save Movie) set the new path and movie filename. Click Save.

      The movie filename (including the path) has been set, but the animation has not yet been produced.

  18. Click To Beginning  .

    This ensures that the animation will begin at the first keyframe.

  19. After the first keyframe has been loaded, click Play the animation  .

    • The MPEG will be created as the animation proceeds.

    • This will be slow, since results will be loaded and objects will be created for each time step.

    • To view the movie file, you need to use a viewer that supports the MPEG format.

    Note:  To explore additional animation options, click the Options button. On the Advanced tab of the Animation Options dialog box, there is a Save Frames As Image Files check box. By selecting this check box, the JPEG or PPM files used to encode each frame of the movie will persist after movie creation; otherwise, they will be deleted.

  20. Close the Animation dialog box when the animation is complete. Calculating the Minimum Mesh Face Angle

In this step, you will calculate the Minimum Face Angle of the mesh which is an indicator of the overall mesh quality during the deformation of the mesh. A Minimum Face Angle of greater than 15° is one indicator of a good quality mesh. However an angle of between 10° and 15° is also acceptable but may produce inaccuracies in that region of the mesh during the simulation.

  1. Click the Timestep Selector  , select the 162nd time step and click Apply.

  2. Select Tools > Mesh Calculator or click the Calculators tab and select Mesh Calculator.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Mesh Calculator


    Minimum Face Angle

  4. Click Calculate.

  5. When you have finished, close the Timestep Selector dialog box and exit from CFD-Post.

The 162nd time step was chosen arbitrarily to contrast the mesh quality between this simulation and the following one. In this simulation the Minimum Face Angle during the 162nd time step is approximately 13°.

30.5. Simulating the Buoy with Decoupled Mesh Motion

In this section you will use a subdomain to decouple rotation (that is, to enable independent rotation of the mesh in each part of the domain). Furthermore, you will edit the domain interface boundaries to restrict mesh deformation on the outer part of the domain to translational only; the inner cylindrical part of the domain will rotate and translate at the same rate as the buoy.

30.5.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

  1. Ensure that the following tutorial input file is in your working directory:

    • Buoy.cfx

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. Select File > Open Case.

  4. From your working directory, select Buoy.cfx and click Open.

  5. Select File > Save Case As.

  6. Set File name to Buoy_decoupled.cfx.

  7. Click Save. Creating a Subdomain

The subdomain, domain interfaces, and buoy must share common rigid body characteristics. This is necessary because the inner cylinder and the rigid body must translate and rotate at the same rate to properly isolate the motions. All relative movement between the inner cylinder and the buoy will be eliminated, causing zero mesh deformation within the inner cylinder. A subdomain is not strictly necessary to decouple rotational motions. However, the subdomain increases the robustness of the simulation by ensuring that the entire mesh within the inner cylinder has the same physical properties as the rigid body, not just at the buoy boundary and inner cylinder domain interface (this will be set up in the next step).

  1. Select Insert > Subdomain from the main menu or click Subdomain  .

  2. Set the subdomain name to rot_trans and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings



    Mesh Motion

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Rigid Body Solution

    Mesh Motion

    > Rigid Body


    Rigid Body 1

    Mesh Motion

    > Motion Constraints



    Mesh Motion

    > Motion Constraints

    > Motion Constraints




  4. Click OK. Editing the Domain Interfaces

You will edit the domain interfaces to restrict the rotational movement of the mesh surrounding the subdomain. The mesh that is located on the inner cylindrical domain interface will be assigned the same physical properties as that of the rigid body.

  1. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > buoy > Default Fluid Fluid Interface Side 1.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings



    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Rigid Body Solution

    Mesh Motion

    > Rigid Body


    Rigid Body 1

    Mesh Motion

    > Motion Constraints



    Mesh Motion

    > Motion Constraints

    > Motion Constraints



    Ignore Rotations[b]

    1. This is the outer cylindrical domain interface.

    2. Ignore Rotations constrains the outer domain interface to only translational motion.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Edit Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > buoy > Default Fluid Fluid Interface Side 2.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings



    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Rigid Body Solution

    Mesh Motion

    > Rigid Body


    Rigid Body 1

    Mesh Motion

    > Motion Constraints



    Mesh Motion

    > Motion Constraints

    > Motion Constraints




    1. This is the inner cylindrical domain interface.

  6. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  4. Quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file.

30.5.2. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When CFX-Pre has shut down and the CFX-Solver Manager has started, obtain a solution to the CFD problem by following the instructions below.

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

    Solver Input File should be set to Buoy_decoupled.def.

  2. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  3. Select Post-Process Results.

  4. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  5. Click OK.

30.5.3. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In this section, you will create a contour plot of Water at 25 C.Volume Fraction to show the water content of the fluid region, and to illustrate the interface between the air and water. An animation will then be created to show the movement of the rigid body in the fluid domain. Furthermore, the minimum face angle of the mesh will be calculated for comparison purposes between the simulations. Loading a Contour Plot from the State File

In the first part of the tutorial, you created a plane and a contour plot, then saved a state file named Buoy.cst. You will load the resulting state file so that you do not have to create a new plane and contour plot:

  1. Select File > Load State and choose the name Buoy.cst.

  2. Click Open. Creating a Keyframe Animation

A short animation of the rigid body and surrounding fluid region, starting from rest and given an initial velocity, will be created to show the complex motion of the rigid body and deformation of the mesh because of the waves created in the fluid region. You will record a short animation that can be played in a MPEG player.

