70.8. Recommendations

When setting up a crack-initiation and -propagation simulation using the SMART method, consider the following hints and recommendations:

  • Select the node component for the crack-initiation with caution. Selecting an inappropriate initiation zone can introduce errors in the crack-initiation location and orientation. It may be necessary to run several analyses to gain more insight into identifying at-risk zone shifts during simulations. For example, it may be necessary to identify the region of high-stress concentration in the first run, then to simulate crack-initiation in a subsequent second run.

  • You can input a user-defined location and orientations for the new crack via ADPCI, GEOM.

  • Precise settings for mesh size, crack-growth length, and other parameters improve model stability, especially when the model has complicated geometries and loads.

  • If you one load step scheme instead of the two-load-step method described for this problem, a finer mesh around crack fronts in the original model is necessary.