
Cylinder with Temperature Dependent Conductivity


Reference:P. J. Schneider, Conduction Heat Transfer, 2nd Printing, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, MA, 1957, pg. 166, article 7-9.
Analysis Type(s):Thermal Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):2D Thermal Solid Elements (PLANE55)
Input Listing:vm102.dat

Test Case

A long hollow cylinder is maintained at temperature Ti along its inner surface and To along its outer surface. The thermal conductivity of the cylinder material is known to vary with temperature according to the linear function k(T) = C0 + C1 T. Determine the temperature distribution in the cylinder for two cases:

  • k = constant, (i.e. C1 = 0)

  • k = k (T).

Figure 144: Cylinder Problem Sketch

Cylinder Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
C0 = 50 Btu/hr-ft-°F
C1 = 0.5 Btu/hr-ft-°F2
ri = 1/2 in = (1/24) ft
ro = 1 in = (1/12) ft
Ti = 100°F
To = 0°F

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The axial length of the model is arbitrarily chosen to be 0.01 ft. Note that axial symmetry is automatically ensured by the adiabatic radial boundaries. The problem is solved in two load steps. The first load step uses the constant k. The MP command is reissued in the second load step to specify a temperature-dependent k.

Results Comparison

Target[1]Mechanical APDLRatio
T, °F

(k = constant);

first load step

Node 273.873.71.000
Node 351.551.51.000
Node 432.232.21.000
Node 515.315.20.99
T, °F

(k = k(T));

second load step

Node 359.659.51.000
Node 440.240.21.000
Node 520.820.70.99
  1. Based on a numerical relaxation method.