Chapter 36: Fourier Transformation Method for a Blade Flutter Case

36.1. Tutorial Features

In this tutorial you will learn about:





User Mode

General mode

Analysis Type

Transient Blade Row

Fourier Transformation Pitch Change Model

Time Integration Solution Method

Harmonic Balance Solution Method

Fluid Type

Air Ideal Gas

Domain Type

Multiple Domains

Rotating Frame of Reference

Turbulence Model

Shear Stress Transport

Heat Transfer

Total Energy

Boundary Conditions

Inlet (Subsonic)

Outlet (Subsonic)

Wall (Counter Rotating)

Mesh Motion

Periodic Motion

Sliding Mesh






Transient Blade Row Expansion

36.2. Overview of the Problem to Solve

The goal of this tutorial is to set up transient blade row blade flutter simulations using both time integration and harmonic balance transient methods in combination with the Fourier Transformation pitch change model. An integral step of blade flutter modeling is the calculation of the aerodynamic damping factor as a function of the possible nodal diameters (radial lines of symmetry around the circumference) for the component being modeled. When the number of passages in the component is an integer multiplier of the nodal diameter (), the number of blade passages required to model a given nodal diameter can be substantially reduced by using the rotational periodic boundary conditions. This eliminates the need to model the full component. By using the Fourier Transformation model, the number of passages required can be kept to a minimum of two for all nodal diameters. The Harmonic balance transient method and the Fourier Transformation pitch change model can each cut solution time independently; when combined, the solution time is further reduced.

This tutorial uses an axial compressor to illustrate the basic concepts of setting up, running, and monitoring a transient blade row calculation with blade motion in CFX. The full geometry consists of one rotor containing 36 blades as seen in Figure 36.1: Single-row Reference Case Containing 36 Blades below.

Figure 36.1: Single-row Reference Case Containing 36 Blades

Single-row Reference Case Containing 36 Blades

For non-zero nodal diameters, there is a finite inter-blade phase angle (IBPA) between neighboring blades. This phase difference between the blades is defined as:

where is the number of blades and for an even number of blades and for an odd number of blades.

The following table compares the number of passages per component required to model a given nodal diameter when using periodic boundary conditions or the Fourier Transformation approach:

Nodal Diameter



Number of Passages per Component to Model

Reference Case

(Rotational Periodicity)

Fourier Transformations









































For this tutorial, you will model a nodal diameter of four using the Fourier transformation approach with only two passages. The equivalent model using the periodic boundary conditions (reference case) requires nine passages, that is, a quarter of the original rotor.

The machine is rotating at 1800 [rad s^-1]. The inlet boundary condition is modeled as Total Pressure and Total Temperature in the stationary frame, with a specified flow direction in cylindrical components. The outlet boundary condition is set to an average static pressure of 138 [kPa], varying in the radial direction only. The inlet boundary profile is provided in a .csv file.

The blade vibration is modeled as forced periodic motion at a fixed frequency with a specified inter-blade phase angle. The frequency and displacement profile (mode shape) are obtained from cyclic symmetry calculations in Ansys Mechanical using a single blade model, and exported to a .csv file. For this case the vibration frequency is 1152.13 [Hz], and the maximum displacement for the mode shape is 0.00129 [m]. In order to use this single blade mode shape for multiple blade flow simulations, the profile must be replicated around the machine axis. This replicated profile contains a sector number identifying every copied section from the original profile. This sector number increases following the right hand rule around the machine axis. The sector number information can be used to determine the direction of the phase shift; that is, it can be used to determine whether the blade displacement is initiated on the blade with the higher or lower theta position.

The surface of revolution mesh motion boundary condition is used at the shroud to model the sliding of the mesh along the surface.

The vibration of the blades with IBPA results in a traveling wave pattern. For a model that has a rotating component:

  • A Forward Traveling Wave (FTW) is a wave traveling in the direction of machine rotation, and is associated with a positive IBPA value.

  • A Backward Traveling Wave (BTW) is a wave traveling in the direction opposite to machine rotation, and is associated with a negative IBPA value.

This tutorial models IBPA=+40°, which represents Nodal Diameter=4 for a forward traveling wave.

The hub surface nodes are set to be stationary. The shroud surface nodes are allowed to follow the blade displacement.

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before beginning:

36.3. Preparing the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory.

    Ansys CFX uses a working directory as the default location for loading and saving files for a particular session or project.

  2. Download the file here .

  3. Unzip to your working directory.

    Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • R37ATM_60k.gtm

    • R37_inlet.csv

    • R37_mode1_1p.csv

  4. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

36.4. Defining and Obtaining a Solution for the Steady-state Case

This section describes the steady-state simulation setup for blade flutter in CFX-Pre and subsequent use of CFX-Solver Manager to obtain a solution. Although, the effect of mesh motion on a steady-state run is minimal, it will provide you with the initial conditions for the Fourier Transformation Blade Flutter case.

