Chapter 5: Ansys CFX in Ansys Workbench

Ansys CFX components can be run in two modes:

  • As stand-alone applications started from the Ansys CFX Launcher and independent of the Ansys Workbench software. This mode is described in Using the Ansys CFX Launcher.

  • As applications launched from Ansys Workbench.

Note:  For CFX, TurboGrid and CFD-Post applications, the graphics viewer, which is based on OpenGL 4.5, will work with Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection only if you are using Nvidia Quadro graphics cards with appropriate drivers for Windows 10. If you see an empty (black) viewer, try setting the environment variable CFX_QT_OPENGL=desktop on the remote machine, in the local environment of the intended application (for example, in a shell or script that launches the application), before starting the application. Consider adding this environment variable to the cfx5rc.txt user’s configuration file. To work around this issue you may launch the CFX application prior to making the remote connection, or use one of the other Ansys-supported remote display methods.

Note:  This chapter assumes that you are familiar with using Ansys CFX in stand-alone mode. You should consult the Ansys Workbench help for more detailed information on Ansys Workbench.

Important:  CFX in Ansys Workbench does not support the use of filenames or project names that contain multiple consecutive spaces, or the "$", "#", or "," characters anywhere in their filepath.