12.16.1. Creating a Chart Object

To create and view a chart object:

  1. Click Create Chart   or select Insert > Chart.

    The Insert Chart dialog box appears.

  2. Enter a name for the new chart object.

  3. Click OK.

    The chart object appears under the Report heading in the tree view. A details view appears for the new chart object and the Chart Viewer takes focus.

  4. Edit the chart settings as appropriate for each tab:

  5. Click Apply to see the results of your changes displayed in the Chart Viewer.

  6. Optionally, on the Data Series tab click the Get Information on the Item icon   to view summary data for the current series.

  7. Optionally, click Export to save the chart data in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. You can load the values in the CSV file into external programs such as Microsoft Excel.

To see the chart in the report, you must generate the report as described in Report. Chart: General Tab

The General tab is used to define the chart type, the main title, and the report caption. Type

The Type setting has the following options:


XY - Line

Plots X axis variable vs. the Y axis variable. XY - Line charts use polyline or line locators to plot values that vary in space.

XY - Scatter

Plots X axis variable vs. the Y axis variable. XY - Scatter charts use symbols to represent the X-axis and Y-axis variable values for each point in the selected location.

Transient or Sequence

Plots an Expression (typically time) on the X axis and enables you to specify a variable to plot on the Y axis. Transient or Sequence charts use expressions or a point locator to plot the variation of a scalar value vs. time.


Plots the number of values or the proportion of values that fall into each specified category. Display Title: Title

The Title setting specifies a title for the Chart object. Clear the Display Title check box if you don’t require a chart title. Report: Caption

The Caption is the description of the Chart object that appears in the report. Fast Fourier Transform

The Fast Fourier Transform check box can be selected only for Transient or Sequence charts. When the Fast Fourier Transform check box is selected, the following options are available:

Modify Input Signal Filter

Enables you to select the signal filter to be Hanning (default), Barlett, Blackman, Hamming, or None. For details, see Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Theory.

Subtract mean

Causes the mean to be subtracted from each value to better show the amplitude of the noise.

Note:  This feature applies to all loaded files.

Full range of input data vs. Setting Min/Max Limits

You can choose to analyze the Full range of input data or to set Min and Max values. To get the range for the Min and Max values, click Get range from FFT output  .

Reference Values

Click Reference Values to display the Reference Values dialog box. There you can set the following values (which will apply to all Fast Fourier Transform charts): Reference Acoustic Pressure, Length, Velocity, and whether to Save as default. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Theory

When interpreting time-sequence data from a transient solution, it is often useful to look at the data's frequency attributes. For instance, you may want to determine the major vortex-shedding frequency from the time-history of the drag force on a body recorded during a simulation, or you may want to compute the frequency distribution of static pressure data recorded at a particular location on a body surface. Similarly, you may need to compute the frequency distribution of turbulent kinetic energy using data for fluctuating velocity components.

To interpret some of these time-dependent data, you need to perform Fourier transform analysis. The Fourier transform enables you to take any time-dependent data and resolve it into an equivalent summation of sinusoids.

The CFD-Post FFT module assumes that the input data have been sampled at equal intervals and are consecutive (in the order of increasing time).

The lowest non-zero frequency that the FFT module can pick up, , is given by , where is the total number of samples, and is the sampling interval (or timestep size). If the sampled sequence contains frequencies lower than this, these frequencies will be aliased into higher frequencies.

The highest frequency that the FFT module can pick up, , is given by . Note that the floor function has been applied to to round it down to the nearest integer. Note that, when is even, .

The value at zero frequency represents the mean value. The mean value can be taken out of the plot by selecting Subtract mean check box. Windowing in Fast Fourier Transforms

The discrete FFT algorithm is based on the assumption that the time-sequence data passed to the FFT corresponds to a single period of a periodically repeating signal. Because in most situations the first and the last data points will not coincide, the repeating signal implied in the assumption can have a large discontinuity. The large discontinuity produces high-frequency components in the resulting Fourier modes, causing an aliasing error. You can condition the input signal before the transform by "windowing" it, in order to avoid this problem.

Suppose there are consecutive discrete (time-sequence) data that are sampled with a constant interval :


Windowing is done by multiplying the original input data () by a window function :


There are four different window functions:

Hamming's window:


Hanning's window:


Barlett's window:


Blackman's window:


These window functions preserve 3/4 of the original data, affecting only 1/4 of the data the ends. Using Fast Fourier Transforms

The Fourier transform utility enables you to compute the Fourier transform of a signal, , a real-valued function, from a finite number of its sampled points.