  1. In CFX-Pre, select File > New Case.

  2. Select General and click OK.

  3. Select File > Save Case As.

  4. Set File name to FourierBladeFlutterIni.cfx.

  5. Click Save.

36.4.1. Importing the Mesh

  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Mesh and select Import Mesh > CFX Mesh.

    The Import Mesh dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):





  3. Click Open.

    This file contains a single passage mesh. The Fourier Transformation method requires two passages for any IBPA number.

  4. In the Outline tree view, right-click Mesh > R37ATM_60k.gtm and select Transform Mesh.

    The Mesh Transformation Editor dialog box appears.

  5. Set Transformation to Turbo Rotation.

  6. Configure the following setting(s):



    Rotation Option

    Principal Axis



    Passages per Mesh


    Passages to Model


    Passages in 360


  7. Click Apply and close the Mesh Transformation Editor dialog box.

36.4.2. Expanding Profile Data

The profile describing the frequency and blade mode shape for one blade is provided with this tutorial. In preparation for a two-passage Fourier Transformation setup, you will expand this profile and initialize it to be used for boundary condition specifications.

  1. Select Tools > Edit Profile Data.

    The Edit Profile Data dialog box appears.

  2. Under Source Profile, click Browse  .

    The Select Profile Data File dialog box appears.

  3. From your working directory, select R37_mode1_1p.csv and click Open.

  4. Set Write to Profile to R37_mode1_36p.csv.

  5. Ensure that Initialize New Profile After Writing is selected so that the mode1 profile data will be automatically initialized using the expanded profile.

  6. In the Transformations frame, click Add new item  , set Name to Transformation 1, and click OK.

  7. Configure the following setting(s):



    Transformation 1

    > Option



    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Rotation Option



    Principal Axis

    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Axis




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Passages in Profile




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Passages in 360




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Expansion Option



    Expand to Full Circle

    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Theta Offset



    0 [degree]

  8. Click OK.

You have expanded the profile data coverage from one passage to 36 passages. The expanded profile file is divided into sectors, as indicated by an extra data column named Sector Tag. Sector 1 contains the original data, which covers one passage. Sector 2 contains data for a second passage. The coordinates and displacement vector components in sector 2 are rotated appropriately compared to the corresponding data in sector 1.

36.4.3. Initializing Profile Data

The inflow and mode1 functions are defined using profiles found in the .csv files in your working directory.

You have already initialized the profile data for the mode1 functions (meshdisptot x(Initial X, Initial Y, Initial Z), meshdisptot y(Initial X, Initial Y, Initial Z), meshdisptot z(Initial X, Initial Y, Initial Z)) during the profile expansion process, due to use of the Initialize New Profile After Writing option in the Edit Profile Data dialog box.

You will now initialize the profile data for the inflow functions (Total Pressure(r), Total Temperature(r), Velocity Axial(r), Velocity Circumferential(r), and Velocity Radial(r)):

  1. Select Tools > Initialize Profile Data.

    The Initialize Profile Data dialog box appears.

  2. Beside Profile Data File, click Browse  .

    The Select Profile Data File dialog box appears.

  3. From your working directory, select R37_inlet.csv.

  4. Click Open.

  5. Click OK.

    The inflow profile data is read into memory.

Note:  After profile data has been initialized from a file, the profile data file should not be deleted or otherwise removed from its directory. By default, the full file path to the profile data file is stored in CFX-Pre, and the profile data file is read directly by CFX-Solver each time the solver is started or restarted.

36.4.4. Creating the Domain

The fluid domain used for this simulation contains Air as an Ideal Gas. In addition to this, you will also set mesh motion for the blades.

  1. Select Insert > Domain from the main menu.

    The Insert Domain dialog box appears.

  2. Set Name to R1 and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Location and Type

    > Location


    Entire Rotor Passage

    Fluid and Particle Definitions...

