
Limit Moment Analysis


Reference:S. H. Crandall, N. C. Dahl, An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1959, pg. 389, ex. 8.9.
Analysis Type(s):Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
Combination Elements (COMBIN40)
3D 2 Node Beam (BEAM188)
Input Listing:vm36.dat

Test Case

A symmetric cross-section beam of bending stiffness EIy, and height h, totally fixed at C, simply supported at A, is subjected to a concentrated load P at point B. Verify that a load P which is slightly smaller than the theoretical load limit PL will cause elastic deformation and that a load which is slightly larger than PL will cause plastic deformation. Also determine the maximum deflection δ, the reaction force at the left end RA, and the reaction moment at the right end Mc just prior to the development of a plastic hinge.

Figure 48: Limit Moment Problem Sketch

Limit Moment Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 30 x 106 psi
υ = .3
ML = 27,777.77 in-lb
Ky = 1 x 1012 lb/in
a = 50 in
Iy = 20 in4
h/2 = 3.93597 in
P = -1000.0 lb (Load Step #1)
P = -1388.8 lb (Load Step #2)
P = -1390.0 lb (Load Step #3)

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The load required for Mc=ML (the limiting, or fully plastic bending moment) is calculated to be 1000 lbs. From the reference, the second plastic hinge develops at B when PL = 2.5ML/a = 1388.88 lb. The beam area is not necessary for this loading and is assumed to be 1.0. The beam half height (h/2) is input as a section data using the SECDATA command. Ky is arbitrarily selected to be a large value (1 x 1012) to minimize the elastic effect of the hinge.

Combination elements are used as breakaway hinge connections, which slide above the ML value. An extra set of these elements are defined in parallel with an arbitrary low stiffness and a large value of real constant FSLIDE to maintain solution stability after collapse. Sliding status of the combination elements indicates that a plastic hinge has formed.

The status of the COMBIN40 is denoted by integers. If STAT = 1, the gap is closed (elastic behavior). STAT = 2 and STAT = -2 indicate positive slide and negative slide respectively (plastic behavior).

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
P = 1000 lbs (elastic)Deflection, in-0.02829-0.028551.009
RA lb148.15148.251.001
Mc in-lb2777827762.8170.999
P = 1388.8 lbsHinge @ B1 (Elastic)1 (Elastic)1.000
Hinge @ C2 (Plastic)2 (Sliding)1.000
P = 1390 lbsHinge @ B-2 (Plastic)-2 (Sliding)1.000
Hinge @ C2 (Plastic)2 (Sliding)1.000