For a periodic set of sampled points, , the discrete Fourier transform expresses the signal as a finite trigonometric series:


where the series coefficients are computed as


The previous two equations form a Fourier transform pair that enables you to determine one from the other.

Note that when you vary from 0 to in Equation 12–49 or Equation 12–50, the following is true:

  • and form a complex conjugate pair.

  • The value at is unique and corresponds to zero frequency.

  • When is even, the range of index corresponds to positive frequencies, and the range of index corresponds to negative frequencies. The frequency at , called the Nyquist frequency, is a unique value.

  • When is odd, the range of index corresponds to positive frequencies, and the range of index corresponds to negative frequencies. In this case, the Nyquist frequency does not exist.

For the actual calculation of the transforms, the CFD-Post adopts the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, which significantly reduces operation counts in comparison to the direct transform. Specifically, CFD-Post uses the FFT algorithm from the Intel Math Kernel Library. This FFT algorithm allows for the processing of an N-point FFT where N can be even or odd. Refresh Settings

Performing a refresh means re-reading files; therefore refreshing data from a series of files (such as transient files for a transient case) is potentially a time-consuming operation. If necessary, CFD-Post automatically performs a refresh of all charts when printing a chart and when generating or refreshing a report. At other times, you have control over when to perform a "refresh" of the data. When the General tab is set to create an XY transient or sequence chart, settings appear that control how charts are refreshed:

Refresh chart on Apply

Causes only the currently displayed chart to be refreshed when you click Apply.

Refresh all charts on Apply

Causes all loaded charts to be refreshed when you click Apply. This is provided as a convenience; it enables you to work on a series of charts, refreshing all of them when you are done your editing (rather than clicking Apply on each chart individually). Chart: Data Series Tab

The Data Series tab is used to specify the data series to be plotted on the chart. Name Controls

At the top of the Data Series tab is a list of the data series for the chart. The icons beside the list enable you to:

  • Add a data series (New  )

  • Delete a data series (Delete  )

  • See statistics for a data series in a dialog box (Statistics  ).

Corresponding functions are available when you right-click a data series name. Data Source

The fields in the Data Source area become enabled after you create an initial series.

  • For a General > XY chart or a General > Histogram chart, choose a Location or File or Monitor Data to define the source of the data for the series you are creating. A typical location would be a line or a streamline; a typical data file would be a CSV file.

  • For a General > XY - Transient or Sequence chart, a typical Location would be a point. However, such a chart will also accept a File or Expression or Monitor Data as the data source. For example, you could use an expression to plot areaAve(Temperature)@Outlet as a function of time. Data Source File Format

The data delimiter in a data source file is usually a comma.[4]

Files that use commas as delimiters have at least one section of numerical data. If there is only one section of data, then the name specification (consisting of the [Name] header and the line that follows it) and the [Data] header are optional, but not independently; they must either be both included or both omitted. If there is more than one section of data, the name specification and [Data] header are both required. The line that follows the [Data] header is always optional; omitting it causes default variable names and default units to be assumed. An example section follows:

Velocity Profile

 Z [ m ],Velocity [ m s^-1 ]

The line following the keyword [Data] may specify the variable names and units for each column of numerical data that follows. If variable names are not provided, default names are applied.

This is the same format as the export file in CFD-Post. It is also the same format that CFX-Solver Manager uses when exporting lines from a chart. Data exported from these sources can be imported directly into CFD-Post to produce a chart line.

For Histograms, the second column is used as the variable data.

Note:  When exporting histogram data, the Y Axis data (that is, the counts) will be stored in the CSV file with the variable name "Count(Histogram Data)". The "(Histogram Data)" suffix is required if this information is imported into CFD-Post because it indicates to CFD-Post that this variable must be interpreted as histogram data and not as regular chart line data.

Note:  If File is selected as the data source for a Transient or Sequence chart, and a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is being calculated, then the data in the file must be in particular units:

  • If the FFT X Function setting has a value of Strouhal Number, Octave Band Full or One Third Full, the X Axis data in the file must have units of [s] (seconds).

  • If the FFT Y Function setting has a value of Sound Amplitude, Sound Pressure Level, A Weighted, B Weighted or C Weighted, then the Y Axis data in the file must have units of [Pa] (Pascals). File Variable Selection

The File Variable Selection settings are available when you are defining a data series from a file. They indicate which data, within the selected file, is to be used to define the data series.

Section Name is used to select a section of data from the file. This setting does not appear if there is only one section of data in the data source file.