    > Fluid 1

    > Material



    Air Ideal Gas

    Domain Models

    > Pressure

    > Reference Pressure



    0 [atm]

    Domain Models

    > Domain Motion

    > Option




    Domain Models

    > Domain Motion

    > Angular Velocity



    -1800 [radian s^-1][ a ]

    Domain Models

    > Domain Motion

    > Alternate Rotation Model




    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Option



    Regions of Motion Specified

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Displacement Rel. To



    Initial Mesh

    Domain Models

    > Mesh Deformation

    > Mesh Motion Model

    > Option




    Displacement Diffusion

    Fluid Models

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Total Energy


    > Option

    Shear Stress Transport


    > Wall Function



    > Advanced Turbulence Control

    > Reattachment Modification





    > Advanced Turbulence Control

    > Reattachment Modification

    > Option

    Reattachment Production

    1. Notice that a negative angular velocity is used because the machine rotates clockwise with respect to the axis of rotation

  4. Click OK.

36.4.5. Creating the Boundaries Inlet Boundary

  1. Create a new boundary named R1 Inlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    Entire Rotor INFLOW

    Frame Type


    Profile Boundary Conditions

    > Use Profile Data



    Profile Boundary Setup

    > Profile Name



    Profile Boundary Setup

    > Generate Values



    This causes profile values to be applied at the nodes on the inlet boundary. It also causes entries to be made in the Boundary Details tab. In order to later reset the velocity values at the inlet to match those that were originally read from the BC Profile file, revisit the Basic Settings tab for this boundary and click Generate Values.

    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Stat. Frame Tot. Press.

    Mass and Momentum

    > Relative Pressure


    Inflow.Total Pressure(r)[ a ]

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Cylindrical Components

    Flow Direction

    > Axial Component


    Inflow.Velocity Axial(r)[ a ]

    Flow Direction

    > Radial Component


    Inflow.Velocity Radial(r)[ a ]

    Flow Direction

    > Theta Component


    Inflow.Velocity Circumferential(r)[ a ]


    > Option


    Medium (Intensity = 5%)

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Stat. Frame Total Temp.

    Heat Transfer

    > Stat. Frame Tot. Temp.


    Inflow.Total Temperature(r)[ a ]

    1. Click the Enter Expression icon   to specify the CEL expression.

  3. Click OK. Outlet Boundary

  1. Create a new boundary named R1 Outlet.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    Entire Rotor OUTFLOW

    Frame Type


    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



    Mass and Momentum

    > Option


    Average Static Pressure

    Mass and Momentum

    > Relative Pressure


    138 [kPa]

    Mass and Momentum

    > Pres. Profile Blend



    Pressure Averaging

    > Option


    Radial Equilibrium

    Pressure Averaging

    > Radial Reference Position

    > Option



    Specified Radius

    Pressure Averaging

    > Radial Reference Position

    > Specified Radius



    0.215699 [m]

  3. Click OK. Wall Boundaries

The hub, shroud and blade of the fluid region all require wall boundaries.

  1. Create a new boundary named R1 Hub.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    Entire Rotor HUB

    Frame Type


    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



  3. Click OK.

  4. Create a new boundary named R1 Shroud.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    Entire Rotor SHROUD

    Frame Type


    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Surface of Revolution

    Mesh Motion

    > Axis Definition

    > Option



    Coordinate Axis

    Mesh Motion

    > Axis Definition

    > Rotation Axis



    Global Z

    Mass and Momentum

    > Wall Velocity



    Mass and Momentum

    > Wall Velocity

    > Option



    Counter Rotating Wall

  6. Click OK.

  7. Create a new boundary named R1 Blade.

  8. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    Entire Rotor BLADE

    Frame Type


    Profile Boundary Conditions

    > Use Profile Data



    Profile Boundary Setup

    > Profile Name



    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



  9. Click OK.

36.4.6. Creating Domain Interfaces

You will now create a pair of fluid-fluid domain interfaces along the tip gap for each blade.

  1. Click Insert > Domain Interface and, in the dialog box that appears, set Name to R1 Blade Tip Gap and click OK.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Interface Type

    Fluid Fluid

    Interface Side 1

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 1

    > Region List



    Interface Side 2

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 2

    > Region List



    Interface Models

    > Option


    General Connection

    Mesh Connection

    Mesh Connection Method

    > Mesh Connection

    > Option




  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Insert > Domain Interface and, in the dialog box that appears, set Name to R1 Blade Tip Gap 2 and click OK.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Interface Type

    Fluid Fluid

    Interface Side 1

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 1

    > Region List



    Interface Side 2

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 2

    > Region List



    Interface Models

    > Option


    General Connection

    Mesh Connection

    Mesh Connection Method

    > Mesh Connection

    > Option




  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Insert > Domain Interface and, in the dialog box that appears, set Name to R1 to R1 Periodic and click OK.

  8. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Interface Type

    Fluid Fluid

    Interface Side 1

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 1

    > Region List


    Rotor PER1

    Interface Side 2

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 2

    > Region List


    Rotor PER2 2

    Interface Models

    > Option


    Rotational Periodicity

    Interface Models

    > Axis Definition

    > Option



    Coordinate Axis

    Interface Models

    > Axis Definition

    > Rotation Axis



    Global Z

    Mesh Connection

    Mesh Connection Method

    > Mesh Connection

    > Option




  9. Click OK.

    In addition to the two fluid-fluid interfaces, the Fourier Transformation method requires a domain interface between the two passages. This interface method will be used by the Fourier Transformation method to collect information about the flow. The data will then be transferred back to the rotational periodic boundaries with the proper time lag.

