49.4. Material Properties

The concrete material is defined using a modified Drucker-Prager material model (TB,CONCR,,,,DP) or a Menetrey-Willam material model (TB,CONCR,,,,MW).

Exponential softening (TB,CONCR,,,,HSD2) is used with either concrete material model.

The reinforcing material uses a bilinear kinematic hardening model.

Material Properties for Concrete Material Models
DP [a] MW [b]
Young's Modulus (GPa)30 30
Poisson's Ratio0.20.2
Density (Kgm-3)2500 2500
Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa)2828
Biaxial compressive strength (MPa)33.633.6
Uniaxial tensile strength (MPa)2.22.2
Dilatancy factor in tension0.25--
Dilatancy factor in compression1--
Dilatancy angle (°)--20
Plastic strain at uniaxial compressive strength0.00133--
Plastic strain at transition from power law to exponential softening0.00293--
Relative stress level at start of nonlinear hardening0.33--
Residual relative stress level at transition from power law to exponential softening0.85--
Residual compressive relative stress0.2--
Mode I area-specific fracture energy (J/m²)100--
Residual tensile relative stress0.1--

[a] Drucker-Prager material model.

[b] Menetrey-Willam material model.

Material Properties for Reinforcing Steel
Young's Modulus (GPa)200
Poisson's Ratio 0.3
Density (Kgm-3)7820
Tensile strength (MPa)500
Tangent modulus (MPa)1740