X Axis Variable and Y Axis Variable specify which two columns of data are to be used to generate a chart line. Custom Data Selection Controls

The Custom Data Selection Controls settings are available when you are defining a data series from a location or expression, with General > Fast Fourier Transform not selected.

When selected, the Custom Data Selection controls enable you to override the settings on the X Axis and Y Axis tabs for each series individually. See Chart: X Axis Tab and Chart: Y Axis Tab for more details on what each setting means.

You can also specify the use of Hybrid or Conservative values or to use the absolute value of data points. For help on the use of Hybrid or Conservative values, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.

Other available settings depend on the chart type; see X Axis Data Selection for details. Monitor Variable Selection

The Monitor Variable Selection settings are available when you are defining a data series from monitor data or solution residuals.

Set Source to one of:

  • Current Cases

    Monitor data from all cases are included in the series, as separate lines. For example, if results files StaticMixer_001.res and StaticMixerRef_001.res are loaded and the residual monitor MAX P-Mass is selected for the series, then multiple lines will be generated, one for each results file.

  • File

    Monitor data is taken from the file you specify. The allowed file types are .res, .mres, .bak, and .mon.

X Axis Variable and Y Axis Variable specify which variables are to be used to generate a chart line.

Take absolute value of data points controls whether the values of data points are always positive.

Note:  If a complete multi-configuration (.mres) run is loaded as a single case, only the monitor data that is present in the last configuration will be added to the series. Chart: X Axis Tab

The X Axis tab is used to set properties for all data series that do not have custom data selection (which is set on the Series tab). The options available on the X Axis tab vary according to the General tab's Type setting. X Axis Data Selection

The Data Selection settings control which variable is used as the data source and how the data is processed:

When General > Type is XY or Histogram, the Variable field can be set to any variable. Hybrid vs. Conservative sets how conservation equations for the boundary control volumes are solved. See Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values for details. Take absolute value of data points controls whether the values of data points are always positive.

When General > Type is XY — Transient or Sequence, the Expression field can be set to expressions provided in CFD-Post or to expressions that you have defined. For example, you could use this option to plot areaAve(Temperature)@Outlet as a function of time.

When General > Type is XY — Transient or Sequence and Fast Fourier Transform is selected, you can define an X Function. Specifying an X Function

The options for the X Function are related to the discrete frequencies at which the Fourier coefficients are computed. You can apply the following specific analytic functions. Because the corresponding definitions for the y-axis functions include contributions from both elements of a complex conjugate pair (i.e. and ), definitions are provided for when is even, and when is odd.

Frequency is defined as:


where N is the number of data points used in the FFT.

Strouhal Number is the nondimensionalized version of the frequency defined in the equation for Frequency:


where and are the reference length and velocity scales. Note that you can set and by clicking Reference Values on the General tab.

Fourier Mode is the index in




which represents the nth or kth term in the Fourier transform of the signal.

Octave Band Full is a range of discrete frequency bands for different octaves within the threshold of hearing. The range of each octave band is double to that of the previous band (see Table 12.3: Octave Band Frequencies and Weightings).

One Third Full is a range of discrete frequency bands within the threshold of hearing. Here the range of each band is one-third of an octave, meaning that there are three times as many bands for the same frequency range.

Table 12.3: Octave Band Frequencies and Weightings

Lower Freq. (Hz) Center Freq. (Hz)Upper Freq. (Hz)dB AdB BdB C
112001600022400-6.6-8.4-8.5 Category Divisions

These controls are enabled when the chart type is Histogram.

If Category Divisions are set to Automatic, you are able to specify the Number of Divisions. If Category Divisions are set to User Defined, you are able to specify the Division Values.

The Division Values field enables you to type points where you want to create histogram boundaries. You can either enter user-defined category divisions by typing a comma-separated ordered list directly into the Division Values field, or click More   to open up an editor for the division values (which includes the ability to set the values in a particular unit). If you use the editor, then the values do not need to be entered in order as you will be offered the chance to sort the values when you close the editor. Axis Range

You can choose to Determine ranges automatically or to set Min and Max values. To get the range for the Min and Max values, click Get range from existing chart  .

The default X-axis scale is linear but can be set to be a Logarithmic scale. Select Invert Axis to reverse the direction of the scale. Axis Number Formatting

You can have axis numbers set automatically or choose the format yourself:

  • If you select Determine the number formatting automatically, CFD-Post will change the formatting to the one that best suits the data being plotted.

