System Coupling analyses can be run using either of System Coupling's user interfaces. To run Ansys CFX as a coupling participant:
For coupled analyses set up in a System Coupling interface:
To set up a coupled analysis in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, perform the steps outlined in Preparing for a Coupled Analysis, Creating a Coupled Analysis, and Modifying Coupled Analysis Settings.
To run the coupled analysis in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, perform the steps outlined in Running a Coupled Analysis.
For coupled analyses set up using System Coupling in Workbench:
System Coupling analyses that are set up in Workbench can be exported and executed using one of System Coupling's user interfaces.
To set up a coupled analysis in Workbench, follow the steps outlined in Setting Up a Coupled Analysis in Workbench.
To export a coupled analysis setup, follow the steps outlined in Exporting a System Coupling Setup.
To execute the exported setup in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, follow the steps outlined in Running an Exported System Coupling Setup.
For information on how to restart an analysis in one of System Coupling's user interfaces, see Restarting a Coupled Analysis.
For details on alternate workflows and capabilities, see Common Coupled Analysis Tasks and Advanced Coupled Analysis Tasks.