12.4.1. Streamline: Geometry Tab Type

The Type setting has the following options:


3D Streamline

Plots the streamline inside a specified domain from a location.

Surface Streamline

Plots the streamline on a surface from a location. A Surface Streamline is defined as a line that is, at a given instant of time, everywhere tangent to the surface projections of the surface values of a vector variable. Note that, in the current version of CFD-Post, a surface streamline cannot cross from one domain to another. Definition Domains

Domains is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. For details, see Domains. Start From (3D Streamline)

Start From is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. The Start From setting selects a location or locations to start from. For details, see Locations.

If you are starting your streamlines from an inlet, outlet, or slice plane, you are advised to use the Factor field to reduce the number of streamlines. If your solution is likely to contain recirculation areas, or regions of high vorticity, you are advised to reduce the Max Segments number to a few hundred streamlines. If the streamlines stop part of the way through the domain, increase the Max Segments value until you receive good results. Surfaces

Surfaces is available only if the Surface Streamline option is selected. The Surfaces setting selects a location or locations to plot on. For details, see Locations. Start From (Surface Streamline)

Start From is available only if the Surface Streamline option is selected. This setting is similar to the Sampling setting for a Point Cloud object. For details, see Sampling. The differences between the settings are that you cannot select the Random option for this setting and that the Start From setting also has the Locations option.

Note that, unlike 3D streamlines, surface streamlines cannot pass through multiple domains. Locations

Locations is available only if the Locations option is selected. For details, see Locations. Sampling

Sampling is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. The Sampling setting is identical to the Sampling setting for a Point Cloud object, except that you cannot select the Random option for this setting. For details, see Sampling. Preview Seeds Button

Click the Preview Seeds button to display in the Viewer where the streamlines will originate from. Variable

Use Variable to select a variable to plot. Using the Velocity variable is recommended. For details, see Variable. Hybrid/Conservative Options

For help on which field to select, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Direction

The Direction setting has the following options:



Specifies that the streamline goes only in the positive direction from the start point.


Specifies that the streamline goes only in the negative direction from the start point.

Forward and Backward

Specifies that the streamline goes in both the positive and negative directions from the start point. Cross Periodics Check Box

Cross Periodics is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. Select the Cross Periodics check box to have the streamline cross from one periodic interface to the opposite boundary. A periodic interface can be defined by selecting a periodic option for a domain interface.

Domain interfaces are used for multiple purposes:

  • Connecting domains or assemblies

    Domain Interfaces are required to connect multiple unmatched meshes within a domain (for example, when there is a hexahedral mesh volume and a tetrahedral mesh volume within a single domain) and to connect separate domains.

  • Modeling changes in reference frame between domains

    This occurs when you have a stationary and a rotating domain or domains rotating at different rates.

  • Creating periodic interfaces between regions

    This occurs when you are reducing the size of the computational domain by assuming periodicity in the simulation. Simplify Streamline Geometry Check Box

Simplify Streamline Geometry is available only if the Surface Streamline option is selected. Select the Simplify Streamline Geometry check box to interpolate a linear line in between points if the streamline is almost linear. This will have negative effects if you plot a variable on the streamline because the linearly interpolated line will omit the points in between the points that create the line.