22.6. Advanced Options Tab

The parameters on the Advanced Options tab should not need to be changed for most simulations.

Optimization Level

For good solver performance in terms of convergence rate and robustness, it is sometimes necessary to modify the solver control Optimization Level setting. This setting selects different sets of pre-set parameter values that affect performance. Higher values generally result in higher convergence rate with lower convergence robustness. However, the effect on performance is case dependent.

Optimization level descriptions follow:

  • 1

    Standard behavior

  • 2

    Artificial wall removal is modified. This optimization level is recommended if, especially in a multiphase run, artificial walls are created as the solver iterates but those walls are not removed or take a long time to be removed. Note that if a solution cannot be found in the absence of these artificial walls, the walls will remain present, for example when a re-circulation region occurs at an outlet.

  • 3

    Second order interpolation is used whenever possible. Consequently, the final solution will be affected depending on the mesh resolution. In addition, the computation of advection coefficients is modified to reduce mesh dependence. This optimization level is recommended for use when high aspect ratio mesh cells are present, for example close to walls. This optimization level is also recommended for non-Newtonian fluid flows that do not show convergence at a reasonable rate. Note that these changes might compromise convergence stability so this level of optimization should be used with caution.

  • Non-default optimization levels should be used only if there is a lack of solver performance after trying standard solver control options.

  • Optimization Level controls are available in several places in the Solver Control advanced options, providing global control as well as control over linear solver numerics and multiphase-related numerics.

Pressure Level Information

Sets an X/Y/Z location for reference pressure and a pressure level.

For details, see Pressure Level Information in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Thermal Radiation Control

For details, see Thermal Radiation Control in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Body Forces

Under this option, Volume-Weighted should be generally used except for free surface cases.

For details, see Body Forces in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Interpolation Scheme

For details, see Interpolation Scheme in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Multicomponent Energy Diffusion

This option is available when a multicomponent flow is used with a heat transfer equation (that is, thermal or total energy). For details, see Multicomponent Energy Diffusion in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. The possible options are:

  • Automatic: uses unity Lewis number when no component diffusivities specified and no algebraic slip model; uses generic assembly when necessary

  • Generic Assembly: sets default component diffusivities to unity Schmidt number Sc = 1; generic treatment of energy diffusion term with support for user defined component diffusivities and algebraic slip model

  • Unity Lewis Number: sets Le = 1; single diffusion term, rather than separate term for contribution of every component, resulting in faster solver runs; the default molecular diffusion coefficient for components is derived from thermal conductivity

    Note:  Forcing unity Lewis number mode when not physically valid may lead to inconsistent energy transport. Therefore this setting is not recommended.

Temperature Damping

For details, see Temperature Damping in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Velocity Pressure Coupling

The Rhie Chow Option controls the details of the Rhie Chow pressure dissipation algorithm. Fourth Order ensures that the dissipation term vanishes rapidly under mesh refinement. However, it can sometimes induce wiggles in the pressure and velocity fields; for example, near shocks. The Second Order option damps out these wiggles more rapidly, but is also less accurate. The High Resolution option uses Fourth Order as much as possible, but blends to Second Order near pressure extrema. It is a good choice for high speed flow. The default is Fourth Order for most simulations, but High Resolution is automatically chosen if High Speed Numerics is activated under Compressibility Control on the Solver Control tab. The High Resolution option may occasionally be useful in other situations as well. For example, if you observe the simulation diverging and continuity residuals are significantly higher than the momentum residuals prior to divergence.

Compressibility Control

The following options control parameters that affect solver convergence for compressible flows.

The Total Pressure Option controls the algorithm used for static-to-total conversions (and vice versa). There are three possible settings:


The incompressible assumption is used in all situations.


The total pressure is calculated depending on the equation of state.


This is equivalent to Automatic when the total energy model is used, and Incompressible otherwise.

For further details, see Total Pressure in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.

The Automatic option may experience robustness problems for slightly compressible fluids (such as compressible liquids). In such cases, you should consider using the Incompressible option instead.

When the High Speed Numerics option is selected, special numerics are activated to improve solver behavior for high-speed flow, such as flow with shocks. This setting causes the following behavioral changes:

  • It activates a special type of dissipation at shocks to avoid a transverse shock instability called the carbuncle effect (which may occur if the mesh is finer in the transverse direction than in the flow direction).