  1. Ensure that Contour 1 is visible in the 3D Viewer (make sure there is a check mark beside Contour 1 in the Outline tree view).

  2. Turn off the visibility of Plane 1 and Default Legend View 1 to better see the movement of the buoy.

  3. Edit Wireframe and configure the following setting(s):





    Show surface mesh


  4. Click the Timestep Selector  . Select the 1st time step and click Apply.

  5. Click Animation   in the Timestep Selector dialog box.

    The Animation dialog box appears.

  6. Set Type to Keyframe Animation.

  7. Click New   to create KeyframeNo1.

  8. Select KeyframeNo1, then set # of Frames to 93, then press Enter while the cursor is in the # of Frames box.

    Tip:  Be sure to press Enter and confirm that the new number appears in the list before continuing.

  9. Use the Timestep Selector to load the 280th time step.

  10. In the Animation dialog box, click New   to create KeyframeNo2.

  11. Ensure that More Animation Options   is pushed down to show more animation settings.

  12. Select Loop.

  13. Ensure that Repeat forever   (next to Repeat) is not selected (not pushed down).

  14. Select Save Movie.

  15. Set Format to MPEG1.

  16. Set File name to Buoy_decoupled.mpg.

  17. If you want to save the animation to a location other than your working directory, click Browse   (next to Save Movie) to set the path to a different directory and click Save.

    The movie filename (including the path) has been set, but the animation has not yet been produced.

  18. Click To Beginning  .

    This ensures that the animation will begin at the first keyframe.

  19. After the first keyframe has been loaded, click Play the animation  .

    • The MPEG will be created as the animation proceeds.

  20. Close the Animation dialog box when the animation is complete. Calculating the Minimum Mesh Face Angle

In this section you will calculate the Minimum Face Angle of the mesh, which is an indicator of the overall mesh quality during the deformation of the mesh. A Minimum Face Angle of greater than 15° is one indicator of a good quality mesh. However an angle of between 10° and 15° is also acceptable but may produce inaccuracies in that region of the mesh during the simulation.

  1. Click the Timestep Selector   and load the 162nd time step.

  2. Select Tools > Mesh Calculator or click the Calculators tab and select Mesh Calculator.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Mesh Calculator


    Minimum Face Angle

  4. Click Calculate.

    You can also check other time steps to calculate the mesh quality throughout the simulation.

  5. When you have finished, close the Timestep Selector dialog box.

30.6. Comparing the Two Cases Using CFD-Post

In this section you will compare two cases. First, compare the animations:

  1. With Buoy_decoupled_001.res already loaded in CFD-Post, select File > Load Results.

  2. In the Load Results File dialog box, select Keep current cases loaded, then select the file Buoy_001.res. Click Open.

  3. Click the viewport icon   and select  .

  4. Click the synchronize active view icon  .

  5. Right-click within the 3D view and select Predefined Camera > View from +Z to orient the view. Click Fit View   to scale the buoy appropriately within the 3D Viewer.

  6. In the Outline tree, double-click Case Comparison.

  7. In the Case Comparison editor, select Case Comparison Active, then ensure that both cases are set to Current Step: 0. Click Apply.

  8. Ensure that in each of the views:

    • Contour 1 is visible

    • The plane and default legend are hidden

    • Wireframe has Show surface mesh selected

    Note:  To show/hide plots, toggle the check box next to the plot name in the Outline tree view. This toggles the visibility of the plot in the currently selected view. Because the synchronization of active views has been enabled, this also modifies the visibility of all other views to match the currently selected view.

  9. Click the Timestep Selector  .

  10. Click Animation   in the Timestep Selector dialog box.

    The Animation dialog box appears.

  11. Set Type to Keyframe Animation.

  12. Delete the two existing Keyframes using the delete icon  , because they display the results from only one results file. Then set up the Keyframe Animation in the same way as for the animations you created previously in this tutorial.

  13. Beside Save Movie, set the movie filename to Buoy_comparison.mpg.

  14. Click Stop  , then click To Beginning  .

    This ensures that the animation will begin at the first keyframe.

  15. After the first keyframe has been loaded, click Play the animation  .

    • The MPEG will be created as the animation proceeds.

  16. Close the Animation dialog box when the animation is complete.

Now compare the mesh deformations:

  1. Click the Timestep Selector   and load the 162nd time step.

    The top two views show the differences in the mesh deformation.

  2. Select Tools > Mesh Calculator or click the Calculators tab and select Mesh Calculator.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Mesh Calculator


    Minimum Face Angle

  4. Click Calculate. Results from both cases appear.

    You can also check other time steps to calculate the mesh quality throughout the simulation.

  5. When you have finished, close the Timestep Selector dialog box and exit from CFD-Post.