19.8. Recommendations

To perform a similar transient dynamic analysis of a multibody system, consider the following hints and recommendations:

  • Ensure that the motion and behavior of the model is kinematically consistent by modeling all parts as rigid bodies connected to each other by joints. You can use the rigid dynamics solver (available in Ansys Mechanical) to do so.

  • Relax overconstraints due to joints by selecting joints of similar behavior. Use a spherical or cylindrical joint instead of a revolute joint if some constraints are deemed unnecessary.

  • When modeling flexible parts, build the model incrementally and verify that the motion and behavior are consistent with expected behavior.

  • Use full modeling of the parts only when detailed information about the stress and deformation fields is required.

  • For reduced run times, model the flexible parts as CMS superelements whenever possible.

For additional recommendations, see Troubleshooting a Flexible Multibody Analysis in the Multibody Analysis Guide.