1.4. Demonstration Problem 2

Problem Description

A simple piping model made up of straight and bend pipe elements between two fixed anchors is solved. This problem is similar to the problem specified in NRC1677-Volume 1, Problem 1. Single point response spectrum analysis is performed on the model with base excitation along global X, Y and Z directions.

The input files for this problem are listed below:

Material Properties:

Young's modulus = 24e6 psi
Poisson's ratio = 0.3
Density = 0.000125 lb-sec2/in4

Geometric Properties:

Outer diameter = 10.932 inches
Wall thickness = 0.241 inches
Radius of curvature (for bend pipes) = 36.30 inches


Acceleration response spectrum curve is input on the SV and FREQ commands.

Modeling Notes:

When modeling the piping problem with current technology elements, the straight elements are also modeled using ELBOW290 elements in order to better capture the ovalization from the curved pipe elements to straight pipe elements.


Figure 1.4: Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from PIPE16 and PIPE18 Elements

Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from PIPE16 and PIPE18 Elements

Figure 1.5: Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from ELBOW290 Elements

Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from ELBOW290 Elements

Figure 1.6: Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from SHELL281 Elements

Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from SHELL281 Elements

Results Comparison

Table 1.3: Frequencies Obtained from Modal Solution

ModeResults from SHELL281 (A)Results from PIPE18 and PIPE16 (B)Results from ELBOW290 (C)Ratio between A and BRatio between A and C

Table 1.4: Displacements and Stresses Obtained from Spectrum Solution

Result QuantitiesResults from SHELL281 (A)Results from PIPE18 and PIPE16 (B)Results from ELBOW290 (C)Ratio between A and BRatio between A and C
Maximum displacement Vector Sum5.65 x 10-35.72 x 10-35.65 x 10-31.1061.000
Maximum equivalent stress147.522147.736160.1061.0240.921


The result comparison table and Figure 1.4: Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from PIPE16 and PIPE18 Elements, Figure 1.5: Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from ELBOW290 Elements, and Figure 1.6: Nodal Equivalent Stress Plot Obtained from SHELL281 Elements show that the results obtained from modal and spectrum analyses with ELBOW290 elements closely match with the results obtained from SHELL281 elements. The higher modes computed from PIPE16 and PIPE18 elements are off by more than 30% when compared with SHELL281 elements. Since only the lower modes contribute to the spectrum solution, the results obtained from spectrum solution with PIPE16 and PIPE18 elements and the results obtained withELBOW290 and SHELL281 elements are all relatively close.