  • It activates the High Resolution Rhie Chow option to reduce pressure wiggles adjacent to shocks.

  • It sets the nodal pressure gradients to zero at all pressure boundaries as well as openings.

  • For steady-state flows, it modifies the default relaxation factors for the advection blend factor and gradients.

The Clip Pressure for Properties option enables the solver to accept negative absolute pressures in the converged solution. For simulations involving compressible flow, the absolute pressure should not be negative. However, the pressure field required to satisfy the governing equations on a finite mesh may not necessarily satisfy this condition. By default, the solver is robust to a pressure field that may want to temporarily lead to negative pressures, but not if negative pressures are present in the converged solution. The solver can be made robust to negative absolute pressures in the converged solution by activating this parameter, which clips the absolute pressure to a finite value when evaluating pressure-dependent properties such as density.

Linear Solver Control

With Option set to Automatic, you can select an optimization level.

For good solver performance in terms of convergence rate and robustness, it is sometimes necessary to modify the linear solver control Optimization Level setting. This setting selects different sets of pre-set parameter values that affect performance. Higher values generally result in higher convergence rate with lower convergence robustness. However, the effect on performance is case dependent.

Optimization level descriptions follow:

  • 1

    Standard behavior

  • 2

    Convergence testing is stricter. If the linear solver diverges significantly, the solver is stopped without updating the principal variable fields of the failed equation system. Special controls are applied at start-up to avoid solution failure, for example when initial velocities are directed into walls.

  • 3

    The smoothing applied by the linear solver as it iterates is modified to improve solution behavior at short mesh length scales. This can be helpful for parallel processing runs and for multiphase runs with very strong volume fraction gradients. This optimization level is recommended only for parallel runs or multiphase runs where there are free surfaces or strong volume fraction gradients because, in other cases, this optimization level might merely increase the CPU time used without providing any benefit.

  • Non-default optimization levels should be used only if there is a lack of solver performance after trying standard solver control options.

  • Optimization Level controls are available in several places in the Solver Control advanced options, providing global control as well as control over linear solver numerics and multiphase-related numerics.

Multiphase Control

The following options handle control of solver details specific to multiphase flows.

When the Volume Fraction Coupling option is set to Segregated, the solver solves equations for velocity and pressure in a coupled manner, followed by solution of the phasic continuity equations for the volume fractions. With the Coupled option, the solver implicitly couples the equations for velocity, pressure, and volume fraction in the same matrix. The coupled volume fraction algorithm is particularly beneficial for buoyancy-dominated flows, such as buoyant free surface problems. The coupled volume fraction algorithm is also extremely beneficial when used in conjunction with models that include forces that are proportional to volume fraction gradients, such as the turbulence dispersion force in Eulerian multiphase flows and the solids pressure force in Eulerian multiphase models of granular flows (see Interphase Momentum Transfer Models in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide). For models of this nature, convergence of the segregated volume fraction algorithm tends to require much smaller physical time scales than are required by the coupled volume fraction algorithm.

Note:  If you encounter convergence difficulties when using a turbulence dispersion model in conjunction with Segregated volume fraction coupling, then you should consider reducing the physical time scale, or switching to Coupled volume fraction coupling.

Note:  If the residuals fail to drop reasonably well while solving a case that uses the Coupled option, it may be beneficial to reduce the mass flow under-relaxation parameter, relax mass, below its default value. For details on this parameter, see Convergence Control Parameters in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

The Initial Volume Fraction Smoothing option can be set to None or Volume-Weighted. If the initial conditions for volume fraction have a discontinuity, startup robustness problems may occur. Choosing Volume-Weighted smoothing of these volume fractions might improve startup robustness.

Under Optimization Level, you can select an optimization level.

For good solver performance in terms of convergence rate and robustness, it is sometimes necessary to modify the multiphase Optimization Level setting. This setting selects different sets of pre-set parameter values that affect performance. Higher values generally result in higher convergence rate with lower convergence robustness. However, the effect on performance is case dependent.

