3.4.6. Miscellaneous Limitations of the CFX-Interpolator

  • Monitor data is not interpolated if the solution units in the source file and the target file are different.

  • Particle track data is not interpolated if the solution units in the source file and the target file are different.

  • The CFX-Interpolator cannot interpolate values from a fluid in the one or more source files to a fluid in the target file if the fluid is defined as a Continuous or Dispersed Fluid/Solid in one file and a Particle Transport Fluid/Solid in another file. In this case it will stop with an error about inconsistent morphology.

  • When using the CFX-Interpolator in initial guess mode, and the source files are generated from CFX-Solver Release 11.0 or later, then only principal variables will be copied (if the meshes are the same) or interpolated (if the meshes are different).

  • When using the CFX-Interpolator in initial guess mode, and the source files are generated from CFX-Solver Release 10.0 or earlier, then both principal and derived variables will be copied (if the meshes are the same) or interpolated (if the meshes are different).

  • You cannot use CEL expressions or power syntax to define any settings that are used for interpolation, including transformation settings and replication control settings.

  • When using interpolation mapping, there must be exactly one object specified in the Initial Values list on the Initial Values tab, which is found in these locations:

    • In CFX-Solver Manager in the Define Run dialog box

    • In CFX-Pre in the Configuration details view

    • In CFX-Pre in the Execution Control details view

  • In the following cases, only variables containing Fourier coefficient data are interpolated or copied:

    • The initial values file is from a time transformation simulation, but the solver input file is not for a time transformation simulation.

    • The initial values file is from a transient blade row simulation, and its solution data has been replicated onto target domains in the solver input file.

  • When running, from the command line or in batch mode, a case that uses interpolation mapping, the initial values file may be specified either within the definition file or within a CCL file that contains an INITIAL VALUES object (but not within both the definition file and a CCL file). The initial values file must not be specified by the -initial-file or the -continue-from-file arguments.