
Fourier Series Analysis of a Diode Rectified Circuit


Reference: Sedra, A.S., Smith, K.C., Microelectronic Circuits, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 1977
Analysis Type(s):
Element Type(s):
Electronic Circuit Elements (CIRCU124)
Diode Elements (CIRCU125)
Input Listing: vm294.dat

Test Case

Compute the Fourier series coefficients of the output voltages for three configurations of the following circuit: first with no capacity, as shown in Problem Sketch 1 in Figure 513: Diode Rectified Circuit Problem Sketch; second, with a capacitor C(2) of value 1 x 10-6 Farads, as shown in Problem Sketch 2; and third with a capacitor C(3) of value 10 x 10-6 Farads, as shown in Problem Sketch 2. In all three cases, the circuit is driven with a 60 Hz, 125 V AC power source and contains a 2500 resistor and an ideal diode as indicated.

Figure 513: Diode Rectified Circuit Problem Sketch

Diode Rectified Circuit Problem Sketch

Material Properties Loading
R1 = 2500 Ohm
C1 = 1 x 10-6 F
C2 = 10 x 10-6 F

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The diode is modeled with CIRCU125 elements, configured to behave as an ideal diode with zero forward resistance, infinite backward resistance, and a zero forward voltage threshold. The voltage source, resistor, and capacitor are modeled with CIRCU124 elements, the three different behaviors being achieved with different KEYOPT settings.

For each of the three circuits, Mechanical APDL is used to calculate the Fourier series coefficients, , , and in the following equation:

where is the period.

Calculatuon of the coefficients for the two circuits with the capacitor is significantly more involved than the first case without the capacitor.

Results Comparison

ResultTargetMechanical APDLRatio
Tau = 0A0/242.971842.98230.9998
Tau = 0.0025A0/250.789751.03940.9951
Tau = 0.025A0/2105.4741105.50130.9997

Figure 514: Low Voltage Waveform with No Capacitance

Low Voltage Waveform with No Capacitance

Figure 515: Output Potential for No Capacitor Circuit

Output Potential for No Capacitor Circuit

Figure 516: Vload with Capacitance 1 x 10-6

Vload with Capacitance 1 x 10-6

Figure 517: Output Potential with Capacitance 1 x 10-6

Output Potential with Capacitance 1 x 10-6

Figure 518: Output Potential with Capacitance 10 x 10-6

Output Potential with Capacitance 10 x 10-6