Chapter 28: User Locations

User locations enable you to specify an arbitrary set of points and connectivities that are not directly associated with the volume mesh. User locations have uses such as:

  • Providing a location on which the solver can write solution data.

    You can observe the solution on some user locations while the solver is in progress.

    Postprocessing on user locations in CFD-Post provides a more efficient way to view data in regions of known interest and can reduce the size of transient results files.

    For details, see Monitor Surfaces.

  • Specifying injection region locations.

    For details, see Injection Positions and User Functions for Injection Regions.

User locations that are generated in CFX-Pre (that is, user lines that use the Two Points option and user points that are specified directly by their coordinates) are stored internally in the CFX-Solver input file. By default, the user location data is updated (recalculated) if necessary at the start of the CFX-Solver run. Controls are available to override this behavior: see Solver Tab.