5.4. Default File Locations

Ansys CFX applications launched from Ansys Workbench have default locations for file operations that are appropriate for Ansys Workbench:

  • Save operations default to the user_files directory. The user_files directory appears under the directory that holds the Project file (<projectfile_name>/user_files/).

    If the default directory has already been set, changing the save location in a file dialog box also changes the default save directory. If a change is made to the project directory through Ansys Workbench, that will also reset the default directory.

    Note:  A change in defaults is held only for the duration of the Ansys CFX application session (that is, an exit and re-edit of an Ansys CFX application) will reset the defaults back to project user_files for export operations and to the permanent files directory for import operations.

  • Open operations default to the permanent files directory. The permanent files directory holds the Project file.

  • Export operations initially default to the user_files directory, but change to the last directory used for an export operation during a session.

In addition, there is an icon in the directory tree that takes you to the user_files, and all recent directory selections are available from the directory path drop-down selector.