
T-Stress for a Crack in a Plate Using the CINT Command



Fett, T., Stress Intensity Factors, T-Stresses, Weight Functions, Institute of Ceramics in Mechanical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, 2008, pp. 151-152

Analysis Type(s):
Static Analysis (ANTYPE=0)
Element Type(s):
2D 8-Node Structural Solid Element (PLANE183)
3D 8-Node Structural Solid Element (SOLID185)
3D 20-Node Structural Solid Element (SOLID186)
Input Listing:vm279.dat

Test Case

A rectangular plate with a center crack is subjected to an end tensile stress σ as shown in Figure 279.1. Symmetry boundary conditions are considered and T-Stress is determined using the CINT command.

Figure 485: Two-Dimensional Fractural Problem Sketch

Two-Dimensional Fractural Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric Properties Loading
Young's Modulus (E) = 207000 MPa
Poisson's ratio (ν) = 0.3
a = 10 mm
a / W = 0.2
H / W = 0.75
Tensile stress (σ) = 100 MPa

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved using a 2D PLANE183 element with plane strain element behavior and 3D solid elements (SOLID185 and SOLID186). A one-quarter plate is modeled and symmetry boundary conditions are considered. The crack tip nodes and the number of paths surrounding the crack tip nodes are defined using the CINT command. The plate is subjected to a tensile stress and the T-Stress is computed for the crack tip nodes. In the 3D analysis, a plane strain condition is achieved by constraining UZ degrees of freedom of all nodes (displacement in the Z-direction). The crack front and the path surrounding the crack front are defined using the CINT command.

Results Comparison

AnalysisTargetMechanical APDLRatio
T-STRESS Using PLANE183 Elements (2D Analysis)-110.0000-110.76181.007
T-STRESS Using SOLID185 Elements (3D Analysis)-110.0000-110.47191.004
T-STRESS Using SOLID186 Elements (3D Analysis)-110.0000-110.51791.005