
Bending of a Reinforced Concrete Beam


Reference:S. Timoshenko, Strength of Material, Part I, Elementary Theory and Problems, 3rd Edition, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1955, pg. 221, article 48.
Analysis Type(s):Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
3D Reinforced Concrete Solid Elements (SOLID65)
3D Spar (or Truss) Elements (LINK180)
3D 2-Node Pipe Elements (PIPE288)
Input Listing:vm146.dat

Test Case

A concrete beam reinforced with steel rods (of cross-sectional area A) is subjected to a pure bending load M. Determine the depth of the crack δck from the bottom surface, the maximum tensile stress σt in the steel, and the maximum compressive stress σc in the concrete, assuming the cracking tensile strength of concrete σct to be zero.

Figure 202: Reinforced Concrete Beam Problem Sketch

Reinforced Concrete Beam Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Concrete (material 1)
E = 2 x 106 psi
σct = 0.0 psi
υ = 0.0
Steel (material 2)
E = 30 x 106 psi
υ = 0.3
b = 5 in
d = 6 in
A = 0.30 in2
M = 600 in-lb

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The bottom concrete element is lined with two spar elements to match the assumption given in the reference of discrete (rather than smeared) reinforcement. A zero Poisson's ratio and an infinite crushing strength are also assumed for the concrete to match the reference assumptions. An element width (in the X-direction) of 1.5 in. is arbitrarily selected. Constraint equations are used along the beam depth to conveniently apply the load and match the reference assumption that cross-sections remain plane. Dummy PIPE288 pipe elements are used to "line" the constraint equation region to provide the necessary rotational degrees of freedom at the nodes. Up to five substeps are specified with automatic load stepping to allow convergence of the crack nonlinearity.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Depthck, in3.49Between 3.32 - 4.18[1]-
Stresst, psi387.28387.25[2]1.000
Stressc, psi-18.54-18.49[3]0.997
  1. Five sets of integration points (each set consisting of 4 points parallel to the X-Z plane) below 3.49 in. crack open, including one set at 3.32 in. from the bottom. Three sets of integration points above 3.32 in. remain closed, including one set at 4.18 in. from the bottom. Note that the integration points are printed only if the element has cracked. A more exact comparison with theory could be obtained with more elements along the depth of the beam (and thus a closer spacing of integration points).

  2. Stresst = SAXL in the spars (elements 13 and 14).

  3. Stressc = SX in element 1 at nodes 9, 10, 19, or 20.