3.4.8. Volume Routines

Volumes are groups of elements in a CFX results file. Accessing volumes within the current zone (see cfxExportZoneSet) is performed by making calls to the following functions. It should be noted that the volume definitions for a zone are not loaded into the Export API until either cfxExportVolumeList (see cfxExportVolumeList) or cfxExportVolumeGet (see cfxExportVolumeGet) are called. This reduces memory overheads in the API by not allocating space until required.

When access to volume information in the current zone is no longer required a call to cfxExportVolumeFree (see cfxExportVolumeFree) should be made to deallocate any internal storage. cfxExportVolumeCount

int cfxExportVolumeCount ()

Query the number of volumes defined in the current zone. cfxExportVolumeSize

int cfxExportVolumeSize (int volnum, int type)

Query the number of nodes (if type is cfxVOL_NODES) or number of elements (if type is cfxVOL_ELEMS) defining the volume indexed by volnum in the current zone. The return value will be 0 if volnum is out of range or type is invalid. cfxExportVolumeName

char *cfxExportVolumeName (int volnum)

Query the name of the volume in the current zone indexed by volnum. Returns NULL if the volnum is out of range.

Note:  The returned pointer points to internal storage, which will be overwritten by the next call to cfxExportVolumeName. cfxExportVolumeList

int *cfxExportVolumeList (int volnum, int type)

Query the nodes (type is cfxVOL_NODES) or elements (cfxVOL_ELEMS) that define a volume.

This function returns a pointer to an array of node ids or element ids that define the volume identified by volnum or NULL if the volume number is out of range or the type is not recognized. cfxExportVolumeGet

int cfxExportVolumeGet (int volnum, int type, int index, int *id)

Query the [index]th element (type is cfxVOL_ELEM) or [index]th node (type is cfxVOL_NODE) that defines a volume volnum in the current zone.

If volnum is out of range or type is not recognized or index is out of range, 0 is returned.

Otherwise id will contain the id of the appropriate node or element in defining the volume and the function will return index. cfxExportVolumeFree

void cfxExportVolumeFree (int volnum)

Deallocate any internal data storage associated with the volume defined by volnum.