
Acoustic Propagation with Mean Flow in a Muffler


Reference:Tsuji, T., Tsuchiya, T., and Kagawa, Y., "Finite Element and Boundary Element Modeling for the Acoustic Wave Transmission in Mean Flow Medium", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 255(5), pp. 849-866, 2002
Analysis Type(s):Harmonic (ANTYPE = 3)
Element Type(s): 3D 20-Node Acoustic Solid (FLUID220)
Input Listing:vm297.dat

Test Case

A muffler is modeled with duct and chamber radii (rs) of 0.01 m and 0.02 m. The total length of the muffler model is 0.12 m, with duct lengths of 0.03 and chamber length of 0.06, as shown in Figure 526: Problem Sketch. A normal uniform velocity of 1 m/s is applied at the muffler inlet surface (Z = 0 m) and the terminal (Z = 0.12 m) is open flagged with Robin radiation boundary. Uniform mean flow with Mach number M = 0.3 is applied to the acoustic fluid in the Z-direction. Harmonic analysis with stepped loading is performed with a frequency range of 0 - 5000 Hz to determine the sound wave pressure and resonance frequency due to excitation.

Figure 526: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Figure 527: Finite Element Model of Muffler

Finite Element Model of Muffler

Material Properties Geometric PropertiesLoading
Speed of sound = 340 m/s
Density = 1.2 kg/m3
Duct radius = 0.01 m
Chamber radius = 0.02 m
Total length = 0.12 m
Duct length = 0.03 m
Chamber length = 0.06 m
Surface normal velocity = 1.0 m/s
Mean flow velocity = 102 m/s

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The muffler is modeled with 3D 20-node acoustic FLUID220 elements with no FSI or PML conditions. Full harmonic analysis is performed for a frequency range of 0 - 5000 Hz with 100 substeps. The problem is solved with distributed Ansys using 6 cores and with frequency-based domain decomposition (DDOPTION,FREQ). The sound pressure amplitude is computed along the center line Z-axis (Figure 529: Sound Pressure Amplitude Along the Central Z-axis at Frequency = 2000 Hz) and the amplitude at location Z = 0.12 m is compared against the solution given in Figure 11(a) on page 860 of the reference. The sound pressure amplitude for the termination node (X =0, Y = 0, Z = 0.12 m) for frequencies 0 - 5000 Hz is postprocessed to determine the peak frequency (Figure 530: Frequency Characteristics of Sound Pressure Amplitude at the Termination End) which is then compared to the solution given in Figure 12(a) on page 860 of the reference.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Pressure Amplitude (Pa) at Location Z=0.12m, frequency=20,000Hz10101032.0241.02
Peak Resonance Frequency (Hz)3000.02950.00.98

Figure 528: Sound Pressure Amplitude in Muffler at Frequency = 2000 Hz

Sound Pressure Amplitude in Muffler at Frequency = 2000 Hz

Figure 529: Sound Pressure Amplitude Along the Central Z-axis at Frequency = 2000 Hz

Sound Pressure Amplitude Along the Central Z-axis at Frequency = 2000 Hz

Figure 530: Frequency Characteristics of Sound Pressure Amplitude at the Termination End

Frequency Characteristics of Sound Pressure Amplitude at the Termination End