15.7.6. Turbo Charts Blade Loading Turbo Charts

The Blade Loading feature plots pressure (or another chosen variable) on the blade at a given spanwise location. A polyline is created at the given spanwise location.

A special variable, Streamwise (0-1) is available as the X Variable used in blade loading plots. This is a streamwise coordinate that follows the blade surface; it can be used as a substitute for the axial coordinate (for example, X) or the variable Chart Count. The streamwise coordinate is based on the meridional coordinate, and is normalized so that it ranges from 0 at the leading edge to 1 at the trailing edge of the blade. Circumferential Turbo Charts

Select a streamwise and spanwise location and a number of sampling points.

Note:  The Theta extents of the chart line are set to the Theta extents of the domain or, in the case of data instancing, the Theta extents of the expanded set of domains. Some of the sample points may fall outside the domain. To see the circumferential chart line, edit the Plots > 3D View object and turn on Show chart location lines. Hub to Shroud Turbo Charts Single Line vs. Two Lines

Select either Single Line or, to perform a comparison between two streamwise locations on a hub-to-shroud plot, to Two Lines. Display

If you have selected Two Lines, you can set Display to:

  • Separate Lines

    Displays the two lines without performing any comparisons.

  • Difference (S2–S1)

    Displays the difference in the circumferentially averaged variable between the two locations, relative to the first line’s location.

  • Ratio (S2/S1)

    Displays the ratio of the difference in the circumferentially averaged variable between the two locations, relative to the first line’s location.

When Display is set to Difference (S2–S1) or Ratio (S2/S1), you can set the Compare option to X Values or to Y Values. The selected values will be compared between the two lines. Mode

Set Mode to one of the following options:

  • Two Points Linear

    The Two Points Linear option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be a straight line, specified by two points: one on the hub and one on the shroud. The Point Type setting (described below) specifies the coordinate system for interpreting the specified points.

  • Blade Aligned Linear

    The Blade Aligned Linear option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be specified by a curve of constant Linear BA Streamwise Location coordinate. For details, see Constant Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates.

  • Blade Aligned

    The Blade Aligned option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be specified by a curve of constant BA Streamwise Location coordinate. For details, see Constant Blade Aligned Coordinates.

  • Streamwise Location

    The Streamwise Location option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be specified by a curve of constant streamwise coordinate. Here, the streamwise coordinate system is derived from a "background mesh". For details, see Background Mesh Frame.

  • Blade Aligned coordinates may not always be available, depending on the case geometry. In particular, if the blade tip clearance is large or uneven between the leading and trailing edges, CFD-Post may not be able to detect the blade edge lines. In this case you will not be able to use Blade Aligned coordinates in turbo surface or turbo chart specification.

  • In turbo line, turbo surface, and related editors, the Blade Aligned coordinate values that you enter in the input fields (and the related CCL parameters) are normalized to the blade's leading and trailing edge locations with predefined constant references: 0.25 and 0.75 are taken to be the blades leading and trailing edges, respectively. The normalization of the input values is to enable a consistent reference to the leading and trailing edges regardless of specific cases. These values are conventions, not real blade aligned coordinated values; the normalized values are translated by the engine to create the real Blade Aligned coordinate values before constructing turbo lines and turbo surfaces. Point Type

The Point Type setting is applicable when Mode is set to Two Points Linear. It controls the coordinate system for defining the specified hub and shroud point coordinates. The options for Point Type are:

  • AR

    When the AR option is selected, the hub and shroud points are specified in AR (axial, radial) coordinates.

  • XYZ

    When the XYZ option is selected, you specify the x, y, and z coordinates of the line's end points.

  • Blade Aligned Linear

    When the Blade Aligned Linear option is selected, the hub and shroud points are specified, each by a single Linear BA Streamwise Location coordinate. For details, see Constant Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates.

  • Streamwise Location

    When the Streamwise Location option is selected, the hub and shroud points are specified, each by a single streamwise coordinate. Here, the streamwise coordinate system is derived from a "background mesh". For details, see Background Mesh Frame. Theta

The Theta setting is available with the Hub to Shroud methods. Samples

The Samples setting controls the number of sampling points between the hub and shroud. Streamwise

The Streamwise field sets the streamwise location for a chart line.

When Display is set to Difference or Ratio, the Streamwise fields set the locations to compare.

Note:  When there is a domain interface at a single streamwise location, for example a domain interface between the rotor and stator domains of a compressor stage, choosing a streamwise location exactly on the interface might lead to unexpected results. To cause CFD-Post to sample values from the intended side of the interface, choose a streamwise position slightly away from the interface. For example, if there is an interface at a streamwise position of 1, you could set Streamwise to 0.99999 or 1.00001 to cause CFD-Post to sample values from one side or the other. Distribution

Each sampling point value is evaluated from a corresponding circular band. The Distribution setting controls how the sampling points and their corresponding bands are distributed from hub to shroud (at the same streamwise coordinate).

The Distribution options are:

  • Equal Distance

    The Equal Distance option (default) causes the sampling points to be distributed at uniform distances along a hub-to-shroud path. For circumferential averaging purposes, contiguous circular bands are internally constructed, one for each sampling point, concentric about the rotation axis, width-centered (in the spanwise direction) about each sampling point, each band having the same width or spanwise extent.

