
Thin Plate with Central Heat Source


Reference: P. J. Schneider, Conduction Heat Transfer, 2nd Printing, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, MA, 1957, pg. 173, article 8-1.
Analysis Type(s): Thermal Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
4-Node Layered Thermal Shell Elements (SHELL131)
8-Node Layered Thermal Shell Elements (SHELL132)
Input Listing: vm103.dat

Test Case

Determine the temperature distribution in the thin infinite plate with a cylindrical heat source shown in the following table. The plate also gains heat on the top face from an ambient gas at a temperature TT and loses heat on the bottom face to an ambient gas at temperature TB. Assume that no temperature gradient exists through the thickness of the plate.

Figure 145: Thin Plate Problem Sketch

Thin Plate Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
k = 5 Btu/hr-ft-°F
hT = 30 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
hB = 20 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
t = 0.1 ft
ri = 0.1 ft
TT = 100°F
TB = 0°F
= 250,000 Btu/hr-ft3

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Since the problem is axisymmetric only a one-element sector is needed. A small angle Θ = 10° is used for approximating the circular boundary with a straight-sided element. The outer radius ro is arbitrarily selected at a point where the heat source should have negligible effect. Small elements are used adjacent to the heat source where the temperature gradient is the largest. Nodal coupling is used to ensure circumferential symmetry. Triangular and quadrilateral elements are used.

Results Comparison

Target[1]Mechanical APDLRatio
T, °F (at Node 1)226.3227.01.00
T, °F (at Node 2)103.2102.40.99
T, °F (at Node 3)73.873.61.00
T, °F (at Node 4)65.864.60.98
T, °F (at Node 5)62.861.60.98
T, °F (at Node 6)60.860.61.00
T, °F (at Node 7)
T, °F (at Node 8)
T, °F (at Node 9)173.1164.90.95
T, °F (at Node 10)130.7126.80.97
Target[1]Mechanical APDLRatio
T, °F (at Node 1)226.3234.81.04
T, °F (at Node 2)103.2107.21.04
T, °F (at Node 3)73.874.41.01
T, °F (at Node 4)65.8 64.70.98
T, °F (at Node 5)62.861.60.98
T, °F (at Node 6)60.860.61.00
T, °F (at Node 7)
T, °F (at Node 8)
T, °F (at Node 9)173.1170.50.98
T, °F (at Node 10)130.7131.71.01
  1. Based on graphical estimate