Plastic Compression of a Pipe Assembly


Reference: S. H. Crandall, N. C. Dahl, An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1959, pg. 180, ex. 5.1.
Analysis Type(s): Static, Plastic Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
Plastic Straight Pipe Element (PIPE288)
4-Node Finite Strain Shell (SHELL181)
3D Structural Solid Elements (SOLID185)
Input Listing: vm7.dat

Test Case

Two coaxial tubes, the inner one of 1020 CR steel and cross-sectional area As, and the outer one of 2024-T4 aluminum alloy and of area Aa, are compressed between heavy, flat end plates, as shown below. Determine the load-deflection curve of the assembly as it is compressed into the plastic region by an axial displacement. Assume that the end plates are so stiff that both tubes are shortened by exactly the same amount.

Figure 9: Pipe Assembly Problem Sketch

Pipe Assembly Problem Sketch

Figure 10: Pipe Assembly Finite Element Models

Pipe Assembly Finite Element Models

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Es = 26,875,000 psi
σ(yp) s = 86,000 psi
Ea = 11,000,000 psi
σ(yp) a = 55,000 psi
υ = 0.3
= 10 in
As = 7 in2
Aa = 12 in2
1st Load Step: δ = 0.032 in
2nd Load Step: δ = 0.050 in
3rd Load Step: δ = 0.100 in

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The following tube dimensions, which provide the desired cross-sectional areas, are arbitrarily chosen. Inner (steel) tube: inside radius = 1.9781692 in., wall thickness = 0.5 in. Outer (aluminum) tube: inside radius = 3.5697185 in., wall thickness = 0.5 in.

The problem can be solved in three ways:

  • using PIPE288 - the plastic straight pipe element

  • using SOLID185 - the 3D structural solid element

  • using SHELL181 - the 4-Node Finite Strain Shell

In the SOLID185 and SHELL181 cases, since the problem is axisymmetric, only a one element  Θ-sector is modeled. A small angle Θ = 6° is arbitrarily chosen to reasonably approximate the circular boundary with straight sided elements. The nodes at the boundaries have the UX (radial) degree of freedom coupled. In the SHELL181 model, the nodes at the boundaries additionally have the ROTY degree of freedom coupled.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDL [1]Ratio
PIPE288 Load, lb for Deflection = 0.032 in1,024,4001,024,4001.00
Load, lb for Deflection = 0.05 in1,262,0001,262,0001.00
Load, lb for Deflection = 0.1 in1,262,0001,262,0001.00
  1. From POST1 FSUM of bottom nodal forces (ΣFZ) for PIPE288 model.

TargetMechanical APDL [1]Ratio
SOLID185 Load, lb for Deflection = 0.032 in1,024,4001,022,5290.998
Load, lb for Deflection = 0.05 in1,262,0001,259,6950.998
Load, lb for Deflection = 0.1 in1,262,0001,259,6950.998
SHELL181 Load, lb for Deflection = 0.032 in1,024,4001,023,9321.000
Load, lb for Deflection = 0.05 in1,262,0001,261,6541.000
Load, lb for Deflection = 0.1 in1,262,0001,261,4231.000
  1. From POST1 FSUM of bottom nodal forces (ΣFZ) X 360°/6°(Identified as parameter "LOAD") for SOLID185 and SHELL181 models.