18.2.1. Basic Settings Tab

The Basic Settings tab defines the type, positions, and coordinate frame of the injection region. Region Type

The Region Type setting has the following options:

  • Inlet

    This option specifies that the flow is directed into the domain, creating mass sources at the injection positions.

  • Outlet

    This option specifies that the flow is directed out of the domain, creating mass sinks at the injection positions. Injection Location Type

The Injection Location Type settings specify which regions are considered to contain the injection region.

The available options are:

  • Domain

    This option specifies that the injection/removal takes place volumetrically at the parent domain mesh elements that are identified by the specified injection positions (described next).

  • Selected 2D Regions

    This option specifies that the injection/removal takes place on selected 2D regions of the parent domain, at mesh element faces that are identified by the specified injection positions (described next). The Location setting holds the selection of 2D regions.

Note:  In order for an injection region to be available as an object in CFD-Post after loading a results file, the injection region must be specified using the Injection Location Type option of Selected 2D Regions. Injection Positions

The Injection Positions settings specify a set of points. The points are used to locate places of injection.

The available options are:

  • From Profile

    Set Profile Name to the name of a profile user function whose coordinate fields provide the injection positions, then click Generate Values.

    A user function specifies the coordinates for each injection position. For details, see User Functions for Injection Regions.

  • User Location

    Set User Location List to the name of one or more locators that provide injection positions.

    For example, you could specify a user surface; each node of the user surface would then be used as an injection position. For details, see User Locations.

Injection positions on surfaces (but not injection positions within a volume) are located by projecting each point location along its respective local surface normal onto the surface (that is, the 2D region specified for the injection region location).

  • In general, injection positions should be within the meshed domain. The exception is for domains that have rotationally periodic interfaces, where a periodic repetition of the domain sector would mean that the injection position would be located within the sector.

  • The injection positions are mapped to the initial mesh at the beginning of a run. In moving mesh cases, the injection positions subsequently move with the mesh. Note that the geometry (for example, a hole) associated with an injection position can be distorted with mesh motion.

  • A locator with line connectivity data can be used in the definition of a user defined slot or cylindrical slot. This could be a user line or a profile user function containing a "[Lines]" definition. The connectivity data does not have to be sequential and can form multiple disconnected line segments. However, in order to form a single line segment, the Injection Positions specification must contain at least two points. Coordinate Frame

Select a coordinate frame for the injection region.

Coordinate frames are used to determine the principal reference directions of specified and solved vector quantities in your domain, and to specify reference directions when creating boundary conditions or setting initial values. By default, CFX-Pre uses Coord 0 as the reference coordinate frame for all specifications in the model, but this can be changed to any valid CFX-Pre coordinate frame. For details, see Coordinate Frames and Coordinate Frames in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.