  • If you clear Determine the number formatting automatically, you can choose between scientific notation and fixed notation, and set the amount of precision. Axis Labels

You can choose to Use data for axis labels, or to use a Custom Label. Chart: Y Axis Tab

The Y Axis tab is used to define the characteristics of the Y axis of the chart you are going to produce. For descriptions of many of the fields on this tab, see Chart: X Axis Tab. Fields unique to this tab are described below. Y Axis: Data Selection

When the General tab is set to create an XY or an XY transient or sequence chart, the Data Selection includes a Variable that you can set; you can also control whether the boundary data is Hybrid or Conservative, and whether or not to take the absolute value of data points.

When the General tab is set to create a histogram, the Y axis Value can be:

  • Count

    When Count is selected, the display shows the number of values lying within each category, or, if the Weighting is not set to None, the total weight within the category.

  • Percentage

    When Percentage is selected, the display is scaled to show the percentage of values or weights lying within each category. The Percentage is calculated using all of the data on the selected location, even if some of the data is not displayed because it lies outside of the selected category boundaries. Hence the total Percentage shown in the selected categories may add up to less than 100%.

The Weighting can be:

  • None

  • Geometrical

  • Mass Flow

The weighting setting changes the shape of the histogram by removing mesh dependencies. For example, if mesh density varies along a line, counts are biased towards areas of higher density; the Geometrical setting removes that bias.

When the General tab is set to Fast Fourier Transform, a Y Function field appears where you can choose one of the following settings. The definitions are provided for when is even, and when is odd. The definitions include contributions from both elements of a complex conjugate pair: and .

A Weighted, Sound Pressure Level (dB A)

This is the calculated sound pressure level weighted by the A-scale function to more closely approximate the frequency response of the human ear. A-weighting is applied for loudness levels below 55 phons (55 dB at 1 kHz) and is the most commonly used weighting function. See Figure 12.2: A-, B-, and C-weighting Functions for a graphical representation. This option is available only when X Function on the X-Axis tab is set to Octave Band Full or One Third Full.

B Weighted, Sound Pressure Level (dB B)

This is the calculated sound pressure level weighted by the B-scale function. B-weighting is applied for loudness levels between 55 and 85 phons, though it is rarely used. See Figure 12.2: A-, B-, and C-weighting Functions for a graphical representation. This option is available only when X Function on the X-Axis tab is set to Octave Band Full or One Third Full.

C Weighted, Sound Pressure Level (dB C)

This is the calculated sound pressure level weighted by the C-scale function. C-weighting is applied for loudness levels above 85 phons and is commonly used for high-intensity sounds such as traffic studies. See Figure 12.2: A-, B-, and C-weighting Functions for a graphical representation. This option is available only when X Function on the X-Axis tab is set to Octave Band Full or One Third Full.

Figure 12.2: A-, B-, and C-weighting Functions

A-, B-, and C-weighting Functions

Power Spectral Density

This is the distribution of signal power in the frequency domain. Its value and units depend on the choice of X Function. For the detailed spectral representation with all resolved harmonics (that is, when the X Function option is set to either Frequency, Strouhal Number, or Fourier Mode), the power spectral density () has units of the signal magnitude squared over the frequency (for example, Pa2/Hz) and is defined for the frequency as


where is the frequency step in the discrete spectrum, and is the Fourier mode power.

When is even, the Fourier mode power is computed as:


When is odd, the Fourier mode power is computed as:


For the octave analysis (that is, when the X Function option is set to either Octave Band Full or One Third Full), the power spectral density has units of the signal magnitude squared (for example, Pa2), and is defined for the frequency band as


where includes all of the Fourier modes belonging to the band.

Sound Amplitude

This is similar to the Sound Pressure Level (dB) option, and is a logarithmic conversion of the pressure signal Magnitude into decibel units. The sound amplitude in dB, , is calculated for either a Fourier mode or a frequency band using


Sound Pressure Level

This is the decibel level. For either general or acoustic data, when the sampled data is pressure (for example, static pressure or sound pressure), the sound pressure level in dB, , is calculated in decibel units using


where is the power spectral density for either a particular Fourier mode or a particular frequency band (see Equation 12–55 and Equation 12–58). is the reference acoustic pressure, with a default value of Pa.


This is the amplitude. For the detailed spectral representation with all resolved harmonics (that is, when the X Function option is set to either Frequency, Strouhal Number, or Fourier Mode), the magnitude () is defined for the frequency in one of two ways.

When is even:


When is odd:


where, in both cases, is the mean signal value.