    Note:  The periodic and sampling interfaces must use the GGI mesh connection.

  10. Click Insert > Domain Interface and, in the dialog box that appears, set Name to R1 Sampling Interface and click OK.

  11. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Interface Type

    Fluid Fluid

    Interface Side 1

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 1

    > Region List


    Rotor PER2

    Interface Side 2

    > Domain (Filter)



    Interface Side 2

    > Region List


    Rotor PER1 2

    Interface Models

    > Option


    General Connection

    Mesh Connection

    Mesh Connection Method

    > Mesh Connection

    > Option




  12. Click OK.

Fourier Transformation periodic boundary condition mappings are affected by the mesh motion applied to the periodic interfaces. You can prevent this by changing the mesh motion options for the Periodic and Sampling interfaces to stationary.

  1. In the Outline tree view, edit Flow Analysis 1 > R1 > R1 to R1 Periodic Side 1.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option



  3. Click OK.

  4. Repeat step 2 for R1 to R1 Periodic Side 2, R1 Sampling Interface Side 1, and R1 Sampling Interface Side 2.

36.4.7. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Write Solver Input File  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

  4. Save the simulation.

36.4.8. Obtaining a Solution for the Steady-state Case

From the Ansys CFX Launcher, start the CFX-Solver Manager. In CFX-Solver Manager:

  1. Select File > Define Run

    The Define Run dialog box is displayed.

  2. Under Solver Input File, click Browse   and, in the dialog box that appears, select FourierBladeFlutterIni.def and click Open.

  3. Select Double Precision.

  4. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  5. Ensure that Post-Process Results is cleared.

  6. Click OK.

36.5. Defining and Obtaining a Solution for the Time Integration Solution Method Case

In this part of the tutorial, you will modify the steady-state simulation from the first part of the tutorial in order to add the transient blade flutter/moving mesh details and set up the case to use the Fourier Transformation method. The result from the steady-state simulation is used as an initial guess to speed up the convergence for the transient simulation.

36.5.1. Opening the Existing Case

This step involves opening the original simulation and saving it to a different location.

  1. Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • FourierBladeFlutterIni.cfx

    • FourierBladeFlutterIni_001.res

    • R37_inlet.csv

    • R37_mode1_36p.csv

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. If the original simulation is not already opened, then open FourierBladeFlutterIni.cfx.

  4. Save the case as FourierBladeFlutterTime.cfx in your working directory.

36.5.2. Modifying the Analysis Type

Modify the analysis type as follows:

  1. Edit Analysis Type.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    Analysis Type

    > Option


    Transient Blade Row

  3. Click OK.

36.5.3. Modifying the Domain

Modify the domain as follows:

  1. In the Outline tree view, edit Flow Analysis 1 > R1.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Domain Models

    > Passage Definition

    > Pass. in Component




    Domain Models

    > Passage Definition

    > Passages in 360




  3. Click OK.

36.5.4. Creating Expressions for Frequency and Scaling Factor

Next, you will create expressions defining the frequency, maximum periodic displacement and scaling factor that will be used in the blade boundary definition.

  1. From the main menu, select Insert > Expressions, Functions and Variables > Expression.

  2. In the Insert Expression dialog box, type VibrationFrequency.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Set Definition to 1152.13 [Hz].

  5. Click Apply to create the expression.

You will create an expression defining the maximum periodic displacement.

  1. Create an expression called MaxPeriodicDisplacement.

  2. Set Definition to 0.0015 [m].

  3. Click Apply.

You will use the maximum periodic displacement from above to calculate the scaling factor. The scaling factor is chosen as the maximum amplitude the blade will deform, normalized by the maximum amplitude of the mode shape provided. The maximum amplitude for the blade is set to approximately 2% of the maximum span of the blade.

  1. Create an expression called ScalingFactor.

  2. Set Definition to MaxPeriodicDisplacement/0.00129[m].

  3. Click Apply.

36.5.5. Modifying the R1 Blade Boundary

  1. In the Outline tree view, edit Flow Analysis 1 > R1 > R1 Blade.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Boundary Type



    Entire Rotor BLADE

    Frame Type


    Profile Boundary Conditions

    > Use Profile Data



    Profile Boundary Setup

    > Profile Name



    Profile Boundary Setup

    > Generate Values



    This sets the options under the Boundary Details tab.

