
Nonlinear Harmonic Analysis of a Frictional Damper


Reference: Guillen, Jerome. (1999). Studies of the dynamics of dry-friction-damped blade assemblies (HAL Id: tel-00365016) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan]. HAL Archives-Ouvertes.
Analysis Type(s): Harmonic Analysis (ANTYPE = 3)
Element Type(s):

Spring-Damper Elements (COMBIN14)

Structural Mass Elements (MASS21)

3D Node-to-Node Contact (CONTA178)

Input Listing: vm320.dat

Test Case

A single-DOF linear spring-mass-damper system is linked to a frictional damper following an elastic Coulomb's friction law, whose hysteresis curve is shown in Figure 585. The mass is excited with a harmonic force so that the equation of motion is expressed as:


with the nonlinear frictional force defined by:


Figure 585: Frictional Damper Sketch

Frictional Damper Sketch

Material Properties Loading

m = 944.6 kg

c = 7700 kg/s

k = 2.4 107 N/m

kd = 2.4 107 N/m

Fd = 246.048 N

F = 0.5 Fd

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The linear oscillator is defined using COMBIN14 and MASS21 elements and constrained to move along the UX direction. The frictional damper is modeled by a node-to-node contact element CONTA178, having normal and tangential stiffnesses equal to kd. The constant normal force is prescribed by defining an initial penetration equal to Fd/kd, and the sliding force Fd is enforced by defining a friction coefficient μ=1.

The model is solved using the harmonic balance method with one harmonic (HROPT,HBM,1) on a frequency range from 20 to 350 rad/s. Appropriate displacement and frequency scaling factors of 10-5 and 200 respectively are applied to improve the convergence rate.

The amplitude of the first harmonic of the displacement is obtained for each calculated frequency.

Results Comparison

The maximum amplitude and corresponding frequency are compared against numerical results from the reference, Guillen (1999).

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Frequency of Maximum (Hz)209209.071.000
Maximum of Amplitude1.50 10-51.499 10-50.999