For the octave analysis (that is, when the X Axis Function is either Octave Band or 1/3-Octave Band), the magnitude is defined for the frequency band as


where is calculated according to Equation 12–58. Chart: Line Display Tab

On the Line Display tab you can set the Line Style to a variety of settings, including Automatic, Solid, Dash, Dot, and so on.

For scatter charts, Automatic is interpreted as None, although you can add lines to scatter charts if desired. Note that If lines are manually added to a scatter chart, the points are joined in the order that CFD-Post reads them and do not represent any underlying data structures.

You can select the Use series name for legend name check box to derive the name of the line (as it appears in the legend) from the name of the series (as defined on the Data Series tab and, if more than one case is loaded, from the case name). Alternatively, you can clear that check box and type in a new Legend Name.

You can have CFD-Post Automatically generate Line Color or you can:

  1. Clear the Automatically generate Line Color check box.

  2. Optionally click the bar beside Line Color to cycle through 10 basic colors. Click the right-mouse button to cycle backwards. Alternatively, you can choose any color by clicking Color selector   to the right of the Line Color setting.

  3. Optionally change the selection for Line Type or FFT Line Type. For details, see Line Type and FFT Line Type Options.

Use the Symbols drop-down menu to place a graphic at every data point of the series. Automatic is interpreted as None for line charts and, for scatter charts, chooses a different symbol for each data set.

Use the Symbol Color control to set a color for the graphic the same way you did for the Line Color or select Automatically generate Symbol Color.

Note:  Line width and symbol size can be set on the Chart Display tab for the chart as a whole, but cannot be set for each line individually. Line Type and FFT Line Type Options

On the General tab, if Fast Fourier Transform is selected, the line type is controlled by the FFT Line Type setting, otherwise, the line type is controlled by the Line Type setting; the applicable setting is shown.

Both the FFT Line Type and Line Type settings have the following options:

  • Lines (the default for non-FFT plots) - This line type is suitable for general plots.

    Figure 12.3: Chart made with lines

    Chart made with lines

  • Bars (the default for FFT plots) - This line type is suitable for FFT plots.

    Figure 12.4: Chart made with bars

    Chart made with bars

  • Steps - This line type is suitable for FFT plots.

    Figure 12.5: Chart made with steps

    Chart made with steps Fill Area Controls

When Fill Area is selected, you can choose to have a fill color generated automatically or at all times (Always On). The Automatic setting generates a fill when the chart's General tab's Type is set to Histogram.

Note:  Plotting fill areas for graphs that have multiple y values for a given x (such as streamlines) does not produce useful results. Chart: Chart Display Tab

The following sections describe the Chart Display tab. Display Legend Area

The legend is the text that you entered in the Name field on the Data Series tab displayed beside the line color that represents its data source.

When Display Legend is selected, the chart's legend appears, either Outside Chart or Inside Chart.

When Outside Chart is selected, set the Location and Justification of the legend:

  • Location is Below or Above, Justification can be Left, Center, or Right.

  • Location is Right or Left, Justification can be Top, Center, or Bottom.

When Inside Chart is selected, the legend is displayed in a box that appears on the chart. Use the X Justification and Y Justification controls to locate a fixed-size box at standard locations, optionally using Width/Height to change the size of the box. Alternatively, set X Justification and Y Justification to None so that you can use Position and Width/Height to control the size and position of the box exactly. Sizes Area

Here you set the width of the line and the size of the symbol (if any) that you defined on the Line Display tab. These sizes apply to all lines and all symbols (you cannot set sizes for individual lines or symbols). Fonts Area

Here is where you control the font type and size of the Title (which you defined on the General tab), the Axes Titles, the Axes values, and the Legend.

Note:  By default, the titles of the axes are derived from the variables used in the line definition (not necessarily from the X Axis and Y Axis tabs because a transient chart that uses an expression and any chart that uses custom data selection will set the variables used directly). You can override these default titles by going to the X Axis and Y Axis tabs, clearing the Use data for axis labels check box, and typing in a Custom Label name.

The legend text is defined by default as a combination of the series definitions on the Series tab and, when more than one case is loaded, the case names, but can be specified on a line-by-line basis directly on the Line Display tab by clearing the Use series name for legend name check box and typing in a Legend Name. Grid Area

Here is where you configure the background grid (if any) and the thickness of its major and minor lines.

[4] There are two exceptions to this: if the extension of the file is .xy, then the delimiter is a tab character; If the extension of the file is .out, then the delimiter is a space character.