    Boundary Details

    Mesh Motion

    > Option


    Periodic Displacement

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Option



    Cartesian Components

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > X Component



    mode1.meshdisptot x(Initial X,Initial Y,Initial Z)

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Y Component



    mode1.meshdisptot y(Initial X,Initial Y,Initial Z)

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Z Component



    mode1.meshdisptot z(Initial X,Initial Y,Initial Z)

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Frequency




    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Scaling



    ScalingFactor[ a ]

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Phase Angle

    > Option




    Nodal Diameter (Phase Angle Multiplier)

    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Phase Angle

    > Nodal Diameter Mag.





    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Phase Angle

    > Traveling Wave Dir.





    Mesh Motion

    > Periodic Displacement

    > Phase Angle

    > Passage Number




    mode1.Sector Tag(Initial X,Initial Y,Initial Z)

    1. Click the Enter Expression icon   to specify the CEL expression.

  3. Click OK.

36.5.6. Setting up a Transient Blade Row Model

In this section, you will set the simulation to be solved using the Fourier Transformation method.

  1. In the Outline tree view, edit Flow Analysis 1 > Transient Blade Row Models.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    Transient Blade Row Model

    > Option


    Fourier Transformation

  3. Under Fourier Transformation, click Add new item  , accept the default name, and click OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):



    Fourier Transformation

    > Fourier Transformation 1

    > Option



    Blade Flutter

    Fourier Transformation

    > Fourier Transformation 1

    > Phase Corrected Intf.



    R1 to R1 Periodic

    Fourier Transformation

    > Fourier Transformation 1

    > Sampling Dom. Intf.



    R1 Sampling Interface

    Fourier Transformation

    > Fourier Transformation 1

    > Blade Boundary



    R1 Blade

    Transient Method

    > Option


    Time Integration

    Transient Method

    > Time Period

    > Option




    Transient Method

    > Time Period

    > Period



    1/VibrationFrequency[ a ]

    Transient Method

    > Time Steps

    > Option



    Number of Timesteps per Period

    Transient Method

    > Time Steps

    > Timesteps/Period



    72[ b ]

    Transient Method

    > Time Duration

    > Option



    Number of Periods per Run

    Transient Method

    > Time Duration

    > Periods per Run




    1. Click the Enter Expression icon   to specify the CEL expression.

    2. The number of time steps per period is an integer that is a multiple of the number of blades divided by the nodal diameter. This guarantees that both blades will go through the same deformations within the period.

  5. Click OK.

36.5.7. Setting Output Control and Creating Monitor Points

In this section you will create monitor points to monitor flow properties, integrated flow quantities, and mesh displacement. Monitor points provide useful information on the quality of the reference phase and frequency produced by the simulation. These monitor points should also be used to monitor convergence and patterns during the simulation.

  • When comparing your Fourier Transformation plots to those from the reference case, make sure the monitor points are placed in the same relative locations with respect to the initial configuration in both cases.

  • Monitoring pressure and velocity provides feedback on the momentum equations, while monitoring temperature provides feedback on the energy equations. Monitor points help check that the solver equations are being solved correctly.

Set up the solver to output transient results files. The transient blade row analysis type offers the Fourier compression method of storing transient periodic data.

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Trn Results tab.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):



    Transient Blade Row Results

    > Extra Output Variables List



    Transient Blade Row Results

    > Extra Output Variables List

    > Extra Output Var. List



    Total Pressure, Total Temperature, Total Mesh Displacement, Wall Work Density, Wall Power Density[ a ]

    1. Click Multi-select from extended list   and hold down the Ctrl key while selecting each of the listed variables.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click the Monitor tab.

  6. Select Monitor Objects.

  7. Add an Efficiency Output monitor:



    Monitor Objects

    > Efficiency Output



    Monitor Objects

    > Efficiency Output

    > Option



    Output to Solver Monitor

    Monitor Objects

    > Efficiency Output

    > Inflow Boundary



    R1 Inlet

    Monitor Objects

    > Efficiency Output

    > Outflow Boundary



    R1 Outlet

    Monitor Objects

    > Efficiency Output

    > Efficiency Type




    Monitor Objects

    > Efficiency Output

    > Value



    Total to Total

  8. You will set up three types of monitors for this simulation. Firstly, you will create a set of monitor points to monitor variables at specific cylindrical coordinates within the domain. Cylindrical coordinates are useful in turbomachinery applications because they allow you to place monitor points with the same relative position inside different passages by shifting the theta component by the equivalent passage pitch. Next, you will create a second set of monitors to monitor the values of expressions. Finally, you will create a third set of monitors to monitor aerodynamic damping.

