18.3. User Functions for Injection Regions

To specify injection positions for an injection region, you can define a user function defined by data in a .csv file. The data format is the same as for a profile file, which is described in Profile Data Format.

An example .csv file is shown below:


Minimum Injection Temperature = 328.0 [K]
Coefficient ABC = 42.9
Parameter123 = -600.0

[Spatial Fields]
x, y, z

x [ m ], y [ m ], z [ m ], Diameter [ m ]
3.18766475e-01, -4.35341895e-01, 7.27896512e-01, 0.00210000e+00
2.91383922e-01, 3.52843165e-01, 2.80668914e-01, 0.00213000e+00
3.61989558e-01, -3.94276977e-01, 1.41301310e+00, 0.00213000e+00

The [Parameters] section can be used to define values that are constant across all injection positions.

Each row in the [Data] section describes a different injection position. Some columns are required for coordinate data; other columns are optional, and can hold property data.

You can generate a template for an injection region data file using CFD-Post. For details, see Using CFD-Post to Design an Injection Region Data File.

You must load the injection region data file into CFX-Pre and then initialize the data (Tools > Initialize Profile Data) in order to prepare the data for use in defining the injection positions and properties.

For details on user functions defined by .csv files, see Interpolation (From File) User Functions (Profile Functions).

Note:  You must define at least three injection positions (rows) in any .csv file definition. However, not all of the positions need to be within the mesh.