
One Dimensional Terzaghi's Consolidation Problem with Permeability as Function of Depth


Reference: Wang, J.G., Liu, G.R., Wu, Y.G., "A point interpolation method for simulating dissipation process of consolidation", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190 (2001), pp. 5907-5922
Analysis Type(s): Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s): 2D 4-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure Element (CPT212)
Input Listing: vm295.dat

Test Case

The test case is to simulate a one-dimensional Terzaghi's problem with permeability as a function of the soil depth. A pressure P is applied on the top surface of the soil with depth H and width W. The top surface of the soil is fully permeable and the permeability decreases linearly with depth. The excess pore water pressure for 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 day is calculated and compared against the reference results obtained using the PIM method (Figure 5, pg. 5916).

Figure 519: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Material Properties Geometric PropertiesLoading
Young's modulus (E) = 4 x 107 Pa
Poisson's ratio () = 0.3
Permeability value at bottom of the soil (fpx) = 1.728 x 10-3 m/day
Permeability value at the top of the soil = 100 * fpx
Height (H) = 16 m
Width (W) = 1 m
Pressure (P) = 1 x 104 Pa

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The soil is modeled using 2D CPT212 elements with plane strain element behavior. The UX degree of freedom for all nodes is constrained and the UY degree of freedom at the bottom of the soil is constrained. The pressure degree of freedom at the top edge is constrained to make it fully permeable. Linearly varying permeability of the soil is defined using the TB,PM material model. Static analysis is performed with an end time of 86400 seconds (1 day) and with stepped pressure loading P on the top edge of the soil. The excess water pore pressure at depth H = 6 m is computed for 0.1 (8640 s), 0.2 (17280 s), 0.3 (25920 s), 0.4 (34560 s), and 0.5 days (43200 s) by interpolating the solution obtained at the nearest time points.

Results Comparison

Time (day) Target (kPa) Mechanical APDL Ratio