8.10. Input Files

The following input files are used in this problem:

  • nuclear_piping_system.dat -- Combined input file for performing the modal and static analyses of the nuclear piping system.

  • input_file_for_time_varying_displacement_boundary_conditions.dat -- The input file for the time-varying-displacement boundary conditions.

  • modal_analysis_whole_nuclear_piping_system.cdb -- The common database file for the modal analysis on the entire piping system.

  • static_analysis_elbow_model_with_ELBOW290.cdb -- The common database file for the nonlinear static analysis of the elbow model using the ELBOW290 element.

  • static_analysis_elbow_model_with_SHELL281.cdb -- The common database file for the nonlinear static analysis of the elbow model using the SHELL281 element.