19.6. Analysis and Solution Controls

Two nonlinear transient dynamic analyses (ANTYPE,TRANS) are performed on the digger-arm assembly.

Finite-deformation and large-rotation effects are included in the analysis (NLGEOM).

An analysis is performed for each of the following cases:

  • The connecting rods are modeled as flexible with SOLID185 elements.

  • The flexible connecting rods are now modeled as CMS superelements.

In general, automatic time-stepping schemes are preferred over fixed-time stepping schemes, as the program is allowed to cut back when the problem does not converge; when the convergence rate is good, larger time increments are used to achieve faster convergence. For this problem, however, fixed time-stepping with a time increment of 0.2 seconds is used so that the results at additional time points can be captured. Three load steps, each having a 10-second duration, are used, for a total analysis time of 30 seconds.

A default numerical damping of 0.1 is set (TINTP), and the HHT time-integration method is selected (TRNOPT).

The following example input performs the essential tasks in the analysis process:

antype,4                   ! transient analysis
nlgeom,on                  ! activate large-deformation effects
trnopt,full,,,,,hht        ! HHT time-integration method
tintp,0.1                  ! numerical damping
autots,off                 ! automatic time-stepping disabled
deltim,0.1,0.1,0.1         ! set time increments
time,10.                   ! set total time
timint,on                  ! activate time-integration effects
outres,all,all             ! output all results at all time points
solve                      ! solve for 1st load step
time, 20.                  
solve                      ! solve for 2nd load step
time, 30.
solve                      ! solve for 3rd load step