Reynolds equations known from lubrication technology and theory of rarified gas physics are the theoretical background to analyze fluid-structure interactions of microstructures (Blech([335]), Griffin([336]), Langlois([337])). FLUID136 and FLUID138 can be applied to structures where a small gap between two plates opens and closes with respect to time. This happens in the case of accelerometers where the seismic mass moves perpendicular to a fixed wall, in micromirror displays where the mirror plate tilts around a horizontal axis, and for clamped beams such as RF filters where a flexible structure moves with respect to a fixed wall. Other examples are published in literature (Mehner([338])).
FLUID136 and FLUID138 can be used to determine the fluidic response for given wall velocities. Both elements allow for static, harmonic and transient types of analyses. Static analyses can be used to compute damping parameter for low driving frequencies (compression effects are neglected). Harmonic analysis can be used to compute damping and squeeze effects at the higher frequencies. Transient analysis can be used for non-harmonic load functions. Both elements assume isothermal viscous flow.
FLUID136 is used to model the thin-film fluid behavior between flat surfaces and is based on the generalized nonlinear Reynolds equation known from lubrication theory.
(7–1) |
d = local gap separation |
ρ = density |
t = time |
η = dynamic viscosity |
Pabs = absolute pressure |
Assuming an ideal gas:
(7–2) |
R = gas constant |
T = temperature |
Substituting Equation 7–2 into Equation 7–1 gives:
(7–3) |
After substituting ambient pressure plus the pressure for the absolute pressure (Pabs = P0 + P) this equation becomes:
(7–4) |
Equation 7–4 is valid for large displacements and large pressure changes (KEYOPT(4) = 1). Pressure and velocity degrees of freedom must be activated (KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2).
For small pressure changes (P/P0 << 1), Equation 7–4 becomes:
(7–5) |
where νz = wall velocity in the normal direction. That is:
(7–6) |
Equation 7–5 is valid for large displacements and small pressure changes (KEYOPT(4) = 0). Pressure and velocity degrees of freedom must be activated (KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2).
For small displacements (d/d0 << 1) and small pressure changes (P/P0 << 1), Equation 7–5 becomes:
(7–7) |
do = nominal gap. |
This equation applies when pressure is the only degree of freedom (KEYOPT(3) = 0).
For incompressible flows (ρ is constant), the generalized nonlinear Reynolds equation (Equation 7–1) reduces to:
(7–8) |
This equation applies for incompressible flow (KEYOPT(4) = 2). Pressure and velocity degrees of freedom must be activated (KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2).
Reynolds squeeze film equations are restricted to structures with lateral dimensions much larger than the gap separation. Futhermore, viscous friction may not cause a significant temperature change. Continuum theory (KEYOPT(1) = 0) is valid for Knudsen numbers smaller than 0.01.
The Knudsen number Kn of the squeeze film problem can be estimated by:
(7–9) |
Lo = mean free path length of the fluid |
Pref = reference pressure for the mean free path Lo |
Pabs = Po + P |
For small pressure changes, Pabs is approximately equal to P0 and the Knudsen number can be estimated by:
(7–10) |
For systems that operate at Knudsen numbers <0.01, the continuum theory is valid (KEYOPT(1) = 0). The effective viscosity ηeff is then equal to the dynamic viscosity η.
For systems which operate at higher Knudsen numbers (KEYOPT(1) = 1), an effective viscosity ηeff considers slip flow boundary conditions and models derived from Boltzmann equation. This assumption holds for Knudsen numbers up to 880 (Veijola([339])):
(7–11) |
For micromachined surfaces, specular reflection decreases the effective viscosity at high Knudsen numbers compared to diffuse reflection. Surface accommodation factors, α, distinguish between diffuse reflection (α = 1), specular reflection (α = 0), and molecular reflection (0 < α < 1) of the molecules at the walls of the squeeze film. Typical accommodation factors for silicon are reported between 0.8 and 0.9, those of metal surfaces are almost 1. Different accommodation factors can be specified for each wall by using α 1 and α 2 (input as A1 and A2 on R command). α 1 is the coefficient associated with the top moving surface and α 2 is the coefficient associated with the bottom metallic surface. Results for high Knudsen numbers with accommodation factors (KEYOPT(1) =2) are not expected to be the same as those for high Knudsen numbers without accommodation factors (KEYOPT(1) =1).
The effective viscosity equations for high Knudsen numbers are based on empirical correlations. Fit functions for the effective viscosity of micromachined surfaces are found in Veijola([339]). The effective viscosity is given by the following equation if α 1 = α 2:
(7–12) |
and by the following equation if α 1 ≠α 2:
(7–13) |
where D is the inverse Knudsen number:
and Q1, Q2, and Q3 are Poiseuille flow rate coefficients:
for p = 1, 2, or 3.
If both surfaces are the same (α 1 = α 2), the Poiseuille flow rate coefficient is given by:
If the bottom fixed plate is metallic (α 2 = 1) and the top moving plate is not metallic (α 1 ≠1), the Poiseuille flow rate coefficient is given by:
The general solution valid for arbitrary α 1 and α 2 is a simple linear combination of Q1 and Q2:
FLUID138 can be used to model the fluid flow though short circular and rectangular channels of micrometer size. The element assumes isothermal viscous flow at low Reynolds numbers, the channel length to be small compared to the acoustic wave length, and a small pressure drop with respect to ambient pressure.
In contrast to FLUID116, FLUID138 considers gas rarefaction, is more accurate for channels of rectangular cross sections, allows channel dimensions to be small compared to the mean free path, allows evacuated systems, and considers fringe effects at the inlet and outlet which considerably increase the damping force in case of short channel length. FLUID138 can be used to model the stiffening and damping effects of fluid flow in channels of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).
Using continuum theory (KEYOPT(1) = 0) the flow rate Q of channels with circular cross-section (KEYOPT(3) = 0) is given by the Hagen-Poiseuille equation:
(7–14) |
Q = flow rate in units of volume/time |
r = radius |
lc = channel length |
A = cross-sectional area |
ΔP = pressure difference along channel length |
This assumption holds for low Reynolds numbers (Re < 2300), for l >> r and r >> Lm where Lm is the mean free path at the current pressure.
(7–15) |
In case of rectangular cross sections (KEYOPT(3) = 1) the channel resistance depends on the aspect ratio of channel. The flow rate is defined by:
(7–16) |
rh = hydraulic radius (defined below) |
A = true cross-sectional area (not that corresponding to the hydraulic radius) |
χ = so-called friction factor (defined below) |
The hydraulic radius is defined by:
(7–17) |
and the friction factor χ is approximated by:
(7–18) |
H = height of channel |
W = width of channel (must be greater than H) |
n = H/W |
A special treatment is necessary to consider high Knudsen numbers and short channel length (KEYOPT(1) = 1) (Sharipov([340])).