3.4.5. Interpolating Onto a Solver Input File with Results Fields

If the CFX-Interpolator is asked to interpolate from a source file onto a target file that already contains solution variables, then it will proceed, but it will write a warning message into the diagnostic information, and you should check the results carefully as they may not be what you expect. (This should not be confused with using the CFX-Interpolator to calculate difference variables, as described in Using the CFX-Interpolator to Calculate Difference Variables).

This situation will occur if you select a results file as a target file (rather than a CFX-Solver Input file written by CFX-Pre with a name of the form *.def), or if you select a target file that has previously been used as a target file by the CFX-Interpolator (not as part of a run definition). Exactly what initial conditions will be used if the resulting target file is used by the CFX-Solver if this situation occurs is dependent upon the details of what solution fields are already present in the target file.

If you only ever use the CFX-Interpolator as part of a run definition, then you will not encounter this situation unless you choose a CFX-Solver Results file as your Solver Input File and specify one or more Initial Values Files as part of the run definition. This should be avoided.

If you use the CFX-Interpolator outside of a run definition (such as by using the cfx5interp command or by using Tools > Interpolate Results from the CFX-Solver Manager) then once you use a CFX-Solver Input file written by CFX-Pre as your target file, and perform the interpolation, then this CFX-Solver Input file will now contain solution fields. If you repeat the interpolation with a different target file but with the same settings as previously (particularly with respect to whether or not the CFX-Interpolator is run in Initial Guess mode or Run Continuation mode) then the results of the second interpolation will overwrite any results of the first interpolation. Using a CFX-Solver Results file as the target file, or interpolating onto a CFX-Solver Input file that has previously been used for interpolation but with different interpolator settings should be avoided.