15.7.5. Meridional Object

The Meridional object is used to view plots on an axial-radial plane. A surface of constant Theta at 0 degrees is created. The surface is displayed in the Cartesian (X-Y-Z) and Meridional (A-R) viewports.

  1. Specify the applicable domains.

    To select multiple domains, click the Location editor icon (beside the Domains setting) then use Shift and/or Ctrl while selecting domains.

  2. Choose the number of Stream Samples and Span Samples.

    Note that, for the Meridional object, sampling points are always distributed by equal distance.

  3. Choose from: Outline, Color, Contour, or Vector plot types.

In order to obtain values for variables on the meridional surface, circumferential averaging is used. The types of circumferential averaging are:

Toggles are available to show the following:

  • Blade wireframe

  • Sample mesh

  • Chart location lines