    Create monitor points by configuring the following settings:



    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions


    Create a monitor point named LE1pass1 [ a ]

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > LE1pass1

    > Option




    Cylindrical Coordinates

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > LE1pass1

    > Output Variables List




    Pressure, Temperature, Total Pressure, Total Temperature, Velocity, Velocity in Stn Frame[ b ]

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > LE1pass1

    > Position Axial Comp.




    0 [m]

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > LE1pass1

    > Position Radial Comp.




    0.23 [m]

    Monitor Objects

    > Monitor Points and Expressions

    > LE1pass1

    > Position Theta Comp.




    -7.5 [degree]

    1. To create a new item, you must first click the Add new item   icon, then enter the name as required and click OK.

    2. Click Multi-select from extended list   and hold down the Ctrl key while selecting each of the listed variables.

  9. Click Apply.

  10. Create additional monitor points with the same output variables. The names and cylindrical coordinates are listed below:




    (0 [m], 0.23 [m], 2.5 [degree])


    (0 [m], 0.23 [m], -2.5 [degree])


    (0 [m], 0.23 [m], 7.5 [degree])


    (0.05 [m], 0.23 [m], 0 [degree])


    (0.05 [m], 0.23 [m], 10 [degree])


    (0.05 [m], 0.23 [m], 5 [degree])


    (0.05 [m], 0.23 [m], 15 [degree])

  11. Create additional monitor points with the following expressions:



    Force on Blade

    force()@REGION:Rotor BLADE

    Force on Blade 2

    force()@REGION:Rotor BLADE 2

    Max Displ Blade

    maxVal(Total Mesh Displacement)@REGION:Rotor BLADE

    Max Displ Blade 2

    maxVal(Total Mesh Displacement)@REGION:Rotor BLADE 2

    Power on Blade

    areaInt(Wall Power Density)@REGION:Rotor BLADE

    Power on Blade 2

    areaInt(Wall Power Density)@REGION:Rotor BLADE 2

    Work on Blade

    areaInt(Wall Work Density)@REGION:Rotor BLADE

    Work on Blade 2

    areaInt(Wall Work Density)@REGION:Rotor BLADE 2

  12. Create aerodynamic damping monitors by configuring the following settings:



    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping


    Create an aerodynamic damping object named Aerodynamic Damping 1.

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 1

    > Option




    Full Period Integration

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 1

    > Location Type

    > Option





    Mesh Regions

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 1

    > Location Type

    > Location





    Rotor BLADE

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping


    Create an aerodynamic damping object named Aerodynamic Damping 2.

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 2

    > Option




    Full Period Integration

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 2

    > Location Type

    > Option





    Mesh Regions

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 2

    > Location Type

    > Location





    Rotor BLADE 2

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping


    Create an aerodynamic damping object named Aerodynamic Damping 3.

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 3

    > Option




    Moving Integration Interval

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 3

    > Location Type

    > Option





    Mesh Regions

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 3

    > Location Type

    > Location





    Rotor BLADE

  13. Click OK.

36.5.8. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Write Solver Input File  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

    If a Physics Validation Summary message appears, indicating one global warning, click Yes to continue. The warning is about initial values, which will be supplied at run-time.

  4. Save the case.

36.5.9. Obtaining a Solution for the Time Integration Solution Method Case

To reduce the simulation time for the blade flutter case, the simulation will be initialized using the steady-state case.

In CFX-Solver Manager:

  1. Click File > Define Run.

  2. Under Solver Input File, click Browse   and select FourierBladeFlutterTime.def.

  3. Select Double Precision.

  4. On the Initial Values tab, select Initial Values Specification.

  5. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values, select Initial Values 1.

  6. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values > Initial Values 1 Settings > File Name, click Browse  .

  7. Select FourierBladeFlutterIni_001.res from your working directory.

  8. Click Open.

  9. Set Initial Values Specification > Use Mesh From, to Solver Input File.

  10. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. This can take a long time depending on your system. Eventually a dialog box is displayed.

    Before the simulation begins, the "Transient Blade Row Post-processing Information" summary in the CFX-Solver Output file will display the time step range over which the solver will accumulate the Fourier coefficients. A "Fourier Transformation Stability" summary appears in the CFX-Solver Output file, as well as the time step at which the full Fourier Transformation model is activated.

  11. When CFX-Solver is finished, you can optionally skip to Postprocessing the Blade Flutter Solution.

36.6. Defining and Obtaining a Solution for the Harmonic Balance Solution Method Case

In this part of the tutorial, you will modify the Time Integration solution method case that was set up in the previous part of the tutorial in order to use the Harmonic Balance solution method. As in the previous part, the result from the steady-state simulation is used as an initial guess to speed convergence.

36.6.1. Opening the Existing Case

This step involves opening the Time Integration simulation and saving it to a different location.