Optimization level descriptions follow:

  • 1

    Standard behavior

  • 2

    This optimization level is strongly recommended for any cases with phase change or for which non-drag forces are present. Improved linearization of non-drag forces is applied and interphase mass transfer is modified to ensure physical behavior in the limit that one of the phases becomes very dilute.

  • 3

    Further improvements to the linearization of non-drag forces are applied together with improved damping of the forces in the limit that the continuous phase becomes dilute. In addition, if wall boiling is being modeled, the energy equation has under-relaxation applied to improve stability in the wall boundary layer.

  • 4

    This optimization level attempts to improve convergence rate, but might reduce convergence stability.

  • Non-default optimization levels should be used only if there is a lack of solver performance after trying standard solver control options.

  • Optimization Level controls are available in several places in the Solver Control advanced options, providing global control as well as control over linear solver numerics and multiphase-related numerics.

Intersection Control

You can use the options described in this section to control the intersection of non-matching meshes. The parameters that you set here are applied to all interfaces where Intersection Control settings have not been applied individually in domain interface definitions. (See Intersection Control to learn how to apply Intersection Control settings to individual interfaces.)

CFX provides the GGI (General Grid Interface) capability, which determines the connectivity between the meshes on either side of the interface using an intersection algorithm. In general, two intersection methods are provided:

  • Bitmap Intersection:

    Two faces on either side of the interface which have to be intersected are both drawn into an equidistant 2D pixel map. The area fractions are determined by counting the number of pixels that reside inside both intersected faces (that is, within the union of the two faces). The area fraction for a face is then calculated by dividing the number of overlapping pixels by the total number of pixels in the face. This method is very robust.

  • Direct Intersection (Default):

    Two faces on either side of the interface are intersected using the Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm. This method computes the exact area fractions using polygon intersection, and is much faster and more accurate than the bitmap method.

  • If Direct (one-to-one) mesh connectivity is available, the solver will ignore the Intersection Control option and will instead use a 'topological intersection', that is, use the one-to-one information to generate the intersection data.

  • If you are restarting a run, the intersection step is skipped and the intersection data is read from the results file. This behavior can be overridden by setting the expert parameter force intersection to True.

The Bitmap Resolution controls the number of pixels used to fill the 2D pixel map (see description of the bitmap intersection method above). The higher this number, the more accurate the final calculation of the area fractions. In general, the default resolution of 100 should be sufficient but large differences in the mesh resolution on both sides of the interface as well as other mesh anomalies may require the bitmap resolution to be increased. Larger numbers will cause longer intersection times, for example, doubling the bitmap resolution will approximately quadruple the GGI intersection time.

When the Permit No Intersection option is set, the solver will run when there is no overlap between the two sides of an interface. This parameter is mainly useful for transient cases where interface geometry is closing and opening during the run. For example, transient rotor-stator cases with rotating valves, or moving mesh cases where the GGI interface changes from overlap to non-overlap during the simulation both can exhibit this type of behavior. This parameter is not switched on by default.

The Discernible Fraction option controls the minimum area fraction below which partially intersected faces are discarded. The following default values used by the solver depend on the intersection method:

  • Bitmap Intersection: 1/(Bitmap Resolution)^1.5

  • Direct Intersection: 1.0E-06

The idea is that intersection inaccuracies should not lead to tiny area fractions that have no impact on the solution.

The Edge Scale Factor option is used to control the detection of degenerate faces. Degenerate faces are detected by comparing the face edge lengths with a characteristic length of the volume touching the face. Degenerated faces will not be intersected and therefore, intersected faces of zero size are discarded so that problems with the 2D projection of those faces are avoided.

The Periodic Axial Radial Tolerance option is used when determining if the surface represented by the interface is a constant axial or radial surface. For a rotational periodic GGI interface, the solver ensures that the ratio of the radial and axial extent compared to the overall extent of each interface side is bigger than the specified value and therefore, the interface vertices do not have the same radial or axial positions.

