3.4.1. Outline Tree View Shortcuts

Shortcuts for editing and manipulating objects are accessible by right-clicking, in the tree view, on one object or a selection of objects. A selection of multiple objects can be made using Ctrl and/or Shift keys while clicking objects with the mouse.

The following table shows commands that are specific to the Outline tree view. For a list of shortcuts that appear in most tree views, see Common Tree View Shortcuts.

ShowMakes the selected objects visible in the viewer.
HideMakes the selected objects invisible in the viewer.
Hide AllMakes all objects, except the wireframe object, invisible in the viewer.
Refresh PreviewRefreshes the report. For details, see Refreshing the Report.
Load ‘<template>’ templateLoads the registered template having the name indicated by <template>. For details, see Report Templates.
Report TemplatesAllows you to select a report template. For details, see Report Templates.
Add to ReportSets the selected report objects to appear in the report the next time the report is generated.
Remove from ReportSets the selected report objects to not appear in the report the next time the report is generated.
Add All to ReportSets all report objects to appear in the report the next time the report is generated.
Move UpMoves the selected objects up one level in the report so as to appear closer to the beginning of the report in relation to the other report objects.
Move DownMoves the selected objects down one level in the report so as to appear closer to the end of the report in relation to the other report objects.
Show in Separate WindowDisplays the selected chart in its own window.
Replace results fileReplaces the selected results file with another results file while keeping the state. This is the recommended procedure; reloading the results file through the Load Results panel may not recover the state completely, in particular when Turbo Post is initialized. Note that the Replace results file function will keep the original case name even though the results file has changed.