  1. Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • FourierBladeFlutterTime.cfx

    • FourierBladeFlutterIni_001.res

    • R37_inlet.csv

    • R37_mode1_36p.csv

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. If the Time Integration simulation is not already opened, then open FourierBladeFlutterTime.cfx.

  4. Save the case as FourierBladeFlutterHarmonic.cfx in your working directory.

There are many common steps between setting up Time Integration and Harmonic Balance Flutter cases, including using the same Fourier Transformation pitch change model. Here, only the differences are highlighted.

36.6.2. Modifying the Transient Blade Row Model

In this section, you will change the transient method to Harmonic Balance.

  1. In the Outline tree view, edit Flow Analysis 1 > Transient Blade Row Models.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Transient Method

    > Option

    Harmonic Balance

    Transient Method

    > Number of Modes


    Note that, in the Transient Blade Row Models details view, on the Basic Settings tab, the settings for Time Period, Time Steps and Time Duration have disappeared.

  3. Click OK.

Most blade flutter cases require only one mode. However, if the flow contains discontinuities like shocks that happen to oscillate with the vibration, then retaining 3 modes will be necessary for an accurate solution.

There is no need to specify the period involved when selecting Harmonic Balance in combination with the Fourier Transformation model. It will be obtained from the usual location for a blade flutter run (that is, in the Mesh Motion settings for the vibrating blade).

36.6.3. Modifying the Solver Control

  1. Click Solver Control  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Transient Scheme

    > Option


    Harmonic Balance

    Convergence Control

    > Min. Iterations



    Convergence Control

    > Max. Iterations



    Convergence Control

    > Fluid Timescale Control

    > Timescale Control



    Physical Timescale

    Convergence Control

    > Fluid Timescale Control

    > Physical Timescale




    Convergence Criteria

    > Residual Type



    Convergence Criteria

    > Residual Target



  3. Click OK.

The time periods involved in this case are:

  • The blade vibrating period

  • The period defined by the rotating domain

The physical timescale is usually set as a fraction of the smallest time period involved. In this case, the blade vibrating period is the smallest time period involved, and 1/15th of that period is used as the physical timescale. A larger physical timescale speeds convergence but can lower stability. In general, if the solution becomes unstable or does not converge, you should use a smaller fraction when computing the physical timescale.

36.6.4. Modifying the Output Control

In this section you will create monitor points to monitor flow properties, integrated flow quantities, and mesh displacement. Monitor points provide useful information on the quality of the reference phase and frequency produced by the simulation. These monitor points should also be used to monitor convergence and patterns during the simulation.

  • When comparing your Fourier Transformation plots to those from the reference case, make sure the monitor points are placed in the same relative locations with respect to the initial configuration in both cases.

  • Monitoring pressure and velocity provides feedback on the momentum equations, while monitoring temperature provides feedback on the energy equations. Monitor points help check that the solver equations are being solved correctly.

Set up the solver to output transient results files. The transient blade row analysis type offers the Fourier compression method of storing transient periodic data.

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Trn Results tab.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):



    Transient Blade Row Results

    > Extra Output Variables List



    Transient Blade Row Results

    > Extra Output Variables List

    > Extra Output Var. List



    Total Pressure, Total Temperature, Total Mesh Displacement, Wall Work Density, Wall Power Density[ a ]

    1. Click Multi-select from extended list   and hold down the Ctrl key while selecting each of the listed variables.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click the Monitor tab.

    You have already set up monitors for variables, values of expressions, and aerodynamic damping. The aerodynamic damping monitors need to be modified.

  6. Modify the aerodynamic damping monitors by configuring the following settings:



    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping


    Select the aerodynamic damping object named Aerodynamic Damping 1.

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 1

    > Option




    Fourier Integration

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 1

    > Location Type

    > Option





    Mesh Regions

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 1

    > Location Type

    > Location





    Rotor BLADE

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping


    Select the aerodynamic damping object named Aerodynamic Damping 2.

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 2

    > Option




    Fourier Integration

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 2

    > Location Type

    > Option


    Mesh Regions

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping

    > Aerodynamic Damping 2

    > Location Type

    > Location





    Rotor BLADE 2

    Monitor Objects

    > Aerodynamic Damping


    Delete the aerodynamic damping object named Aerodynamic Damping 3.

    (Note that this object is a copy of Aerodynamic Damping 1.)

  7. Click OK.

36.6.5. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Write Solver Input File  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name


  3. Click Save.

  4. Save the case.

36.6.6. Obtaining a Solution for the Harmonic Balance Solution Method Case

To reduce the simulation time for the blade flutter case, the simulation will be initialized using the steady-state case.