The Circumferential Normalized Coordinates Option is used to set the type of normalization applied to the axial or radial position coordinates (η). Mesh coordinate positions on GGI interfaces using pitch change are transformed into a circumferential (θ) and axial or radial position (η). The η coordinates span from hub to shroud and are normalized to values between 0 and 1. In cases where the hub and/or shroud curves do not match on side 1 and side 2, different approaches are available to calculate the normalized η coordinates based on side local or global minimum and maximum η values:

  • Mixed (Default for Fluid Fluid interfaces): Normalization of η is based on local minimum and maximum η values as well as the η range of side 1. This method forces the hub curves on side 1 and 2 to align. Non-overlap regions adjacent to the shroud may be produced if the shroud curves are not the same.

  • Global (Default for Fluid Solid Interfaces): Normalization of η is based on global minimum and maximum eta values. This method intersects side 1 and 2 unchanged from their relative positions in physical coordinates. If the hub and shroud curves do not match then non-overlap regions will be produced.

  • Local: Normalization of η is done locally for each side of the interface. This method will always produce an intersection of side 1 and 2, but may cause undesirable scaling of the geometry in some cases.

The Face Search Tolerance Factor is a scaling factor applied to the element sized based separation distance used to find candidates for intersection. For a given face on side 1 of the interface, candidate faces for intersection are identified on side 2 using an octree search algorithm. The octree search uses this tolerance to increase the sizes of the bounding boxes used to identify candidates. Making this parameter larger will increase the size of the bounding boxes, resulting in possible identification of more candidates.

The Face Intersection Depth Factor is a scaling factor applied to the element sized based separation distance used when performing the direct or bitmap intersection. The final intersection of faces is only applied to those faces that are closer to each other than a specified distance. This distance is calculated as the sum of the average depth of the elements on side 1 and side 2 of the interface. This factor is applied as a scaling on the default distance. It might be necessary to adjust this factor if the normal element depth on the two interfaces sides varies a lot, or side 1 and 2 of the interface are separated by thin regions (for example, thin fin type geometries).

Injection Control

The Injection Control settings are available if any domain has an injection region defined with Injection Location Type set to Selected 2D Regions (see Injection Location Type).

The Injection Control > Surface Injection Control settings are described next.

The Surface Overlap Type options are:

  • Mapped Faces (default)

    If the mesh faces at an injection position are smaller than the hole size, the injection at that position influences multiple mesh faces.

    Note that, with the Mapped Faces option, injection positions must be geometrically separated enough to avoid having multiple injection positions directly influence the same mesh elements or vertices.

    Intersection Control settings are made available. These are identical to the Intersection Control settings of domain interfaces, described in Intersection Control: Option.

  • Nearest Face

    At each injection position, the injection influences only the mesh element face that contains the hole center, irrespective of the comparative sizes of the hole and mesh element face.

Note:  If the hole size at a given injection position is less than the size of the local mesh element faces, the Nearest Face option is preferred.

In order for CFX-Solver to locate an injection position on a surface, the specified position (for example, a point from a .csv file) must lie within a certain distance of the surface. That distance is the product of:

  • The specified value of Extrusion Factor, and

  • The largest radius associated with any injection position of the injection region.

If you do not specify a value for Extrusion Factor then the default value of 5 applies. The CFX-Solver Output file notes any injection positions that could not be located on a surface (even those that are intentionally not located on any surface).

The Intersection Control settings are available if Surface Overlap Type is set to Mapped Faces. These are identical to the Intersection Control settings of domain interfaces, described in Intersection Control: Option.

Stabilization Control

You can select Stabilization Control and select an available option to try to avoid solution divergence or, in transient simulations only, to try to avoid unconverged time steps. To try to avoid divergence, set Option to Repeat on Linear Solver Error. To try to avoid unconverged time steps, set Option to Repeat When Unconverged. Under each option, if the applicable type of problem arises, the solver reattempts to compute the failed/diverged timestep/iteration with a reduced timestep or time scale.

The maximum number of reattempts for any given timestep/iteration is specified by Max. Repetitions.

On a given reattempt, the timestep or time scale is scaled from the previous (failed) value by the specified Timestep Factor or Timescale Factor.

After the timestep or time scale is scaled down, it remains at the new value until there is any cause to change it, such as switching to the next value in a prescribed list, or editing a run in progress.

Stabilization Control is not supported for cases that involve any of the following features:

  • Transient Blade Row (TBR)


  • Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU)

  • System Coupling

  • Transient Rotor Stator (TRS)

  • User Fortran