1.1. CFD-Post Features and Functionality

CFD-Post has the following features:

  • A graphical user interface that includes a viewer pane in which all graphical output from CFD-Post is plotted. For details, see CFD-Post Graphical Interface and CFD-Post 3D Viewer.

  • Support for a variety of graphical and geometric objects used to create postprocessing plots, to visualize the mesh, and to define locations for quantitative calculation. For details, see CFD-Post Insert Menu.

    You can perform a variety of exact quantitative calculations over objects; for details, see Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box.

  • Scalar and vector user-defined variables.

  • Variable freezing (for comparison with other files).

  • Postprocessing capability for turbomachinery applications. For details, see Turbo Workspace.

  • Standard interactive viewer controls (rotate, zoom, pan, zoom box), multiple viewports, stored views/figures.

  • Extensive reports, including charting (XY, time plots). For details, see Report.

CFD-Post includes the following functionality:

  • Reads:

    • CFX-Solver results files (*.res, *.mres)

    • CFX-Solver transient results files (*.trn)

    • CFX-Solver backup results files (*.bak)

    • CFX-Solver error results files (*.res, *.err)

    • CFX-Solver input files (*.def, *.mdef)

    • CFX case files (*.cfx)

    • CFX-Mesh files (*.gtm)

    • CFD-Post session files (*.cse)

    • CFD-Post state files (*.cst)

    • Fluent files (*.flprj,*.cas.h5,*.cas, *.cas.gz, *.dat.h5,*.dat, *.dat.gz, *.cdat, *.cdat.gz)

    • Fluent mesh files (*.msh, *.msh.gz)

    • Icepak files (*.cas, *.dat)

    • FENSAP-ICE mesh and solution files (*.grd, *.soln,*.droplet, *.crystal, *.swimsol)

    • FENSAP-ICE view set-up files (*.fsp)

    • Ansys files (*.rst (deprecated), *.rth (deprecated), *.rmg (deprecated), *.inn, *.inp, *.cdb)

    • Ansys Meshing files (*.cmdb, *.dsdb)

    • Forte files (*.ftind)

    • CGNS files (*.cgns, *.cgs)

    • CFX-4 dump files (*.d*mp*)

    • CFX-TASCflow files (*.lun, *.grd, *.rso)

    Note:  CFX-Solver results files are necessary to access some of the quantitative functionality that CFD-Post can provide.

    The supported file types are described in File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post.

  • Supports transient data, including moving mesh. Node locations are repositioned based on the position for the current timestep.

  • Imports/exports Ansys data, generic data, and generic geometry.

  • Supports macros through an embedded user interface (see Macro Calculator).

  • Outputs to various image types, including PostScript, JPEG, PNG, PPM, VRM, as well as animation (keyframe) and MPEG files. For details, see Sweep Animation.