Benchmark C6
2D Heat Transfer With Convection
Test Case
A two-dimensional rectangular body is insulated at the left
edge and has the bottom edge held at a prescribed temperature T1. Two other edges are subjected to a convection environment
with a convection coefficient h and an ambient temperature T0. Determine the steady-state temperature on the right
edge, at a location 0.2 m above the bottom (Target Point-1) for a
series of test cases with increasing mesh refinements for each element
Results Comparison - Triangle Mesh
Test case corresponds to NAFEMS
test specification
Assumptions, Modeling Notes, and Solution Comments
The lower order PLANE55 element
converges toward the solution from above the target temperature while,
in general, the higher order PLANE35 and PLANE77 elements converge from below the target temperature.
For the coarse meshes, the lower order PLANE55 element, in triangular form, does not predict
accurate results. However, further mesh refinement produces more
accurate results.
The higher order PLANE35 triangular
element and the higher order PLANE77 element
in triangular form, produce identical results.