In CFX-Solver Manager:

  1. Click File > Define Run.

  2. Under Solver Input File, click Browse   and select FourierBladeFlutterHarmonic.def.

  3. Select Double Precision.

  4. On the Initial Values tab, select Initial Values Specification.

  5. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values, select Initial Values 1.

  6. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values > Initial Values 1 Settings > File Name, click Browse  .

  7. Select FourierBladeFlutterIni_001.res from your working directory.

  8. Click Open.

  9. Set Initial Values Specification > Use Mesh From, to Solver Input File.

  10. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. This can take a long time depending on your system. Eventually a dialog box is displayed.

36.7. Postprocessing the Blade Flutter Solution

The postprocessing steps outlined here can be equally used on either of the Blade Flutter solutions obtained in Defining and Obtaining a Solution for the Time Integration Solution Method Case and Defining and Obtaining a Solution for the Harmonic Balance Solution Method Case. The results should be similar and the differences between the two will be minimized by comparing a time-resolved transient case to a modal-resolved harmonic balance case (that is, a case where increasing the number of modes or time planes does not result in solution change).

36.7.1. Viewing Results in CFX-Solver Manager

Some of the monitor points of the Time Integration case show instantaneous values that oscillate about certain values. The corresponding monitor points of the Harmonic Balance case show values that are time-averaged over the vibration period.

  1. Select Workspace > New Monitor and accept the default name.

  2. Under the Plot Lines tab, expand the USER POINT branch and select Work on Blade.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. On the Range Settings tab, set Plot Data By to Simulation Time.

    This displays a simulation time history of the work on blade 1.

  5. Click the Aerodynamic Damping tab.

    Observe the aerodynamic damping monitors. The monitor values represent mechanical work done by the blade on the fluid over the last period of mesh motion. If the monitor values remain positive (after the case has converged), then the vibration is damped (for the frequency being studied).

  6. Click the Efficiency tab.

    Observe the monitor points related to efficiency.

  7. When done with the CFX-Solver Manager, you can continue examining the solutions with CFD-Post.

36.7.2. Viewing Results in CFD-Post

A transient blade row analysis calculation creates a number of solution variables in addition to those added in Setting Output Control and Creating Monitor Points. These variables are compressed using a discrete Fourier Transformation and the corresponding coefficients are stored in the results file. CFD-Post can expand this transformation for the variable of interest at any given time value. The time step selector shows time values that are representative of the values used by the solver. In addition to the existing time values, additional time values can be added or removed as deemed necessary.

In this section, you will create a few plots to illustrate the use of the time step selector for a transient blade row analysis. You will also create a user defined variable for the total wall work, and use that variable to create a contour and an animation of the blade.

Note:  When CFD-Post starts, you may see a message regarding transient blade row postprocessing. If you do, click OK. Displaying Total Wall Work on the Blade

In CFD-Post, with results loaded:

  1. Select Insert > Variable and set the name to Total Wall Work.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Total Wall Work






    Wall Work Density * Area

    Calculate Global Range


  3. Click Apply to create the new variable.

    You can review the new Total Wall Work variable on the Variables tab, under the User Defined branch. Creating a Contour Plot for Total Wall Work on the Blade

  1. Click Insert > Contour and accept the default name.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):






    R1 Blade


    Total Wall Work



    # of Contours



    Show Contour Lines


    Constant Coloring


    Color Mode


  3. Click Apply.

The contour plot shows instantaneous values for Total Wall Work. Creating an Animation for Total Wall Work on the Blade

Using the contour plot created above, you will now create an animation of the Total Wall Work on the blade for the first phase.

  1. Click Timestep Selector  .

    The Timestep Selector dialog box appears.

  2. Set Timestep Sampling to Uniform.

  3. Select the time value of 0 [s].

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Select Tools > Animation or click Animation  .

    The Animation dialog box appears.

  6. Set Type to Timestep Animation.

  7. Ensure that Control By is set to Timestep.

  8. Select Specify Range for Animation.

  9. Set Start Timestep to 0 and End Timestep to 10.

  10. Select Save Movie.

  11. Set Format to MPEG1.

  12. Click Browse   next to Save Movie to set a path and filename for the movie file.

    If the file path is not given, the file will be saved in the directory from which CFD-Post was launched.

  13. Click Save.

    The movie filename (including path) is set, but the movie is not yet created.

  14. If Current Timestep is not 0 (shown in the Animation dialog box), click To First Timestep   to load it.

    Wait for CFD-Post to finish loading the objects for this frame before proceeding.

  15. Click Play the animation  .

    The movie will be created as the animation proceeds. This will be slow, since a time step must be loaded and objects must be created for each frame. To view the movie file, you need to use a viewer that supports the MPEG format.

  16. When you have finished, close CFD-Post.