  • Equal Mass Flow

    The Equal Mass Flow option causes the sampling points to be distributed along a hub-to-shroud path such that contiguous circular bands can be internally constructed, one for each sampling point, concentric about the rotation axis, width-centered (in the spanwise direction) about each sampling point, with an equal mass flow through each band (except possibly the first and last bands). See Include Boundary Points, below.

    Note:  CFD-Post cannot create an Equal Mass Flow point distribution for some cases:

    • When there is a cross-section recirculation and the total mass flow on the section is near zero, the point distribution will fail.

    • When there is a mass flow 'spike' on the section (usually this is caused by an ill-defined solution), the equal mass distribution will be impractical.

    • When too many sample points are requested over a small area.

  • Equal Area

    The Equal Area option causes the sampling points to be distributed along a hub-to-shroud path such that contiguous circular bands can be internally constructed, one for each sampling point, concentric about the rotation axis, width-centered (in the spanwise direction) about each sampling point, with an equal area for each band (except possibly the first and last bands). See Include Boundary Points, below.

  • Mesh Density Based

    The Mesh Density Based option causes the sampling points to be distributed along a hub-to-shroud path such that the sampling point density is proportional to the mesh node density along either

    • the intersection of the inlet with the periodic surface, or

    • the intersection of the outlet with the periodic surface,

    whichever of these paths has a greater number of nodes.

    The following settings are available:

    • Max. Number of Points > Max. Points

      The Max. Points setting controls the number of points of analysis.

    • Reduction Factor > Factor

      The Factor setting specifies the ratio of mesh nodes to sampling points along the hub-to-shroud path. A value of 1 causes one sampling point to be created per mesh node. You can reduce the computational time by setting a larger reduction factor.

      Note:  For Two-Line Hub to Shroud plots, you may not be able to create Difference and Ratio plots using Reduction Factor if the two lines are in different domains.

When Distribution is set to Equal Mass Flow or Equal Area, the Include Boundary Points option is available. This option shifts all of the bands so that the first and last sampling points are on the hub and shroud. The first and last bands are then "half" the size of the other bands (in terms of the particular measure used in the band construction: distance, mass flow, or area). See Figure 15.1: Sampling Point Distribution with Include Boundary Nodes Option.

Figure 15.1: Sampling Point Distribution with Include Boundary Nodes Option

Sampling Point Distribution with Include Boundary Nodes Option X/Y Variable

Choose X and Y variables for the chart axes from the list. Circumferential Averaging by Length: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart

When the Circ. Average setting is set to Length, circumferential averaging of values at a sampling point is carried out internally by forming a circular arc, centered about the rotation axis, passing through the sampling point. Values are interpolated to n equally-spaced locations along the arc, using values from nearby nodes, where n is a number that is inversely proportional to the mesh length scale, and limited by the Max. Samples setting. The n values are then averaged in order to obtain a single, circumferentially-averaged value for the sampling point.

Figure 15.2: Circumferential Averaging by Length

Circumferential Averaging by Length Circumferential Averaging by Area: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart

When the Circ. Average setting is set to Area, a variable value at each sampling point is calculated as an area average over the corresponding circular band that was internally constructed as part of the process of distributing the sampling points. For details, see Distribution. Circumferential Averaging by Mass Flow: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart

When the Circ. Average setting is set to Mass, a variable value at each sampling point is calculated as a mass flow average over the corresponding circular band that was internally constructed as part of the process of distributing the sampling points. For details, see Distribution. Constant Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates

The Constant Blade Aligned Linear coordinates are defined as 0 (zero) at the inlet, 0.25 at a straight line that approximates the blade leading edge, 0.75 at a similar line for the trailing edge, and 1.0 at the outlet, adding 1.0 for each successive turbomachinery component downstream of the first. Dashed lines in Figure 15.3: Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates show constant values of Constant Blade Aligned Linear coordinate.

For more details on the convention that 0.25 and 0.75 are taken to be the blades leading and trailing edges, see Mode.

Figure 15.3: Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates

Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates Constant Blade Aligned Coordinates

The Constant Blade Aligned coordinates are defined as 0 (zero) at the inlet, 0.25 at the blade leading edge, 0.75 at the trailing edge, and 1.0 at the outlet, adding 1.0 for each successive turbomachinery component downstream of the first.

For more details on the convention that 0.25 and 0.75 are taken to be the blades leading and trailing edges, see Mode.

Figure 15.4: Blade Aligned Coordinates

Blade Aligned Coordinates Inlet to Outlet Turbo Charts

The distance between sampling points between the inlet and outlet is controlled by the number you enter in the Samples box. Choose X and Y variables for the chart axes from the list. Circumferential Averaging by Length: Inlet to Outlet Turbo Chart

When the Circ. Average setting is set to Length, circumferential averaging of values is carried out internally by creating arcs through sampling about the rotation axis. Values are interpolated to n equally-spaced locations along the arc, using values from nearby nodes, where n is a number that is inversely proportional to the mesh length scale, and limited by the Max. Samples setting. The n values are then averaged in order to obtain a single, circumferentially-averaged value for the sampling point. Circumferential Averaging by Area or Mass: Inlet to Outlet Turbo Chart

When performing area average or mass-flow average calculations, surfaces of constant-streamwise coordinate are used to carry out the averaging. Each surface passes through its associated sampling point, as shown in Figure 15.5: Inlet to Outlet Sample Points.

Figure 15.5: Inlet to Outlet Sample Points

Inlet to Outlet Sample Points