45.11. Input Files

The following files are used in this problem:

CFX Pressure Data:
  • CFX_ExportResults_FT_10P_EO2.csv – The common unsteady flow pressure data in .csv format, exported from CFX.

Cyclic-Sector Model:
  • sector_FE_model.dat – The common input file for the cyclic-sector model of the rotor fan blade.

  • cyc_modal_analysis.dat – Input file for the cyclic symmetry modal analysis of the rotor fan blade.

  • cyc_pre_modal_analysis.dat – Input file for the cyclic symmetry nonlinear prestressed perturbed modal analysis of the rotor fan blade.

  • cyc_pre_tun_resp_analysis.dat – Input file for the cyclic symmetry nonlinear prestressed perturbed mode-superposition harmonic (tuned response) analysis of the rotor fan blade.

  • cyc_pre_mis_resp_analysis.dat – Input file for the cyclic symmetry nonlinear prestressed perturbed mode-superposition harmonic (mistuned response) analysis of the rotor fan blade.

Full 360° Model:
  • full_360_FE_model.dat – The common input file for the full model analysis of the rotor fan blade.

  • full_360_FE_model_mist.dat – The common input file for the full model analysis of the mistuned rotor fan blade.

  • full_modal_analysis.dat – Input file for the modal analysis of the full model rotor fan blade.

  • full_pre_modal_analysis.dat – Input file for the nonlinear prestressed perturbed modal analysis of the full model rotor fan blade.

  • full_pre_tun_resp_analysis.dat – Input file for the nonlinear prestressed perturbed mode-superposition harmonic (tuned response) analysis of the full model rotor fan blade.

  • full_pre_mis_resp_analysis.dat – Input file for the nonlinear prestressed perturbed mode-superposition harmonic (mistuned response) analysis of the full model rotor fan blade.